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Skrzynecki's poem 'Crossing the Red Sea' explores the long journey that refugees have taken after

fleeing the aftermath of the war, and also the emotional disturbance associated with this journey. In the poem, Skrzynecki discusses the idea that the impact of a journey can be different for the individuals who experience it. Even though a group of people in similar situations are on the same journey, it shows that the emotions and attitudes toward the journey are identical. Depending on their past and previous experiences, people's perspectives alter greatly from person to person. In the first stanza Skrzynecki begins to describe the physical discomfort that the people crossing the red sea are enduring. Many slept on deck because of the days heat or to watch a sunset they would never see again this is describing the physical discomfort of the travellers as well as an emotional wrench as the people from the war torn countries break off from their old lives and leave behind the sunset. Through the poem, imagery has been distinguished through natural elements such as the landscapes of caves and mountains. In the poem techniques are employed to represent his ideas about the journey taken the war torn country to a new land and the impact it has on the travellers. The interpretation of Skrzyneckis poem Crossing the Red Sea. shows the discomfort of the crucial war resulting in Skrzynecki and his family fleeing in order to survive. ( relate back to the question) Skrzynecki's 'Immigrants at Central Station' further explores the lengthy journey that the refugees took after fleeing the aftermath of the war, as well as their emotional well-being throughout the process. In the poem, Skrzynecki discusses the idea that while some journeys are by choice, the traveller may feel that they have no control over various stages of it. The stages can be influenced by a number of different factors, mostly decided along the way when little can be done to prevent them from occurring. On those journeys that occur through duress, there is even less control and a sense of uncertainty that is sure to arise during each stage. Evidence of this is shown within the second stanza, "Time waited anxiously with us" this suggests their fear of the uncertain. It suggests that their fear and unfamiliarity with their surroundings....continue the sentence. Even looking and observing their fellow refugees would bring upon flashbacks of their past life and feeling of what might come. Within this poem, Skrzynecki has used personification to give human attachment or feelings to their situation and understanding at the time . It also represents a sense of incomprehension that the refugees may be feeling toward their uncertain futures. Link back to question?

There are significant links between 'Crossing the Red Sea' and 'Immigrants at Central Station,', one of which includes the exploration of the physical and mental impacts that a forced journey can inflict upon those undertaking it. They both reveal the emotional aspects and the struggles associated with the journey.

Skrzyneckis poetry has shown to do more than just recall the journey he and his family have made from their homeland. His poetry has also shown to continue this journey and also invites the reader to participate through his usage of descriptive languages and imagery. Such poetry that serves this function includes Postcard,Crossing the Red Sea and Immigrants at Central Station, . Throughout all three poems, all three are shown to hold one particular theme, journey. Each poem is shown to relate to a different period of that journey indirectly, through the usages of description of a particular thing, event or person, which he found to be significant during this period.

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