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PLC Economics Syllabus: 2012-2013

Course Description: This course provides students with a basic foundation in the field of economics. The course has five sections, each one covered in the e2020 curriculum: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fundamental Concepts e2020 Introduction to Economics Microeconomics e2020 Introducing Microeconomics, and Business and Labor Macroeconomics e2020 Introducing Macroeconomics, and Government and the Economy International Economics e2020 The Global Economy Personal Finance e2020 Money, Banking and Finance; plus offline project

This course has a required End-of-Course Test that counts 15% of a students grade. Grading Procedures: E2020 work Benchmark Projects Personal Finance Project EOCT Preparation EOCT

50% 20% 10% 5% 15%

E2020 Work - details Assignments 20% Quizzes 30% Tests 50%

E2020 Policies: Notes/Notebook: Note-taking is mandatory. The preferred method of note-taking is paper-pencil style. Notes taken on paper may be used on assessments. Students found using others notes will be penalized this violates the PLC policy on academic integrity. Notebooks MUST include: Course Syllabus Notes in order and labeled by lesson Supplemental handouts provided by learning facilitator Passing Criteria: Students must pass Quizzes with a 70% or better and Tests with an 80% or better. Students have the opportunity to re-take each of these once on their own. Students have two attempts at Cumulative Exams; the higher of the two grades will be entered. Asking for help is highly recommended if a passing grade is not attained after two attempts. Additional attempts will be allowed ONLY if a student has a relevant set of notes in his/her notebook. Homework: E2020 enables students to complete lessons and certain activities from home. It is highly recommended that students spend time outside the school day working on the course in order to complete it more quickly. Home computers must be approved by a learning facilitator before they become active work stations. Tests and Exams may NOT be done outside the PLC classrooms. Benchmark Assessments/Common Core Literacy Activities: Because Economics has an End-of-Course Test (EOCT), students will be required to complete a benchmark quiz at the end of each section listed above. Each benchmark is followed by a student-selected or teacher-directed literacy and/or performance activity. This provides the opportunity for deeper understanding of course concepts and better preparation for the EOCT.

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