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6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


This was the first time that I was introduced to Blogger, however, it was easy to use and understand. I have learnt how to create a new post, publish it and then edit it if need be. It has helped me to understand the ways blogs work and how to create one of my own if I wish to do so.

Photoshop has been one of the main programmes that I have had to use during the course of producing my final music magazine; I have learnt the basics (at most)of how to navigate my way successfully around the programme, using all of the tools to construct, edit and put together photographs, pages an text. To help my development in Photoshop I made sure to use it at home as well, getting comfortable with the software in my own time. The main thing I learned from using Photoshop was how to edit a photograph properly, changing the hue and saturation, the different levels and colour balance.

InDesign is another main programme that I had to get to grips with, learning how to bring photographs in from Photoshop and placing them where I wanted, how to make up and design a double page spread and how to edit my text around my images when need be. I used my knowledge from Photoshop to help me navigate my way around InDesign, the similar tools were easy to understand and use in the process of making my double page spread.

Through constructing my media work I have had to use such programmes as Scribd which has helped me set out my blog and help it look more presentable. It has taught me how to embed links and upload files onto the internet with ease.

I had never used Slideshare before but soon found out that it is easy and manageable, letting me transform my word documents into neat, presentable work for my blog. It is what I use the most for uploading files onto my blog.

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