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Official Newsletter of University of Indianapolis CKI

Volume 1 Issue 1 August/September 2012

>>OINCKI Ongoing Indy Newsletter for Circle K

Welcome Back!
LSSP/ICON/Leadership Academy: Kelsey Ring, our amazing Circle K president, had an awesome summer with Circle K, and is kind of enough to share it with all of us. This summer I had the opportunity to attend some events for Circle K at the international level. The first two events were LSSP (Large Scale Service Project) and ICON (International Convention). This year they were held in New Orleans, Louisiana. The hotel we stayed in had beautiful views overlooking the French Quarters and the Mississippi river. LSSP is all about service and giving back to the host city of our convention. You are divided randomly into groups of all the attendees. This is a great way to get to know the people who you are doing service with. The first day at LSSP, my group was given the privilege of painting a mural for the hallway that led to the NICU at a local hospital. We spent our whole first day planning everything for the mural, and, of course, we incorporated March of Dimes and Circle K into each section of the mural. Everyone at LSSP worked at a Habitat for Humanity site on the second day. We spent a good part of our day working on houses that were still being rebuilt from Katrina back in 2005. On the third day at LSSP, everyone went to different locations. My group got to see where our mural was being hung in the hallway and take part in that. ICON started right after LSSP was over. ICON is a much more formal event. Half of the time you are in your dress clothes attending workshops, electing the new international board, or caucusing. I learned so much from attending these opening sessions. It was one huge Mardi Gras party. There were people there from all over the world, just like our convention. I also got to hear Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy speak, the family that the Blindside was made from, at this session. Both of these events gave everyone plenty of time to get to know your peers better as the week went along. Some of these people will end up being friends for a long time. The final event, and most impacting one was my week that I spent in Morgantown, IN at Waycross Camp without a cellphone or internet. This week challenged me in ways I never thought were possible. I made 53 new friends that all hold positions in some way in Circle K. Some were club presidents, district governors, or international trustees. This event was called Leadership Academy. It just wasnt all about being a leader; it helped everyone realize his or her true talents and abilities they could bring to the club. Its really hard to tell someone everything that occurred during this week.

In this issue!
Kelseys Summer ......... 1 Movin Crew................ 2 1st Saturday Projects .. 2 Bradford Woods.3 Fall Kick Off Day ......... 3 Football Fundraiser..4

individual collegian through the

I remember updating my Facebook status when I arrived home: Laughter, tears, personal growth, confidence, trust, and friendship are just a few of the words I would use to describe my past week. I will never forget my experiences at the 2012 CKI Leadership Academy! I can honestly say that this has been one of the best weeks of my life. This was a memorable experience that is often hard to put words to if you havent had the chance to attend. I would recommend any of these events! They truly made my summer one of the best yet.

Welcome Week

Movin CrewOur awesome Club Board and members had our first chance to volunteer this year on Freshman MoveIn day. We volunteered at Warren Hall this year. It was a great time working up a sweat climbing all those stairs while spending time with each other. We all had a great time starting out this year at this service project. Thanks for all your hard work!

Saturday Projects The Saturday of Welcome Week there was many University of Indianapolis students ready to volunteer. Everyone met bright and early at 8:15 am outside of Ransburg Auditorium. Once everyone recieved their awesome t-shirts and breakfast bars, morning of service began. There were five different projects that people could attend that day. Volunteers went to Habitat for Humanity, Holy Family Shelter, Hannah House, and Forest Creek. Also a group of volunteers stayed on campus to make crafts for Riley. It was a great day to volunteer and all the projects went over smoothly. Thank you to everyone that made this day a fantastic one to serve others and help make a difference in the community.



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Bradford Woods & Fall Kick Off


Bradford Woods A group went to Bradford Woods to do some landscaping. Elizabeth Hale, our Secretary describes her experience there for us. Bradford Woods is such an amazing camp; it was great that we were able to help out. We shoveled, moved, and spread gravel for quite a while, but I think we all had fun together! Some of us might of have taken a short detour on the way there, but it all worked out in the end. It is great to know that our work that day will allow safer travels to campers on the sidewalks. All in all, it was a successful day!


Fall Kick Off The fall kick off at Turkey State Run Park was a great way to volunteer and to spend time with fellow circle kers. The whole Indiana District of Circle K was there and it was great to see all of them after the summer. For our service project in the morning what we did was kill a certain plant that was hurting other plants and taking over that state park. This service project was very fun to do. Some of us were flagging the plants while others were cutting them down or killing them with a chemical. After our service project we played some ice breakers with the others to get to know them and had a terrific lunch. Than after lunch we were broken into groups for a picture scavenger hunt. Each group was given clues to the places at Turkey Run where we needed to get a picture at. The group with the best time, most pictures of the places that they could find, and the most photo bomb pictures in other groups pictures won. The picture scavenger hunt was a blast and a great chance to explore Turkey run. The fall kick off day was a huge success and a fantastic time.


Football Fundraiser
This semester we have done two fundraisers so far. Both of them have been football fundraisers. One was during Family Weekend and the other was at the homecoming game. The proceeds from the fundraisers helped pay for member dues, and they help support our club throughout the year. Both of them were a huge success. Thanks to everyone that helped sell caramel apples, apple cider, and cookies.

Board Members
Kelsey Ring

Maggie Page
VP of Service

Elizabeth Hale

Member of the Month

Congratulations Julie Votaw (September) Year in college: Sophomore Majors: Nursing and Spanish Hometown: Greenfield, IN Favorite Color: Turquoise Reason for joining Circle K: To positively impact the lives of others through service! :) Favorite CKI moment: Getting to know other members at Bradford Woods. Congratulations Julie Votaw (September) Year: Major: Hometown: Favorite Color: Reason for joining Circle K: and leaders with a lifelong commitment to community service worldwide. As a collegiate organization, Circle K International holds the promise of todays student becoming tomorrows leader. It exists to meet the personal needs of the


Evan Wadsworth
VP of Membership Treasurer

Michael Schultheis
Devon Sease Family Chair

Elizabeth McCabe
Fundraising Chair

Lauren Shafer
Bulletin Editor

Libby Davis

Contact Information: Email: a Kiwanis-family member

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