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Inquiry Proposal Please write out the following information for your proposal.

You should bring this with you to your conference. Inquiry topic: Standardized testing Research questions: Why is standardized testing enforced? When did it start? Whose idea was it? What effect does standardized testing have on children? Does standardized testing better our children, or actually make things worse? Keywords: standardized testing; effects; disadvantages Stakeholders: Alfie Kohn; Peter Sacks Why is this research important to you? This research is important to me because I always felt like standardized testing was always unnecessary. If I did well the whole year, then why cant I pass to the next grade on just good grades alone? Why is this research important to your stakeholders? Kohn feels as though the results of standardized testing tell us very little; and that a test driven curriculum can be quite harmful. Sacks wrote an article entitled, Standardized testing: Meritocracys Crooked Yardstick, talking about the issues that come along with standardized testing. How does this research connect to our class inquiry around the idea of schooling and/or education? This connects with our class inquiry because standardized testing is about of our school/education system. It goes along with the question, Is schooling necessary? Gatto, an author we read in class, also mentions standardized testing as well.

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