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com - AutoCAD and Civil 3D Consultant

Tip: Quick Section

Draw a polyline. Grip then Right Click on the polyline and choose View Quick Section You can import this section into your drawing by choosing Utilities > Import Quick Section command from the Quick Section Viewer.

The above example shows two terrain models in the cross section viewer. If you have two or more terrain models Define Multiple Surfaces then Toggle ON Multiple Surfaces to achieve this effect.

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2/16/2013 12:09 PM - AutoCAD and Civil 3D Consultant

Tip: Point Label Style for Top of Curb/Gutter spot elevation label
Create a Top of Curb and Gutter point label style. Set points at the Gutter. Labels represent elevations of the Gutter and the Top of Curb (set at a fixed height of 0.5' above the gutter). The benefit of this solution is the reduced effort in producing and updating the labels. You only set one point at the gutter yet you get two labels which dynamically update when the point elevation changes. When you set this point label style current the label is created as you create the point.

Use the Labels > Edit Label Styles command. Then choose the Point Label Style tab. Type TC-G for the name of the new point label style. The Point Label Style dialog's Text window will look like this. TC: {Elevation+.5} G: {Elevation} Hint: You must use the scroll bar to scroll down to see the next line of text.

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2/16/2013 12:09 PM - AutoCAD and Civil 3D Consultant

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