Biography of Adam Who?: Task 3 Research Report

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Zashia iqbal

Task 3 Research Report

For this unit I have completed a detailed report before I can progress onto producing a front cover and double spread page article based upon Adam Whos music Career, within this report I will be producing a biography, a profile, codes and conventions of MIXMAG magazine and also telling you which stories I have decided upon on.

Biography of Adam Who? Scarlet Louise Green born September 5th 1992 to a lady called Samantha Green in Birmingham, UK, Scarlets father was not in the picture due to personal circumstances and understanding between the parents before she was born and chose not to be a part of it, at a young tender age of 12 Scarlet mother passed away the cause is unknown.

Scarlett had no next of kin willing to take her in, so she was taken into care, life from then on changed for her; it was different and not nice at all she felt like she had know on, she continued her studies at school but by not having her mum by her side she felt lonely and empty more than ever, the only connection she felt she had was through music as she always danced with her mum so , at school she joined the music club to help her improve her vocals as she had not been singing for a long time, then to keep her occupied she made a YouTube account where she started posting videos she was 13 at the time by the age of 16 she had nearly a million views on majority of her videos. One day Adam Braxton the music mogul and manager of many popular bands came across her videos and decided to get in contact with her, this was the start of her music career, a year on and she has produced with the help of an professional 4 songs on her extended play CD which are from the dance music genre as her and her mum enjoyed this style of music and also collaborated with David Guetta. Reasons are unknown as to why the stage name consists of her managers.

Songs include- Abyss, crazy night, why, shout out.

Profile of a MIXMAG reader

Zashia iqbal This magazine was launched in 1982 with the first official copy being published in 1983 by Disco Mix Club, it was when house music began which is a type of electro music editor and DJ Dave seaman turned this magazine which was currently a newspaper into a magazine which covers dance events, reviews music and also club nights. In 2001 the magazine teamed up with virgin records to release an album where they picked the best selection of dance music they think are the best. Magazine cost is 4.50 and one issue every month Statistics show that MIXMAG readers 72% of them are Male and only 28% of them are female. Judging by this information I can see that a MIXMAG reader would enjoy the dance genre music therefore they would like to go out somewhere like to a club where they specifically play this type of genre music, also for it to be aimed at that type of audience they must love going out and having fun with friends and enjoy dancing, with the price being set at 4.50 I think they are aiming this magazine at a more sophisticated type of person who has this type of money to spare on a magazine every month therefore students at university may not apply as they are living off their student loan, I think the age they are targeting this magazine at is 23-28 as these ages are when you mature a little as youve been to university and preferably have a job to provide for yourself also single, looking at these statistics I would have thought that women tend to read this magazine as they like to dance more than guys, but I think the reason being why the males percentage is so high compared to females is that they are mainly after these kind of events to party at and it is their idea of socializing and having a good night with their friends where as females can have fun through sitting down and having meal. My personal response is that anyone within them ages can read the magazine is they enjoy dance music.

Codes and conventions

The MIXMAG magazine consists of codes and conventions in order for it to be successful and also recognizable to its readers. Copy- this is the story of the double page spread which can either be a free flow article or a question and answer. Columns- this is a common format style of an article in order for it to be easy accessible for a reader to read and gain information. Main Image- this is an image which is the main focus on the front cover and also is on the right hand side of any double spread article in a MIXMAG magazine, the style of the photo on the front cover can give an idea to the reader of the kind of things that may be covered in the magazine and also if it consists of a well known DJ or dance music artist the reader can expect an article on that particular person.

Zashia iqbal Cover lines- these are lines which consist of that show what topics to expect in the magazine, this can be beneficial when someone is deciding to buy a copy of the magazine. Masthead- this is the title of the magazine in a bold big font, the magazine has the same style masthead in order for its reader to recognize it and also for it to become a brand. Barcode- this is used to identify the product when purchasing it Issue number- this is so that readers know exactly how many issues have been printed and also they can see the success through it. Promotional words- free CD free sunglasses by giving away freebies sometimes is the key factor in persuading someone to buy the magazine. Color scheme- this is there to set a mood/ feeling of the magazine and also sometimes relates it to the topic of the magazine. Double page spread Text- text is usually set at no more than 12 pt in order for the article to fit Images- these are sometimes located within the text of the article to relate to what is being said and also on the right hand side of the article a large image is always displayed of the interviewee to show who the copy is about. Columns- the article is written in this format Page number- this can be some time found on a long article so that the reader does not lose track of what page they are on. Other codes and conventions Strap line- tends to be towards the top to catch the readers eye Byline- who wrote the article Quotes- used in title, cover lines, article

I am going to produce a double page spread, which is also going to be a question and answer style, covering topics on how she got to where she is, how does it feel, and also about her music.

Zashia iqbal Why I did this? This is a full report conducted by be covering all the first part background information needed in order to produce a mixmag magazine, within this report areas such as a typical profile of a mixmag reader, codes and convention and target audience were covered, this report gave me a full document enabling me to use it as detailed background information which helped me for example when I was thinking of content to suit the target audience needs.

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