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cofa talks

Why go for the Prize?

Del Kathryn Barton, Guy Warren, and Kerrie Lester

speak at the college of fine arts, UNSW


6 pm College of Fine Arts, UNSW Del Kathryn Barton Free and open to the public
Tuesday March 10th Cnr Oxford Street & Greens Rd, Guy Warren
Paddington, Sydney, NSW, 2021 Kerrie Lester
Main Lecture Theatre, EG02

Held just days af ter the winner of the 2009 Archibald Del Kathryn Barton became a household name last year
Prize is announced, Why go for the Prize? will be a lively after winning the Archibald Prize. Recently she exhibited
panel discussion between the 2008 winner, Del Kathr yn in two major exhibitions: Neo Goth at the University of
Bar ton, Guy Warren, who won in 1985, and Kerrie Lester Queensland Ar t Museum and GOMA’s national sur vey
who has entered many times, but is yet to take home show, Optimism, in Brisbane. Bar ton is a COFA graduate.
the prize. These three distinguished ar tists will examine
the impact on individual ar tists of winning the prize, or Guy Warren is one of Australia’s most respected senior
even being hung. ar tists. He has been exhibiting for over 5 decades.
Warren has won 24 awards and prizes, including
the 1985 Archibald Prize, and has been awarded two
honorar y doctorate degrees and a Medal of Australia.

Kerrie Lester’s work is held in numerous public and

private collections including the National Galler y of
Australia. Her por traits have been hung in the Archibald
sixteen times and she won the Packing Room Prize in
1979. She is also a COFA graduate (then Alexander Mackie).

IMAGE D e l K a t h r y n B a r t o n , Yo u a r e w h a t is m o s t b e a u t i f u l a b o u t m e , a s e l f p o r t ra i t w i t h K e l l a n d A r e l l a (d e ta i l ), 2 0 0 8 , a c r y l i c , g o u a c h e , w a t e r co l o u r, p e n
o n p o l y e s t e r c a n v a s , 28 0 x 18 0 c m . W i n n e r o f t h e 2 0 0 8 A r c h i b a l d P r i z e . Co u r t e s y o f t h e a r t is t a n d K a l i m a n G a l l e r y, Sy d n e y.


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