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Advanced Auto CADD

to rt9{9 uI -line dr,afting. It has ver), liriited capabilities a n'c r9ete3J eatures ale Iscrietin g;T o rf --c nd: renderin g,iic iln$ e t4 ad:g look l:wilE'i$ shading ar1 d" rendd-f'T




ufacJuring (CAIvf) l-,"



colott:,h:,1-11:'^!.,?::lt1T:T:11, liesentation sYmbols'' \lou can criate fine drawinss withlundreds.of i':J9' ,ooo nnished it. vou v",'3.u'.nt"tit n artel Yeu.h-av* f'."':l:1 and line type few ,irnpi sreps to chaage rhe textstllb; eoloi-or can instantly chahge ;;,nry a of flxury-is avail.zrble only whe'n . .),ou can print a fresh copy:of t5e drawing e*.ti tit.. is lina i'' cADD thatcan and hatch'puttsls 1uu1"ble trle svmbols' HJ|jX?iJtiti.i?i;iready's166.:presentarion svmbols add t trynir"*1 qxampt"' " be used ,fo,.9ryh.gqce the look of draqings' l-or :Ti1":tn :si-rrubs,patbways"hu**.flgu,.i,,u,ia-.utt,..,tuna.cup"..lem^'!t9plan'Simileirly,an



arehitect can use t.nii*;a"t


i;lTi'J'iioT"fii;ffi *d'tu;-fi ^ .ti:.1, b:,::g.i

reseht4litiir'b..:You can FJug



1-', rvindows' fu'eft:i:,.:lt;':Ii\1T;fltlilli*"

On-{il!qJ};-r'uvarruE fioW u building wo-u


dlterationslo-d]?Y]T:l'lLl,l1i,;tj"^,tre.,y., CADD provides the flexibility'tb make quick a rlrawins

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m-inim al',etlolt. m inim al',effort.

fi:1':J?;Tll"'ffi;:fi;ffi;;;;;;;;;;;:i" enables vou:tQ *utvz" dgsien options with '1unc1;I-"".'^1lj1'j::::*;;*'*" n'is

Thefol}owingareSolTleof-theeditinecapabilitiesofCAD-D: "4oveorcopy.diawingelements-Enlarge or reduce partg oia dra{vihg Add one drawifg-to anothei - -

r;-r - olv , oI .' ,

'"' P*P-td

bY: Ram Prasad-N''u

For comments: 985'l0-9

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