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Article Summary: We live our beloved country Indonesian.

Indonesia is a rich country art and art and culture from Portuguese traders and dutch colonists that influenced by western thought. In our art and culture , each of cities in Indonesia has their own art and culture which are different one another The gamelan, wayang kulit , wayang golek ,epics performed by puppeteer who narrates the one of Hindu epics and behind the some so that just the puppet shadow which is watched by audience. Different with leather puppets, the wayang golek of west java does not need screen but overall the performance have the same performance with wayang kulit. Batik is made by waxing and dyeing. The central of batik are Jogja, Surakrta, Pekalongan, Cirebon, and Bali. Bali culture The culture of Bali is unique. Balinese people has contain (1) Ngaben (cremation of the dead) to liberate the soul of the passage into heaven and reincarnation of long after of the dead person. (2) Nyepi day for celebrating the hindus new year of Saka in Bali has the deep meaning of all. Nyepi comes in the nine of the saka year and the mostly take place in march or in the beginning of april. (3) Galungan and Kuningan Day. GAlungan day is celebrate by every Buddha in celebration. On this day, the buddhanis feel greatfull of blessing. Melbourne The moslem community in Australia come from the different nation in the world still has their own indentity. The moderate attitude of Indonesian moslems can be made a reference, Australian young moslem leader Mohammed Said. His liking of Indonesia was gained in his experience of interaction and see from close quarters the life of moslem in Indonesian including the freedom of woman and man. The biggest moslem population I the world, which not many countries in the middle East have.

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