Science Form 4 Yearly Lesson Plan 2013: SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya

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Week Learning area and learning objective 1.1 Scientific investigation method Steps in method of scientific investigation Importance of method of scientific investigation Learning activity Activity 1.1 Discussion on steps in method of scientific investigation Activity 1.2 Think of ways to control the variables Experiment 1.3 Carry out inquiry experiment to study the method of scientific investigation 1.2 Scientific attitudes and noble values when carrying out scientific investigations Scientific attitudes and noble values practiced when carrying out scientific investigations Activity 1.4 Discussion on scientific attitudes and noble values Learning outcomes A student is able to : Explain the step in scientific investigation Carry out a scientific investigation Write a report on a scientific investigation Explain the importance of scientific investigation TSTS Sequencin SPS Making inferences Making hypotheses Controll ing variables Scientific attitudes and noble values Havin g critical and analytical thinking

1 [2/1-4/1]

A student is able to : Identify scientific attitudes and noble values practiced by scientists Explain the need to practice scientific attitudes and noble values when carrying out a scientific investigation Practise scientific attitudes and noble values when carrying out a scientific investigation A student is able to : Describe what body coordination is Identify the body systems that control and regulate coordination State the importance of body coordination

Generating ideas

Being cooperative Daring to try Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data Being thankful to God

2 [7/1-11/1]

2.1Body Coordination Body systems that control and regulate coordination Importance of body coordination

Activity 2.1 Discussion on body coordination

Attributing Generatin g ideas

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


2.2 Human nervous system Component parts of the human nervous system Neurones and its function Activity 2.2 Research on human nervous system Activity 2.3 Discussion on neurones Activity 2.4 Think activity on comparing sensory neurone, relay neurone and motor neurone A student is able to : Identify the component parts of the human nervous system State the function of each component part of the nervous system State what neurone is Identify the parts of a neurone State the function of each part of the neurone Identify the different types of neurone State the fuction of each type of neurone Compare and contrast the different types of neurone A student is able to : State what receptors and effectors are State the functions of receptors and effectors Explain with examples what a reflex action is Describe a reflex arc Illustrate the path taken by an impulse in the reflex arc A student is able to : Explain what proprioceptors are Explain the importance of proprioceptors. A student is able to : Identify the main parts of the human brain State the functions of each main part of the Attributing Generatin g ideas Comparin g and contrasting Being thankful to God

2 [7/1-11/1]

3 [14/1-18/1]

2.3 Nervous coordination Receptors and effectors Reflex action and reflex arc

Experiment 2.5 Inquiry experiment carried out to study the reflex action (I) Experiment 2.6 Inquiry experiment carried out to study the reflex action (II) Activity 2.7 Discussion on reflex arc and reflex action Experiment 2.8 Inquiry experiment carried out to study the kinaesthetic sense

Attributing Relating Sequencin g Generatin g ideas

Being thankful to God

2.4 Proprioceptors Proprioceptors and its importance

4 [21/1-25/1] (24/1- Maulidur Rasul)

2.5 Human brain and its complexity Main parts and functions of human brain

Activity 2.9 Discussion on human brain Activity 2.10 Think activity on voluntary and

Attributing Relating Generatin g ideas Comparin g and contrasting Generatin g ideas Relating

Being thankful to God

Being thankful to God

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


Voluntary and involuntary actions involuntary actions human brain Explain what voluntary action is Give examples of voluntary action Explain what involuntary action is Give examples of involuntary action Explain the effects of injuries to specific parts of the human brain A student is able to : Describe what a hormone is Describe what endocrine glands are State the functions of hormones secreted by the endocrine glands Describe the effects of hormonal imbalance on health A student is able to : Compare and contrast nervous coordination with hormonal coordination Explain with examples the coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in response to a specific stimulus Explain the importance of coordination between the nervous system and the endocrine system in response to a specific stimulus A student is able to : Define what drugs are

5 [28/1-1/2]

2.6 Hormonal coordination in the body Hormone and endocrine glands Functions of hormones secreted by the endocrine glands Effects of hormonal imbalance on health 2.7 Coordination between nervous system and the endocrine system Importance of coordination between nervous system and the endocrine system in response to a specific stimulus

Activity 2.11 Research on human endocrine system

Generatin g ideas Relating Predicting Relating

Predicti ng

Being thankful to God

5 [28/1-1/2]

Activity 2.12 Discussion on the comparison between nervous coordination and hormonal coordination

Comparing and contrasting Generating ideas

Being thankful to God

2.8 Effects of a drug abuse on body

Activity 2.13 Discussion on drugs

Generatin g ideas

Appre ciating and

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


[4/2-8/2] coordination and health Examples of drugs Drug abuse and its effects on body coordination and health Activity 2.14 Simulation activity carried out on Stay away from drugs List examples of drugs Explain what drug abuse is Describe the effects of drug abuse on body coordination Describe the effects of drug abuse on health A student is able to ; List example of alcoholic drinks Describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcoholic on body coordination Describe the effects of excessive consumption of alcoholic on health Justify the importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol Relating practising clean and healthy living

6 [4/2-8/2]

2.9 Effects of a excessive consumption of alcohol on body coordination and health Examples of alcoholic drinks Alcohol and its effects on body coordination and health Importance of avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol

Activity 2.15 Discussion on alcoholic drinks

Generatin g ideas Relating

Appre ciating and practising clean and healthy living

10/2-12/2 CHINESE NEW YEAR 2.10Sound and healthy mind Mind and factors that affect mind 7 [13/2-15/2] Activity 2.16 Research on mind and factors influence it A student is able to : State what mind is Identify factors that affect the mind Explain how substance abuse can affect the mind Justify the importance of a healthy and sound mind A student is able to : State what genes , deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and chromosomes are Describe the Generatin g ideas Relating Appre ciating and practising clean and healthy living

7 [13/2-15/2]

3.1 Cell division Genes, deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and chromosomes

Activity 3.1 Research on gene, DNA and chromosome

Sequencin g

Comparin g and contrasting Relating

Being thankful to God

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


relationship between gene, DNA and chromosome Students will be able to: State what mitosis is State what meiosis is Describe the process of mitosis Describe the process if meiosis Compare and contrast mitosis with meiosis Explain the importance of mitosis and meiosis A student is a able to : Explain what dominant genes and recessive genes are Identify dominant traits and recessive traits in human Illustrate the mechanism of inheritance of traits using schematic diagram Predict the genotype and phenotype ratios of a monohybrid cross

8 [18/2-22/2]

Mitosis and meiosis

Experiment 3.2 Inquiry experiment carried out to study the stages of mitosis Activity 3.3 Research on stages of meiosis Activity 3.4 Research on the comparison between mitosis and meiosis

Sequencin g

Comparin g and contrasting Relating

Being thankful to God

9 [25/2-1/3]

3.2 The principles and mechanism of inheritance Dominant genes and recessive genes Dominant traits and recessive traits Mechanism of inheritance of traits Genotype and phenotype ratios of a monohybrid cross

Activity 3.5 Research on traits determination by dominant and recessive genes Activity 3.6 Simulation activity carried out to study the genetically inherited traits Activity 3.7 Think activity on inheritance mechanism in humans Experiment 3.17 Inquiry experiment carried out to study the discontinuous variation Activity 3.18 Discussion on the factors determining variation and their importance Activity 3.19 Building a concept map Activity 3.8 Discussion on sex chromosomes

Relating Synthesisi ng Making analogies

Observi ng

Being thankful to God

10 [4/3-8/3]

3.3 Sex determination and the occurrence of twins in human beings

A student is able to : Explain what sex chromosomes are Explain how sex is

Comparin g and contrasting Generatin g ideas

Being thankful to God

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


Sex chromosomes Determination of sex Identical and nonidentical twins Activity 3.9 Think activity on gender determination mechanism Activity 3.10 Research on the formation of identical and non-identical twins determined Explain the formation of identical and nonidentical twins Compare and contrast identical with nonidentical twins Explain what Siamese twins arE A student is able to ; State what mutation is State the types of mutation List examples of mutation Identify causes of mutation State the advantages and disadvantages of mutation A student is able to : List the contributions of genetic research in various fields Explain selective breeding in plants and livestock State the importance of selective breeding in plants and livestock Describe the technology used for selective breeding Present arguments for and against genetic research MARCH MONTHLY TEST Relating

11 [11/3-15/3]

3.4 Mutation Type of mutation Factors that causes mutation Advantages and disadvantages of mutation

Activity 3.11 Reseach on mutation Activity 3.12 Research on sex inherited disease

Detecting bias Evaluating Generatin g ideas

Being thankful to God

11 [11/3-15/3]

3.5 Effects of genetic research on human life Contributions of genetic research in various fields Selective breeding in plants and livestock Present arguments for and against genetic research

Activity 3.13 A visit to be carried out on genetic research Activity 3.14 Research on genetic research

Evaluating Detecting bias

Appre ciating the contribution of science and technology

12 [18/3-22/3]

23/3-31/3 MIDTERM 1 BREAK

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


3.6 Variation among living things Types of variation; continuous and discontinuous variation Factors that cause variation Importance of variation Activity 3.15 Discussion on variation Experiment 3.16 Inquiry experiment carried out to study the continuous variation Experiment 3.17 Inquiry experiment carried out to study the discontinuous variation Activity 3.18 Discussion on the factors determining variation and their importance Activity 3.19 Building a concept map Activity 4.1 Think activity on changes in heat and changes in states of matter Activity 4.2 Inquiry experiment on changes in state of matter Activity 4.3 Discussion on changes in states of matter A student is able to ; State what variation is List variation in humans Classify variation into continuous and discontinuous variation Identify factors that cause variation Explain Comparin g and contrasting Generatin g ideas Attributing Grouping and classifying Interpre ting data Classify ing Havin g critical and analytical thinking

13 [1/4-5/4]

14 [8/4-12/4]

15 [15/4-19/4]

4.1 Changes in the states of matter Kinetic theory of matter Relate changes in heat to changes in kinetic energy of the particles in matter Interconversion of the three states of matter based on the kinetic theory of matter 4.2 Structure of the atom Subatomic particles

Activity 4.4 Discussion subatomic particles and their differences

16 [22/4-26/4]

4.3 Proton number and nucleon number in atoms of elements

Activity 4.5 Research on proton number and nucleon number

A student is able to : Explain the kinetic theory of matter Relate changes in heat to changes in kinetic energy of the particles in matter Explain the interconversion of the three states of matter based on the kinetic theory of matter A student is able to : Describe the structure of an atom Identify the subatomic particles Compare and contrast the subatomic particles A student is able to : State what proton number is

Relating Attributing Synthesisi ng

Realisi ng that science is a means to understand nature

Comparin g and contrasting Sequencin g Attributing Relating Making generalisations Relating

Realisi ng that science is a means to understand nature

Havin g critical and analytical

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


Proton number and nucleon number Number of protons, neutrons and electrons Isotopes Activity 4.6 Think activity on constructing a table regarding proton number and nucleon number Activity 4.7 Think activity on isotopes State what nucleon number is Relate the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in an atom to its proton number and nucleon number Deduce the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in atom of different elements Make a generalization on the numbers in atom of different elements State what isotopes are Give example of isotopes A student is able to : Describe the arrangement of elements in the Periodic table Describe what is meant by groups and periods in the Periodic Table Identify the locations of metals, non- metals and semimetals in the Periodic table State the importance of the Periodic Table A student is able to : Describe what atoms , molecules and ions are Identify the particles in substances as atoms , molecules and ions State examples of substances made of atoms, molecules and ions Compare and contrast substance that are made of atoms, molecules and Problem solving Synthesisi ng thinking

17 [29/4-3/5] 1 Mei Hari Pekerja

4.4 Classification of elements in the Periodic Table Arrangement of elements in the Periodic Table Groups and periods Location of metals, non-metals and semimetals Importance of the Periodic Table 4.5 Properties of substances based on the particles present in them Atoms, molecules and ions Substances made of atoms, molecules and ions Relate the physical properties of substance to the arrangement of

Activity 4.8 Discussion on the Periodic Table

Attributing Relating

Realisi ng that science is a means to understand nature

17 [29/4-3/5] 1 Mei Hari Pekerja

Activity 4.9 Discussion on the classification of substances based on the type of particles Experiment 4.10 Experiment carried out to study the physical properties of substances made of atoms, molecules and ions Activity 4.11 Discussion on the different properties of substances

Comparin g and contrasting Relating Grouping and classifying Making hypotheses

Observi ng Classify ing

Being cooperative

Experi menting Making inferences Controll ing variables Making hypotheses

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


particles and the forces of attraction between them made of atoms, molecules and ions Activity 4.12 Think activity on the relation of arrangement of particles and the forces of attraction between the particles to their properties Experiment 4.13 Experiment carried out to study the physical properties of metals and non-metals Activity 4.14 Think activity on the comparison of physical properties of metals and nonmetals Activity 4.15 Discussion on the uses of metals and non-metals Activity 4.16 Project carried out to study the source of raw material (metal) 19 & 20 [13/5-23/5] MIDYEAR EXAMINATION 16 Mei Hari Guru 24/5-9/6 MIDYEAR HOLIDAYS 21 [10/6-14/6] 4.7 Methods of purifying substances Characteristics of pure substances Different methods of Experiment 4.17 Experiment carried out to study the effect of impurities on the boiling point of pure liquid A student is able to : State the characteristics of pure substances Describe Attributing Relating Generatin g ideas Making Observi ng Being cooperative ions based on their physical properties Relate the physical properties pf substances made up of atoms, molecules and ions to the arrangement of particles and the forces of attraction between them. A student is able to : List examples of metals and non- metals List the properties of metals and non- metals List the uses of metals and non- metals in daily life Compare and contrast metals and non-metals based on their physical properties Relate the physical properties of metals and non-metals to their uses in daily life

18 [6/5-10/5]

4.6 Metals and nonmetals Properties of metals and non-metals Uses of metals and non-metals Relate the physical properties of metals and non-metals to their uses in daily life

Attributing Observi ng Comparin g and contrasting Experi menting Relating Making Making inferences hypotheses Controll ing variables Making hypotheses

Being cooperative Appre ciating the contribution of science and technology

Experi menting Making

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


purification of substances Relate the characteristics of substances to the method of purification used Methods of purification used to produce substances used in daily life 5.1 Physical and chemical changes Physical and chemical changes and the examples in daily life Experiment 4.18 Experiment carried out to study the method of distillation for mixed liquid Experiment 4.19 Experiment carried out to study the purification method for saturated solution of common salt Activity 4.20 Building a concept map Activity 5.1 Think activity on the physical and chemical changes Activity 5.2 Research on physical and chemical changes Experiment 5.3 Inquiry experiment carried out to study the physical and chemical changes the different methods of inferences purification of substances Making Relate the decisions characteristics of Making substance to the methods generalisations of purification used to produce substance used in daily life inferences Controll ing variables Making hypotheses

22 [17/6-21/6]

22 [17/6-21/6]

5.2 Heat change in chemical reactions Chemical reaction involving heat change Reactions involving heat loss and heat gain Exothermic and endothermic reactions Heat changes that occur during industrial chemical reactions

Experiment 5.4 Experiment carried out to study the exothermic and endothermic reactions

A student is able to : Explain what physical change is Explain what chemical change is Give examples of physical changes in daily life Give example of chemical changes in daily life Compare and contrast physical changes and chemical changes A student is able to: State that chemical reactions involve heat change Identify reactions involving heat loss Identify reactions involving heat gain Relate changes in temperature of reactants to exothermic reactions Relate the changes in temperature of reactants to endothermic reactions Explain through examples heat changes that occur during industrial chemical reactions

Comparing and contrasting Attributing Generating ideas


Being cooperative Having critical and analytical thinking

Attributing Relating Generatin g ideas Making inferences Making decisions Making generalisations Sequencin g Comparin g and contrasting Synthesisi ng

Observi ng

Being cooperative

Experi menting Making inferences Controll ing variables Making hypotheses

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


23 [24/6-28/6] 5.3 Reactivity series of metals Reactivity of metals with water, acids and oxygen Arrangement of metals in order of reactivity Position of carbon in the reacitivity series Experiment 5.5 Experiment carried out to study the reactions between metals with water Experiment 5.6 Experiment carried out to study the reactions between metals with acids Experiment 5.7 Experiment carried out to study the reactions between metals with oxygen Activity 5.8 Research on reactivity series of metals Experiment 5.9 Experiment carried out to study the position of carbon in the reactivity series of metals Activity 5.10 Simulation activity carried out on metal extraction processes Activity 5.11 Discussion on the application of reactivity series of metals in metal extraction A student is able to : Describe the reactivity of metals with water Describe the reactivity of metals with acids Describe the reactivity of metals with oxygen Compare and contrast the reactivity of metals with water, acids and oxygen Arrange metals in order of reactivity Construct the reactivity series of metals based on reactivity of metals with oxygen Identify the position of carbon in the reactivity series A student is able to : Relate the position of metals in the reactivity series to the method of extraction of metals from their ores Explain with examples the process of extraction of a metal from its ore using carbon State the importance of the reactivity series A student is able to : State what electrolysis is State what anode, cathode, anion, cation and electrolyte are Describe the electrolysis of an electrolyte using carbon Comparin g and contrasting Generatin g ideas Being cooperative Appre ciating the contribution of science and technology

24 [1/7-5/7]

25 [8/7-12/7]

5.4 Concepts of reactivity series of metals Relate the position of metals in the reactivity series to the method of extraction of metals from their ores Process of extraction of metals from its ore using carbon Importance of the reactivity series 5.5 Electrolysis Anode, cathode, anion, cation and electrolyte Electrolysis using carbon electrodes Uses of electrolysis in industry

Generatin g ideas Relating

Observi ng

Appre ciating the contribution of science and technology

Activity 5.12 Discussion of metal extraction using electrolysis Experiment 5.13 Experiment carried out to study the electrolysis of molten lead(II) bromide

Attributing Relating Generatin g ideas Making inferences Synthesisi ng

Being cooperative Experi Appre menting ciating the contribution of Making science and inferences technology Controll ing variables Making ng


SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


Experiment 5.14 Experiment carried out to study the process of electroplating metal objects using electrolysis Experiment 5.15 Experiment carried out on simple cell Activity 5.16 Research on chemical cells electrodes Explain the uses of electrolysis in industry Comparin g and contrasting Detecting bias Evaluating Generatin g ideas hypotheses

26 [15/7-19/7]

5.6 Production of electrical energy from chemical reactions Generation of electrical energy using simple cell Various types of cells and their uses Advantages and disadvantages of various types of cells

A student is able to : Describe how a simple cell works List the various types of cells and their uses State the advantages and disadvantages of various types of cells

Appre ciating the contribution of science and technology

27 [22/7-25/7] 28 [29/7-2/8] 5.7 Chemical reactions that occur in the presence of light Chemical reactions which require light Effect of light on photosensitive chemicals Storage of certain chemicals in dark bottles Experiment 5.17 Experiment carried out to study the effect of light on chemical reactions Activity 5.18 Think activity on the effect of light on chemicals and methods of storage Activity 5.19 Project carried out to study the uses of chemical reactions as an energy source and the effect of disposing chemical cell to the environment Activity 5.20 Building a concept map Activity 6.1 Discussion on radioactive substances and radioactive radiations

JULY MONTHLY TEST A student is able to : Give example of chemical reactions which require light Explain the effect of light on photosensitive chemicals Explain why certain chemicals are stored in dark bottles Attributing Relating Generatin g ideas Making inferences Synthesisi ng Being cooperative Experi Appre menting ciating the contribution of Making science and inferences technology Controll Realisi ing variables ng that Making science is a hypotheses means to understand nature ng Observi

29 [5/8-6/8]

6.1 Radioactive substances Radioactive substances and the

A student is able to : State what radioactive substances are Give examples of

Comparin g and contrasting Making inferences

Appre ciating the contribution of science

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


process of radioactive decay Radioactive radiations Radioisotopes Activity 6.2 Research on radioactive substances radioactive substances Describe the process of radioactive decay Name the three types of each type of radiations Describe the characteristics of each type of radioactive radiation Compare and contrast radioactive radiations Explain what radioisotopes are Give examples of radioisotopes Explain the uses of radioactive substances and technology

7/8-18/8 MIDTERM 2 BREAK 7/8-8/8 HARI RAYA AILDILFITRI 30 [19/8-23/8] 6.2 Production of nuclear energy and its uses Production of energy through nuclear fission and fusion Uses of nuclear energy Process of generating electricity from nuclear energy Activity 6.3 Research on the production of nuclear energy Activity 6.4 Discussion on uses of nuclear energy and the process of generating electricity from nuclear energy A student is able to : Describe the production of nuclear energy through fission Describe the production of nuclear energy through fusion Sate the uses of nuclear energy Describe the process of generating electricity from nuclear energy Explain the effects of nuclear energy production A student is able to : State the effects of radioactive radiations on living things Describe the correct way of handling radioactive Generatin g ideas Relating Synthesisi ng Appre ciating the contribution of science and technology

31 [26/8-30/8]

6.3 Awareness of the need for proper handling of radioactive substances Effects of radioactive

Activity 6.5 Research on the effects of radioactive substances on living things

Generating ideas Relating Evaluating Detecting bias

Being responsible about the safety of oneself, others and

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


radiations on living things Proper handling of radioactive substances and radioactive waste 7.1 Addition and subtraction of coloured lights Primary and secondary colours Addition of primary colours to produce secondary colours Subtraction of colours by coloured filters substances and radioactive waste explain the need fro proper handling of radioactive substances and radioactive waste A student is able to : Identify primary and secondary colours Explain how addition of primary colours produces secondary colours Explain the subtraction of colours by coloured filters the environment

32 [2/9-6/9]

Activity 7.17 Think activity on primary and secondary colours Experiment 7.18 Experiment carried out to study the addition of primary colours to form secondary colours Experiment 7.19 Experiment carried out to study the subtraction of light by coloured filters Activity 7.20 Think activity on effects of light subtraction Activity 7.21 Discussion on the principle of subtraction of coloured light of objects Activity 7.22 Think activity on apprearance of coloured objects Activity 7.23 Research on the functions of rod and cone cells in the eye

Synthesis ing Attributin g Analysing Relating Making conclusions

Observi ng

Experi menting Making inferences Controll ing variables Making hypotheses

Being cooperative Reali sing that science is a means to understand nature

33 [9/9-13/9]

34 [16/9-20/9] 19 September

7.2 Principle of subtraction of coloured light to explain the appearance of coloured objects Subtraction of coloured lights by coloured objects Appearance of coloured objects under white light and coloured lights Function of rod and cone cells in the eye 7.3 Mixing pigments Uses of pigments Comparison between mixing of pigments with the addition of

Activity 7.24 Research on mixing of pigments

A student is able to; Explain subtraction of coloured light by coloured objects Explain the appearance of coloured objects under white light Explain the appearance of coloured objects under coloured lights State the function of rod and cone cells in the eye A student is able to ; State what pigment is List the uses of pigments Compare and contrast

Relating Generatin g ideas Visualising

Realisi ng that science is a means to understand nature

Comparin g and contrasting

Realisi ng that science is a means to understand

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


Hari Malaysia coloured lights Effects of pigments on light the mixing of pigments with the addition of coloured lights Explain through examples the effects of pigments on light Make conclusions about the mixing of pigments A student is able to ; list the uses of colour in daily life state with examples the importance of colour to living things justify the importance of colour to living things A student is able to : List the uses of ammonia and its compounds in daily life Describe how ammonia is produced in industry State the factors which affect the production of ammonia in industry State the industrial uses of ammonia Describe how ammonia is used to produce ammonium salt fertilizers and urea A student is able to : Identify manufacturing activities which are sources of pollution Explain the effects of improper industrial waste disposal Relate the effects of nature

35 [23/9-27/9]

7.4 Importance of colour in daily life Uses of colour in daily life Importance of colour to living things

Activity 7.25 Discussion on the uses of colours in daily life Activity 7.26 Think activity on the importance of colour in daily life Activity 8.6 Research on uses of ammonia Activity 8.7 Discussion on Haber process Experiment 8.8 Experiment carried out to study the production of ammonium salt fertiliser

Generating ideas Relating

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment

36 [30/9-4/10]

8.1 Production and uses of ammonia in industry Uses of ammonia and its compounds in daily life Production of ammonia in industry Production of ammonium salt fertilisers and urea using ammonia

Relating Generatin g ideas Attributing Analysing Making conclusions

Experi Appre menting ciating the contribution of Observi science and ng technology Making inferences Controll ing variables Making hypotheses

37 [7/10-11/10

8.2 Effects of industrial waste disposal on the environment Manufacturing activities, the source of pollution Effects of improper industrial waste

Activity 8.9 Research on sources of pollution from industrial activities Activity 8.10 Discussion on the effects of improper agricultural waste

Generatin g ideas Relating Detecting bias Evaluating

Appreciating the balance of nature

SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya


disposal Methods of controlling industrial waste disposal to avoid pollution disposal and the controlling methods Activity 8.11 Project carried out to study on the effects of improper industrial waste disposal on the environment industrial waste disposal to the survival of living things State with examples the methods of controlling industrial waste disposal to avoid pollution

38&39 [16/10-25/10] 40 [28/10-1/11] 41 [4/11-8/11] 42 [11/11-15/11]



SMK Sultan Abdul Samad, Petaling Jaya

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