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Making Disciples in Peru

February 2013
In this update: Winter to Summer Daniela 1 1

Winter to Summer
In December the school year at MCS ended for summer break and most of the North American staff took off for their respective native states. I left for Missouri, arriving a week before Christmas. I so enjoyed spending time with friends and family, especially my nieces. I was blessed to see how much they have grown and developed. I had productive meetings with my home church pastor, as well as lots of time with good friends at church. After less than one month in the U.S., I left on a cold day and returned to the heat of the Peruvian coastal summer. I was able to enjoy a more relaxed schedule in late January, taking time for biking and beach. The first full week of February the whole ABWE Peru team gathered in the jungle city of Iquitos, the largest city in the world with no way to get to it by road. We enjoyed a few days of business meetings, spiritual encouragem e n t , learning, and some time for team fun and enjoying Gods creation. Now back in Lima, I have added to my workload the job of getting ready for the seminary semester that starts for me a week from this coming Tuesday. I am teaching two courses this semester and they are both quite labor-intensive for teacher and student. Please pray for guidance for me as I prepare, and for the ability to communicate clearly as I teach. I am also contacting new churches as I plan for furlough July through September of this year. Please pray for some increased support as a result of these opportunities. God has also opened a door of opportunity with some girls who live in homes that surround a park near my home. Please pray for the girls in the picture below, that God will open their understanding and they will be saved.

Please continue to pray for my former student, Daniela. She has been very ill with cancer for about four years now and she is quite weak. Recently she has struggled with bronchitis on top of everything else. Please pray for Gods comfort for her and her family. She writes a blog and in todays entry she shared about how she wishes she had her health and how she now sees how much she took for granted before she became ill. S h e writes: One has no control over how long they will h a v e DANIELA ABOUT TO things. CELEBRATE HER LIFE, for 15TH BIRTHDAY example. WITH HER FAMILY I value e v e r y dawn, because sometimes I feel that what I have isnt life anymore. But, I thank God for that breath in the morning. A good reminder for all of us from the lips of a young girl wise beyond her 15 years.

Please also pray for the lady in the first row, far right, of this picture, whose name is Marita. She is a friend of my Peruvian parents and she is searching for a relationship with God. Please pray for a chance to share with her.

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