Winsem2012-13 Cp0535 Syb Cse301 Syllabus

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LTPC: 3 0 0 3 Data Mining and Warehousing Version No. 1.0.0 Course Prerequisites Computer Programming and Problem Solving Objectives: To provide a detailed knowledge on data cleaning, removing redundancy and erroneous datas and architecture design. Integrating data warehouse and data mining and understanding various clustering techniques. Expected Outcome: 1. A basic idea of data warehouses its construction and usability. 2. Data normalization and statistical analysis of data and especially biological data. 3. An overall data warehouse and data mining knowledge for better application in biological area. Unit No. 1 Number of hours: 9 Introduction VLDB, data warehouse, architecture of data warehouse, data warehouse and business strategy, managing the data, data warehouse development life cycle, modeling Unit No. 2 Number of hours: 9 Metadata Metadata and metadata catalog, indexing, view maintenance, aggregates, data warehouse security Unit No. 3 Number of hours: 9 Data mining Data mining, knowledge discovery in databases, confluence of multiple disciplines, taxonomy of data mining tasks, integration of data mining and data warehousing. Unit No. 4 Number of hours: 9 Data mining Models Data mining models, statistics, decision trees, nearest neighbor and clustering, data visualization, selecting and using the right technique Unit No. 5 Number of hours: 9 Case Study Applications of data warehousing and data mining. Text Books 1. Usama M. Fayyad, Gregory Piatetsky., Shapiro, Padhrai Smyth and Ramasamy Uthurusamy. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, the M.I.T Press, 1996. 2. Jiawei Han., Micheline Kamber. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2000 References 1. Ralph Kimball. The Data Warehouse Life Cycle Toolkit. John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1998 2. Alex Berson, Stephen J Smith. Data warehousing, Data Mining and OLAP. 3. Berry Micheal and Gordon Linoff, Mastering Data Mining. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2000 Mode of Announced / Unannounced Quiz / tests, Assignments and Written Evaluation Examination Recommended by the Board of Studies on Approved by 16th Academic Council 13th November 2008

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