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General Requirement: All the Security design shall be carried out by qualified security consultant or qualified companies who

have be approved by the HCIS. The operator shall develop a detailed security vulnerability assessment or risk analysis performed by a qualified security consultant that shall be used on the basis of facility classification. The facility classification and risk analysis shall be submitted to HCIS for approval prior to security system design development or implementation. The information contained herein will be used to define the levels of protection required for facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that fall under the supervision of the High Commission for Industrial Security (HCIS) of the ministry of Interior, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Contract Perquisites for Security Project Execution: Design, Supplies, contractors and system for security related Project at facilities classified under the Security Directive shall be approved by HCIS. The operator shall be responsible for providing HCIS with required data at least 3 month before the scheduled security related project initiation. Project work flow:1. Concept (concept of the project) 2. Classification (company should specify the project security land as specified in HCIS in Sec-01 3. Risk analysis 4. Conceptual Design (shows the classification of a facility, the risk analysis and a proposed Security design overview) 5. Preliminary Design (Shows details of all aspects of Security related elements at facility. 6. Detail Design (60% to 90%) (Final design of facility after all internal and HCIS reviews)

7. Construction release. 8. Final as built drawings. Preliminary Design Package: Site layout showing main security related activity device, locations and system locations.

Area concerned by the Access Control System (ACS), Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Video Surveillance System (VASS) when installed. Details of fencings Lighting Patrol Road Security Control room The information provided shall include the position of each element relative to each other and the facility. Location and installation details for main gates, restricted area gates and emergency gates. The section shall provide details of all devices that shall be installed at each of these gates. The operator shall submit this data to HCIS before the submittal of Detail Design. DETAIL DESIGN: The operator shall prepare a detail design package, prepared by a qualified security consultant that provides detailed technical specifications, engineering design and list of bidders for main design elements. All information provided to HCIS shall be up to date at the time of Submission. A copy of the detail design package shall be provided to the HCIS for approval at least three months prior to awarding the bid, ordering, materials or initiating any work specified under the detail design package. The operator shall be responsible for any delay that may occur due to non-compliance with the time requirements mentioned above of failing to demonstrate compliance with the requirements in the HCIS Security directives related to the project work. The operator is required to meet HCIS time requirement for approvals and ensure full compliance with the security directives. The detail design package shall include a list of contractors on the bidders list. The certification of the contractors shall be supplied as part of the detail design package. A compliance list showing compliance or non-compliance with justification and reason for each applicable aspect of the HCIS security directives of project specifications shall be provided as part of this package.

A list of all equipment, hardware, software and devices shall be provided as part of this package. Manufactures name for each system or equipment. Certificate for material compliance that shows that material complies with required standards. Period in which device has been available in local and international markets. Local users of the product. Name and address of local agent. Local agent commercial registration.

The proposed work execution schedule shall be provided as part of this package. Copies of original manufactures catalogs and device specifications shall be provided as part of this package. The technologies, devices and systems to be supplied for the project shall be obtained from credible and reputable sources and manufactures. The full identities of all sources and manufactures shall be accurately disclosed in the documentation sent to HCIS.

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