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B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL/MAY 2010 Fourth Semester Mechanical Engineering


(Common to Automobile Engineering, Production Engineering) (Regulation 2008) Time: Three hours Answer ALL Questions PART A (10 2 = 20 Marks) 1. 2. Draw the circuit of zener voltage regulator.

3. 4. 5. 6.

What is early effect in BJTs?

Define voltage safety factor of thyristor.

Using Boolean laws, prove that X Y + Y = X + Y . Convert the following circuit into its equivalent NAND circuit :

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7. MV1 B, 88 H MOV A, B MOV C, A MV1 D, 73 H Out port 1 HLT

Specify the output at port 1 if the following ALP is executed :


A half wave rectifier having a resistance load of 1 k rectifies an alternating voltage of 325 V peak value and the diode has a forward resistance of 100 . Calculate its dc power output.

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Maximum: 100 Marks

8. 9. 10.

List the interrupts and their call locations. Define interfacing devices. What is transceiver?

PART B (5 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a)

Draw and explain the formation of a PN junction and explain the working of the diode under forward and reverse bias conditions. Or


Is it possible to replace a zener diode with an ordinary rectifier diode? If no, explain the desired characteristics of zener diode. With neat circuit diagrams, explain the methods of transistor biasing. Or






Implement the full adder circuit from its truth table. Or


Design a 4 bit binary parallel counter. Support your answer with circuit diagram and truth table. What are the addressing modes supported in 8085 cpu? Explain each of them with minimum of 2 sample instructions. Or




Explain the architecture of 8085 with the required diagrams. Also write the salient features of the same. How to control the speed of stepper motor with 8085 cpu and its interface? Draw a neat interface diagram and explain its operation. Or



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Design a traffic light control system using 8085 cpu. Write its sequence of operation with neat block diagram of the system. Support your answer with the software flowchart.


Write in detail about the operation of JFET under various biasing conditions.

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E 3137

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