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memberi peluang kepada pelajar guru untuk meningkatkan ilmu dalam proses pengurusan suatu program sukan. dapat mewujudkan komuniti masyarakat yang berjiwa penyayang, perihatin dan bertanggungjawab dalam mewujudkan pembinaan modal insan yang seimbang dari aspek jasmani, emosi, rohani, intelek dan sosial. bersedia berhadapan dengan pelbagai lapisan masyarakat dalam aspek penyampaian ilmu pengetahuan untuk mendidik anak bangsa.


Become like Atan (the hero of the park) and leap through the air. Experience the exhilaration of an exciting rapid descent with a featherbed landing secure in the knowledge that our safety procedures are second to none. Enjoy an exhilarating journey downhill on the back of this tubby tube. You can even link several tubby tubes together for more fun than any family should have! Learn to climb like a pro and perfect your balancing skills on this challenging rope course. There are three levels for you to try and its suitable for monkeys of all ages as well as for team building. Pan for treasure in this activity which takes you back to the early days of Malaysias mining history. You will need to bring out the secret prospector within you to find the gems and gold hidden in sand, soil and streams.

Swing through the trees with the greatest of ease. Feel the rush of the air through your hair as you enjoy the fun of finding out who can swing the furthest!



memberi pendedahan dan pengalaman

Climbing trees will bring out the young ape in you! You can climb quietly and enjoy the view as you go or friends can race each other to the top. This activity is for all ages - and the auto-belay harness ensures your safety at all times.

bekerja dalam kumpulan seterusnya memupuk semangat saling membantu dan toleransi dalam kalangan pelajar guru. melatih pelajar guru menyelesaikan masalah secara efektif, kritis dan kreatif. membentuk pelajar guru yang fleksibel atau mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam apa jua keadaan. membentuk keperibadian, sikap, akhlak, dan disiplin pelajar guru. memupuk keyakinan diri dan meningkatkan kepimpinan pelajar guru untuk membuat perancangan dan strategi.



Peta Escape Theme Park

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