New Health Facilities

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uBbisap jeunjoeyyouy STN AMU NLU WICIO new health facilities New AUTHOR Health Avian Mostaedi Facilities pubuisuens Carles Broto & Josep MY Minguet EDITORIAL TEAM Graphic Design & Production: Francisco Ordufia Layout Design: Héctor Navarro Architectural Adviser: Pilar Chueca Editorial Coordinator: Cristina Soler Text Jacobo Kravel A nguages (except Spaish language) Carles roto | Comerma Asis Mare 20,42 (08010 Barcelona, Span Tel: #3493 201 21.99 Fax +34 93 302 67 97 Erma inksedtreleine es © Spans brgunge lesttuto Mone de Edciones, a rai, 43 (08920 Sant Adri de Bex. Baelona, Spl Te +34 93 381 00 50 Fac +34 93 381 00 99 Emat.ronsamonsacom ISBN Erg ection 84.89861-66-8 ISBN Spanish edtion: 84.95275-26-0 BL 822486-2001 Pred in Barcelona, Spin fst prohibi a reproduccdn total o paral de este libro, su recopiacin en un stem norte su transmisién en ‘unique forma o medida, ya sea elena, mecirica por fotocepa rete © ben por otros medion nel prov per. miso y poreserto de los tasares dl Copyright [No part ofthis pubation may be reproduced stored inretrie sytem or transite in ay form or means. electronic Imechancal photocopying, recording cr otherwise, without the prior writen permision ofthe owner ofthe Copyright, 20 30 76 110 ™ be, Th = r a s w cs ca Ee Introduction Guy Greenfield Doctors-Surgery in West London Jéréme Brunet & Eric Saunier Institut Saint Pierre Auer+Weber+Partner / Peter Holzer Kurmittelhaus Justo Isasi & Alberto Pieltain Centro de Salud “El Espinillo’ Perkins Eastman Architects PC Donald W. Reynolds Center on Aging Nick! & Partner Architekten GmbH Hospital Agatharied Jordi Badia, Mercé Sangenis, arquitectes (BAAS) Clinica de Ortodoncia ORTO René Dottelonde & Jean-Philippe Pargade Centre Hospitalier Frangois Quesnay Franziska Ullmann Klinik for Gyndkologie und Geburtshilfe, AKH Wien Arnaldo Basadonna Centre d'Atencio Primaria Ahrends Burton & Koralek Dublin Dental Hospital 144 156 178 184 194 202 212 218 224 232 NM AS Ae ee Behnisch & Partner Health and Spa Facilities Tim Bushe Associates The Laboratory, Spa & Health Club in Muswell Hill and Hendon Brenac & Gonzalez Hopital de Ville Evrard Illaria dell’ Acqua & Franco Raggi Istituto Clinico Humanitas Lakonis Projekt Architekten / Michael Buchleitner, Mira Thal Privatspital Goldenes Kreuz Avant Travaux Architectes Centre de Restauration. Unité de Soins Psychiatriques. Mitchell & Giurgola Lighthouse National Headquarters Charmaine Lay, Carles Muro & Quim Rosell Centre d'Atencié Primaria Houlton Taylor Architects Derwent Medical Centre Klaus Kada Landeskrankenhaus Hartberg Greenhill Jenner Architects Stormont Health Centre Francesc Montaner Hospital de Matard INTRODUCTION En la entrada del nuevo siglo la preocupacién por el estado de salud, la puesta « punto 141 cidado de nuestro cuerpo son, sn duda unas dels preocupaciones principales de nuestra sociedad ‘Una vez comprenido que a via empieza y acaba generamente en ls hoses y que son precsamente fos ents de salud y sus profesionales los que tratan de hacer que el paso por este mundo sea mis levadero y salable, a nueva arqitectora hosptalaria esti empezando a mastrar también el lado més humane, De esta manera, el trabajo arqtecténico de as clas y hosptales debe ser entenido como vn arte yuna ‘erica capaz de acerca al hombre al estado de bienestardeseado,procurando a su vez que la estanca en un centro saitario deje de ser algo que para muchos tones algo incémodbo Enos proyectos presentados en este litro se aprecia la nueva tendencia de os arqutectos para los hospitals dl fturo. Un trabao dif en el que debe compagnarse la unconalad que todo cero hosptaario requ re. adaptad alos sistemas informatics y alos sofsticados equipos mécicos con una estética que reste agra ‘ible tanto a's pacientes. los wanes come al personal médico, Esta combinacn se complemerta con unos sistemas de cculacdn y de access que deben ser cémodos y cients, puesto que a veces unos minutos pueden volversecrucsles en un edo de este tipo Por oto lad, los hospitals a menudo funcionan como una pequela Guta a gente entra y sale, exten dife- ‘entes departamentosespeciaiados segn las necesdades, ve ducrme, se come se reaizan compras ya menudo! tempo que se pasa en eos se prolong de manera imprevsa. Por ella, en estos proyectos se aprecia tabi la permanente presencia dela uz natural corwertida en uno de los aspectos fundamentals, legrando que ls diferentes expacios se transformen en ambentes mis adecuados alas demandes que estos eros veianrecamando desde las sombrasy las luces fuorescentes La selec de los proyectos presentados en este libro muestra algunos de los proyectos mas modemos innoradores en este campo Trabaos realzados por arquitectosseniles estos cambios de mertakdad y que aparecen aqui complementads con panos y detalles canstuctvos que ayutan a comprende as dieretes vias de expresion. Una muestra representatva y actual que dea entrever que ls tiempos en os que los cen {ros de salud eran sindnimo de ral Se estn dluyendo en una nueva dase de espcios mis cercanos alo que bscan los cudadanos de nuestra época. 10 At the beginning of the 21st century health, ness and taking care of one's body are among the main concemsof ou socey. On the understanding tha life begs and generally ends in hospitals, and that health cones and heath wokors try to make our journey through fe more pleasant and bearable, the new hospital architecture i also beginning to show a more human side The architectural werk of nes and hospitals should hus be understood as an at anda leehnlogy tha re aimed at hlgng one to achieve the dese state of wellbeing, and at making one's sta na heath cone less unpleasant than st times it stil for many patents. “The projects presenta in tis book show he new rchtcturalendenis forthe Rosia of th fur. n his t- cult task, the functionality that all health centres require in order to adapt to computer systems and sophisticated rmaical equipment must be combined wih an aesthetics tha peasant or patents, vistors and medical sta This combination is supplemented wih culation systems and accesses that must be convient and ecient, because mites can at times be cual in buling of his type. Hospitals oten operate as small ces, wih people entering and eaing, specialised department fr diferent needs, and facies for lping, eating and purchasing. Anther important aspect tha the ime one wil spend nthe is cten unforeseen contrast othe dim corridors with Huorescent ight o! tational hospi Ll, natural ghting has become a fundamental spect o the design of heal ites inorder o create peas- ant atmospheres sited to present-day demands This book presents some of the most modern and innovative projects in this field, designed by architects who ae sensitive to this change of mentality. They ae accompanied by plans and constution details tat help to understand the diferent forms of expression. Iisa representative sample cf the latest works tha lows one ‘see that the concept of health centres as a synonym of coldness is giving way to a new type of architectural spaces that are closer tothe expectations of present-day citizens. 1" Doctors-Surgery in West London London, UK ‘This clic was designed with a strong and retexve form in dart fer the ‘coupants protection from the noise and pollution generated by the nearby Hammersmith undabout and fyover. The interior was organised so that t ‘seemed a geile and withdrawn inner courtyard protcted by the forms of {he bung. The ony intemal “ori forms an aditiona insulting barr between the exterior and the medical departments on both levels. The fo wing fom ofthe bulging ste a soft white armour with a double curve, composed of panels that bring new architectural qualities and bighiess to an area dominated by the sitong linear character ofthe roads that cross For the pedestrians, the momentary views toward the interior between the curved panels, he low vegetation surrounding the centre and the coloured (ass openings ofthe most voluminous panel are factors that give the bul- «ng a human scale. The entrance is emphasised by an inflection n the fac de and bythe formation of vertical panels made of materials wih strong tex: {ures and colours. The incorporation of these materia atthe front emphasises the warmth of the iter, in contrast wit the sald protective nature ofthe facade, and the bulking becomes welcoming. ‘The organisation ofthe internal culation is one o the basic elements that ‘must be taken nto account so thatthe patents can understand it easly. The project was thus devised with he intention thatthe sequence “erirance-e- ception naiting oom-oupatents' was obvious and one-dectonal, without the labyrinth o eros hat olen csorent user, On the other hand, the

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