Questions On "An Abusive Love" From Say The Word

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Questions on An Abusive Love from Say the Word

1. 2.

4. 5. 6.

Make sure at least one person writes the answers! What are some of the clues the narrator offers in paragraph 1 to explain why she stays in this situation? What are some of the ways the narrator describes the feeling of being a victim of domestic violence (hint: look at paragraph 3)? Why did the narrator have to call a stranger to help her? How did the other people in her life feel about her situation? What is the message the author shares at the end of the essay? The title of the essay is An Abusive Love. Do you feel that the situation described can be called love? Explain why or why not. How do the discussions we have been having in class about gender relate to domestic violence? Do we see many cases of men staying with violent women? Why or

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