Artifact Two

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Vocabulary: Team Point Whip Around Ideas (to supplement vocab Wednesdays)

1. Yes/No questions a. Does a pugnacious person stay quiet if someone asks him to fight? b. Student answers yes/no, because _________________ 2. a/b choice a. a person who likes to fight is a) pugnacious or b)aloof b. student answers with a because ____ 3. Used correctly in a sentence? (POS) a. My aloofness mother never pays attention to me. b. Student answers no (optional: change to correct part of speech) 4. Used correctly in a sentence? (meaning) a. My aloof mother pays so much attention to me that she never leaves me alone. b. Student says No, because ______ 5. Word pairs (go together or not?) a. Plaintively/morosely b. Student says They go/dont go together because 6. Change a word into a different part of speech a. Change morose into an adverb b. Student says morosely 7. Make up a sentence using the word _____ (in a way that shows you know what it means) 8. Give an example of a situation when ___ a. When would a person show a contemptuous attitude? b. Give an example of a situation when it is ok to be pugnacious.

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