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DECEMEER 1959 Air Force T-Men... page 20 THE Yoluiie 1H, Number 12 December 1959 CONTENTS He LURMEATE WE AON UNITING THE REF wos SHEURITY IS GOING 10 THE BOGS BY COURIER A CHMISTMAS KNICH RUBBER CHECKS. ASO ELASTIC BALANCES TH COQ ANT EEDINE OF FLIGATE ENSTRUCTORS MONKEYS, MULES, 48D MIVNANS AN FOMCE TIEN PALETTES AND PLANES TEST FORCE PASS THE MRMUNTHIONS {NK VOLE MEARD AROUND THEE woRtD SO MONEY DOWNEAST MONTHLY PAYMENTS: CHEAPER BY THE WALY DOZEN TKEAKENG THR TANGUAGE MARQUER SURPRISE FACKAGE MISTLETOE COUNTDOWN FLIGHT INTO DANGER HOW TO RAINE JUVE LISOUENTS AUPAGE FOR THE ONE AIIMAN © DEPARTMENTS: LPCTERS TO THE EDITOR | AIRMAN WORLD: SEASES ON SPACE IN MY OPINION HASEUINE, UNA a Privwcrae Gen haste 1 Lents Fofonmasion, Oice of the Sworesany uf the Ale Buice, Mal ‘Chieg. Insert Prformanian, Ofer of Faformation, ‘Cok Rack B, PAYNE lion, Cok. HARMON Hiren. davon Rear, Maj Manet J. Peanacus |. veeutie Folio, Fi) RO SEUAM | Depuriownta Editor SMESgt HanoLin E Hatitoa An Diretor, SMa Liste, Be ROUNDS, Prodnlon trot Fhsshihitin, Rusorta M. Won SURSCRUFTIONS “Te Aisaton ial $4.75 torcin 35e per Government Pristine Oise, Washington 2 fan be furiahed Editor Othce: Tc Aumacas, SGaoe 2.206 Tempo E, sk and Adam Dave, © Ws, Washington 25, 0.0. Telephone: ONtard 67300 & Abwsian ts Fear formation aman Nie Fasee person tel iit aries, burt sbicets, pote Mon ll be ian wopnleaans eee Satis reflec the GGicial slewpoen of the Departenent af the Awe Fevee Kil phormgrapts are aficial USAF photos wnisss etherse desist Use o€ funds for printing this publ roe by the Secretary fine Ast Force atthe Director of the Buren f The: oast Jay 51956 en suhacripsion for 33°30 pee yer doses, py. throuh the Saperinlendent of Bocumere, DB. €. No back cole: ya medio for the exchange of Ideas wd Renders are encouraged LETTERS TO THE EDITOR FROZEN FIELDS Sir: Ln your veply 40 18et, Pa i) Inthe duly: leniers cou, tid phd ile prorauotion stent ne ter daveussion “oppeas ta inoke the ‘eel, eaaininaiden score the! vote al teraibning factor mse achieweiment of Promotion” dé alu tuddcnteit Uh Sergewit Diuuhwere'e lwwer ree Mendel adoption af the Nay panne Hon santenn.. {fits is trae, the Hate: ment cited above iy false at the Navy foatene tw well-rounded one andj ehuiker knowledge, preformance, nul mmeerons ester garalifcuatone as well ‘Sua: Thomas A Hii Je Wedaver AFB. Ma. ‘This letter iv questing “id nes state hat USAF should: dope the Navy hiumotion system, Sergeani Diugh- ery suggestion was hated o8 a ays tet “similar” wo that used by. the ivy. The anawer 49. the lever was hase! exshusively on his suggestion. it: Could yois plone sell me ny the A Fosen 44 90 reluctant 10. wiatke clases iv the preter promorian ¥¥¥- Jeni? DL niy oper, i ts lacking, yet nratking-conutnective 6 helene deme” alleviate she pron. AVEC Francis Witton APO 24, Sin Frances Cll Conicury wo this allegation, evidence that USAF officias are making crovy effort to solve a mnie problem. An extensive re- inainung progeam has beer in effect for teeo Yours un more thin 25.000 miso have been channeled fom surplus int understaffed skilled arcas. Sesamily, the extablishmest af the Qualliy Con (rol Program was almed. direetty at ees (Continued on page 30)

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