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ASTM STANDARD Nominal Diameter, Nominal Area, Nominal Mass, mm kg/m mm2 9.5 71 0.56 12.7 129 0.

994 15.9 199 1.552 19.1 284 2.235 22.2 387 3.042 25.4 510 3.973 28.7 645 5.06 32.3 819 6.404 35.8 1006 7.907 43 1452 11.38 57.3 2581 20.24

PHILIPPINE STANDARD (SI) Bar Size Designation 10 12 16 20 25 28 32 36 42 58 Nominal Area, mm2 79 113 201 314 491 616 804 1019 1385 2642 Nominal Mass, kg/m 0.618 0.89 1.58 2.465 3.851 4.831 6.31 7.986 10.87 20.729

MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER 1. CONCRETE CAST AGAINST AND PERMANENTLY EXPOSED TO EARTH 2. CONCRETE EXPOSED TO EARTH WEATHER 20mm bar through 36mm bar 16mm bar and smaller 3. CONCRETE NOT EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR IN CONTACT IN GROUND a. SLABS, WALLS, JOISTS 42mm bar and 58mm bar 36mm bar and smaller b. BEAMS, COLUMNS Primary Reinforcement, Ties, Stirrups, Spirals c. SHELLS, FOLDED PLATE MEMBERS 20mm bar and larger 16mm bar and smaller MINIMUM THICKNESS OF SLAB Slabs without drop panels Slabs with drop panels Slabs with beams on all edges 0.8 + 1400 = 36 + 9 ln = length of clear span in long direction = ratio of clear spans in long to short direction STRENGTH REDUCTION FACTORS, (a) Flexure without axial load (b) Axial tension, and axial tension with flexure (c) Axial compression, and axial compression with flexure: (1) Spiral reinforcement (2) Tie reinforcement & other reinforced members

75 mm 50 mm 40 mm

40 mm 20 mm 40 mm 20 mm 12 mm

125 mm 100 mm 90 mm

0.90 0.90 0.75 0.70

(d) Shear and torsion (e) Bearing on concrete (f) Post-tensioned anchorage zones

0.85 0.70 0.85


DESIGN CRITERIA fy = f'c = = 1 = BEAM SECTION b = d = h = Mu = db = ds = 276 MPa 20.7 MPa 0.90 0.85 242 mm

200 mm 242 mm 300 mm 38 kN-m 16 mm 10 mm

4 pcs. 16 mm RSB 200 mm

I. Solve for rmax and Mu max rmax w Mu max II. Solve for r Mu Ru = r III. Solve for As As N = = = = rbd 715.0 As/Ab 3.556 = = fRubd2 3.60 Mpa = = = = 0.75rb 0.0278 0.3711 63.3l kN-m design as SINGLY REINFORCED

0.85 2 1 1 0.85 = 0.0148 Mpa ok!

4 pcs.

16 mm RSB



DESIGN CRITERIA fy = f'c = = 1 = BEAM SECTION b = d = h = As = db = ds = I. Solve for r r = = As/bd 0.0385 275.6 MPa 20.7 MPa 0.90 0.85 260 mm

200 mm 260 mm 318 mm 2000 16 mm 10 mm

200 mm

II. Check if Steel yields rbal 0.85 1(600) = (600 + ) = 0.0372 Steel does NOT Yield

III. If steel yields w Mu = 0.5121 = 2 1 0.59 = 90.01 kN-m

IV. If steel does not yield c a Mu = 380.190 b 1c = = 323.16 = 0.85 /2 = 100.7305335 1 401 MPa -1E+05 MPa

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