Vol 13 Iss 9 February 1992

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Our Watchword Is


117 W. Second Street

Pomona, CA



(714) 629-8814 Our Slogan Is





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wm *n&twwu war M\m\ mm ... serve. Him 'in.;oi{rtc.erI\ty:'-'ahtf'\i\n.:"truthi\-:\an.cl put away:the idols ich yowr fathers served on the other; 'M<a. M :th*'# J-'ood*: and --H ih '





In this newsletter we are using the correct Hebrew NAME and TITLE of the Heavenly Father, Yahweh. Below we have listed the incorrect TITLES and NAME used by Christendom and various religions, and also the correct NAME and TITLE of t'"~~
Heavenly Father.


Jesus Christ


1st Person 2nd Person

Holy Ghost

3rd Person



Father Word or Son


Holy Spirit(or Ghost)


The primary constitutional objectives of the Institute are as follows:

1st -

To help you find and know YAHWEH our ELOHIM as He really is and
actually exists.


To form a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood of Humanity in

Yahshua the Messiah without distinction of Race or Natipnality,
Creed, Sex, Caste or Color.


To investigate the unexplained Spirit Law or so-called Law hU

Nature and the powers latent in man.









and Modern

Comparative Religions, Psychology, (Practical and Occult) Science. 5th



To extirpate current Superstitution, Skepticism and Ignorance.

To Learn, Know and Understand the operation of Yahweh's Eternal Purpose through the Dispensations and Ages.


To Discern and Avoid being Deceived by Lucifer, the Serpent, the Devil, the Dragon or Satan and his Demons, operating the Mystery
of Iniquity on Earth through the Dispensations of time.


To earnestly contend for the Common Salvation and Faith which

was once delivered unto the Sons or Children of Yahweh.


To make known that Yahweh, from the beginning, ordained there is NO OTHER NAME given among men whereby man can be saved, saving;





Life NOW

in the Kingdom of

Yahshua the

Messiah, with the HOPE of Immortal (Eternal) Glorification iii

the New Earth State.




"The Glad Tidings' Page 1

Volume XIII Issue No. 9


Leonard J.



Greetings of love to all the brethren in the "Glad Tidings" of

This month we are trying something a little bit different in that the featured lecture is one given by two students here in Pomona, Beverly Morales and Hoshea Love. I enjoyed the lecture they gave, and hope you do the same. As you will see, my students don't try to
astound the audience with a lot of brilliant correlations or crack

a lot of esoteric mysteries. Instead, they try to share what is real with them about the teaching.. .something they can use in their everyday life.


is what the gospel is really all about:

learning to love

Yahweh with all our heart, and then to love each other the same.

For without love, all of the correlations of blood, water, spirit, 40, become as sounding brass and tinkling cymbol. If the gospel


stays on the charts, it is totally useless.

Here in Pomona, we are really pulling together as Pharoah gets harder and harder on each of us. Bills are due, and money is short. Nobody alone is going to come up with the money to pay them. But, just as an army of ants works together for a common goal, we are learning to work as a unity with no "big I's" or "little you's." One person organizes & yard sale to raise funds, and others pitch in to help. Other students have gotten a food pantry going now, with the possibility of obtaining a federal grant (and they said it couldn't be done)! Another student is looking into using the building for Bingo games to raise money; still another is seeing about renting building out for receptions. Our landlord is being very patient with us. None of us want to lose this buiding, and we are striving hard to pull together. On ecomforting thought if we
should happen to lose it is that we will have learned a lesson worth far more than a physical meeting place: the lesson of learning how to work side by side, getting along with one another, or in essence, love.

Below I am reprinting my message from ten years ago. The words

still apply, as you will see. I hope that you get something out of

Love always,

^- I received a letter the other day

from one of our brethren who is

incarcerated at
California. He


Luis Obispo,
me several

fairly new in the gospel, who is


about baptism,

which I

Volume XIII
Issue No. 9

'The Glad Tidings" Page 2

would like to talk about herein. (I don't think he'll mind me answering him in this way...I hope [smile].) To address the subject of baptism in its entirety, it would require a book! This subject is, in fact, discussed at length in our textbook, Elohim the Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe. In sum, though, water baptism is a
carnal ordinance that was fulfilled


cometh Yahshua from Galilee tf~"j

and comest Thou to me? And Yahshua




Jordan unto John, to be immersed or-'

him. But John forbade Him, saying, I have need to be immersed of Thee, answering said unto him, Permit it
to be so now: for thus it becometh

us to FULFILL all righteousness. Then he permitted Him." As far as

the purpose of Yahweh was

and put to an end by Yahshua the Messiah when he was baptised by


concerned, the baptism of Yahshua the Messiah by John the Baptist was the end of physical water baptism.
It was fulfilled or finished. For

According to Merrian-Webster Dictionary, baptism is defined as a sacrament by whose reception one

becomes a member of a Christian

just as baptised

Adam was physically in the waters that

Mother by Earth, the so was





church; to baptise is defined as: to immerse in water, or to put water on, as part of a religious rite admitting a person to a Christian church; or, to christen. These definitions are NOT the TRUE, divine etymological meaning of water baptism! The first recorded true baptism occurred when Virgin Mother Earth (from which the vegetable and animal kingdoms were created, including the first man, Adam) was completely "immersed" or "baptised" in the waters that surrounded her (Gen. 1:1-13). In that immersion (baptism) every single physical cell, protozoa, atom, fiber, molecule, tissue, muscle and bone of sinew, everything in the earth (including Adam) was once totally immersed in water. (This was before Elohim formed Adam's physical body and
breathed into his nostrils the

surrounded him.

Yahshua's purpose on the earth plane was not to institute water baptism (as the churches would have you believe). In fact, His baptism was unto death (not life); so saya \ Romans 6:3. He was baptised untcrw
death because He was the prepared sacrificial Lamb of Yahweh (John

1:29). This is shown by the fact that the daily sacrifice in the tabernacle was specially prepared and washed (immersed) in the brazen
laver before it could be offered up
on the altar of sin sacrifice.

Thus, we can see the institution and fulfillment of physical water baptism by Yahshua the Messiah and how it fits the pattern of the

Breath of Life so that he became a

living soul on the Sixth Day of Creation.) Likewise, when you were being formed in your mother's womb
(mother earth),
was immersed

After Yahshua's death, burial and resurrection, it is recorded by Matthew that He said, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, immersing them in the Name of the
Father, and of the Son and of the

every atom,


tissue, etc., that formed your body






Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28:19). This is called by Christendom, "The Great Commission." Of course, if you read the quote carefully, it says, "immersing them in the NAME;" not/ \

in the water. Therefore, the next^

"The Glad Tidings" Page 3



Issue No.

.time someone wants to dunk you in 3ome water and tell you that they

"spoken" to you by your parents, teachers, preachers, peers and just

your life in general.

are baptising you in the NAME of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
ask them this. "All right, buddy: So what's the NAME of the Father? How about the Son? And most

This spiritual baptism is a painful thing at times. Just look at the weather now (which baptises Mother
Earth continually) as your type and shadow. Mother Earth is presently

particularly, what is the name of

the Holy Spirit?" If they say, "Lord, God and Jesus Christ," ask







being beaten with torrents water, pelting snow and ice,

well as blanketed in a vail

of as

Father and Jesus the Son, who in the 'heck* is the Holy Spirit? What's his name, huh?" (For those

of you who do not understand the slang word, 'heck, ' please write me a private letter and I will forward you the proper grammatical term

frost and cold! Yahweh is manifesting these things to show us the POWER, as well as the

devastating effects, that His baptism of the Holy Spirit can have upon us! Thus we can understand why
the Messiah said, "I have an immersion to be immersed with; and

After the Day of



the Jews were immersed with the Holy Spirit), Peter, seven years

how am I pained till it be accomplished!" (Luke 12:50). Yet He endured the pain. He suffered it
because He knew that in the end there would be a resurrectionnot of His flesh but of that which was

later, was at Cornelius1 house (who was a Gentile), and said, "And as I

began to speak,
fell on them,

the Holy Spirit,

as on us at the

beginning (of this Present Kingdom Age which was marked by the Day of
Pentecost). Then remembered I the word of Yahshua, how that He said, John indeed immersed with water;

within Him. Likewise, Mother Earth shall endure the pain of this

weather; she shall in the spring,

resurrect her fruits of the earth and blossom into fruition. And if







but ye shall be immersed with the

HOLY SPIRIT'" (Acts 11:15-16).

immersion in this life, in this Gospel, you shall pass from death
unto life. You shall be resurrected

SPIRITUAL baptism is the whole purpose of this Gospelthat you may be baptised (immersed) in the
Name of the Father, the Word or Son

and the Holy Spirit (His supernal nature: Yahweh, Elohim and Yahshua-a unity) through the foolishness of preaching. However, the preaching of this Gospel is your
baptism unto DEATHthe death of your carnal mind (all the concepts,

into a perfect understanding which is the kingdom or the "righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit." You "shall," that is, if you haven't already...






accumulated since birth). That is what the preaching of the WORD OF


TRUTH is all about!

To put an end

to the death-causing works which you established by your own


particular interpretations of the laws, statutes and judgments

Volume XIII Issue No. 9

-The Glad TidingsPage 4

u "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it
never was."

Sounds like a beautiful thought. Sounds poetic and true. But the reality of it is that whether or not you love something, it never was yours! The Creator of heaven and earth owns you, and He also owns whoever you happen to love. Therefore, it would be better to just love something and let it go. Otherwise, you could be loving the person with an ulterior motive, thinking: "If I love them and let them go, then they'll come back to me. And if they come back to me, that means they're mine."
Nope, they never were yours, and they never will be.
"There's a thin line between love and hate."

People tend to think that if they love someone a great deal, then they can flip over to hating them at any given moment. But true love is as far away from hate as night is from day. They are opposites. Suppose you say you love someone, and then they do something that you can't stand. Then all of a sudden, do you hate them? If this is so, you would need to check out your love. Is it self serving? Are you loving the person for what they do for you? Or do you love the principle that is operating in said that He hated Esau for selling his birthright. Yahweh hated the man for giving up his spiritual blessing for a piece of flesh. When we hate someone, it's usually because they took something
that person. The Father so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. That same Father

emotions. Therefore, He doesn't flip over from loving us to hating us when we do something i)
called "bad." He either loves the spirit that dwells within us (Himself) or He hates what's in us (our carnality which is destined to be destroyed). There's no flipping from one to the other.
"The Harder They Come, the Harder They Fall."
Dr. Kinley used to say he had a sledgehammer the size to fit anyone's head. If you're big-headed and think you're so great (which is normally the case), yup, He's got a jumbo sledgehammer for you. Just like in the movies when the bad guy goes running after the good guy, and they're at the top of a building, we know that the bad guy is going to fall. Well, the higher they go, the bigger the splat at the bottom. "How art thou fallen, O Lucifer, Son of the Morning." "For that day will not come unless
there come a falling awav first, and that man of sin, the son of perdition be revealed" (in us). If you

away from us, or took their love away from us. But the Father's hate is based on a principle, not

refuse to bow to the truth and you keep building your tower of babel higher and higher, then if you be destined for salvation, the Father is going to have to chastize you and bring you down. So take to heart what the man is teaching you, and you'll be saved from your fall by the thousand angels

waiting to catch you. Just believe in Him and your fall will be easy, no matter how hard you cornel
"Dr. Kinley Said..."

Dr. Kinley said a lot of things...positive and negative. Were you there? Do you know the whole story? In reading scriptures, he always admonished us to read above and below the quote to get the train of thought. Likewise when you read his lectures and quote his sayings, do you know why
of right and wrong. You be the judge.

he was addressing the issue in the first place? Or are you using his words to serve your own ide^j

"The Glad Tidings"

Pa9e 5

Volume XIII
Issue No. 9

The way of the high priest according to the Hebrew Law is prepared by two low priests. The Hebrew Law we are referring to was recorded by the man named Moses. He did this after having seen a vision and a revelation given

to him by Yahweh-Elohim, his creator. A translation of this law can be

found in the first five books of the Bible. The particular arrangement and

function of the high priest and his two low priests working in harmony together sets up a principle. A principle is a fundamental law. A
fundamental law is like a foundation. It is needed to build any kind of a

building or house that will remain firm and immovable. In both cases, the priests and the foundation, it may be necessary for the reader to do some research to more fully understand the meaning of this

Our purpose here is to show a

principle that is demonstrated within the

threefold tabernacle described in the bible. In the book of Exodus we can read what Moses wrote about it. Nine vessels were within the tabernacle,

three in each of the compartments: the Most Holy Place, the Holy Place and
the Court Round About. As we have been taught by the Founder of I.D.M.R.,



each one of the nine vessels represents one of the nine

attributes that makes up the embodiment of Elohim. By using the threefold tabernacle pattern, the attributes are presented in this manner: in the Most Holy Place is Intelligence (as the High Priest) then Wisdom and

-^ Knowledge (as two Low Priests).

In the Holy Place is Beauty (as the High

'i Priest) Love and Justice (or Discernment) (as the low priests). In the Court Round About is Foundation (as High Priest) then Power and Strength as the two low priests. Consider each of the three compartments as having its own special operation even though each compartment is connected to the other. The threefold tabernacle is only complete or whole because all three compartments are joined together as one. Using our own physical body as verification, we can see how the body is threefold with the head cavity, chest cavity and abdominal cavity making up one whole body. It is important to note that each of the cavities has its own special function or operation, yet it exists only because it is a part of the whole body

This threefold principle also reflects Elohim as being reflected in different forms: the high priest and his low priests operating as the angelic kingdom and the physical kingdom, the mystery of righteousness and the mystery of unrighteousness...good and evil and positive and negative. It all reflects the same PRINCIPLE. One of the many benefits for having an

understanding of this knowledge is that no one can fool you or trick you into believing that someone can be all good or without any evil in them. According to Yahweh's purpose, no one has any choice but to manifest good and evil. But it is Yahweh's thoughts in you that cause you not to be subject or bound down to the good or the evil. Therefore you manifest both

good and evil, but it's according to Yahweh's purpose. Another way of saying it is that you manifest good and evil according to Yahweh's understanding (Elohim) operating in you. Anyone who teaches that you can , be filled with the Holy Spirit which will cause you to be good and do no r evil is a total liar and ignorant of Yahweh's purpose.

Volume XIII
Issue No.


"The Glad Tidings"

page 6

The story of the purpose of Yahweh begins with the tree of knowledge of

gSod andYevil with the tree of life in its midst That 1S * "^%fyoU
It represents the understanding of It is afest*Jh*J^s to ?ea?n Yahweh type and shadow for us to learn see the threefold principle here?
its reality manifesting in us.

lit unlerstlnfby. "now this story must end with that same tree according tj~
What we have written is true. It cannot be simply accepted, yet.it-cnnnok

kingdom of Yahweh. This is the way of the high priest and his low. Priests.

disproved. It must be understood by anyone who desires to inherit the

?urSermore we realize that the creation typifies the woman; tabernacle
oneratincr in the creation which is the greater and more perfect tabernacle.

We know that the high priest operating in the tabernacle depicts Elohim

mind. If we keep these thoughts in mind and also the principle of the^igh priest and his two low priest then we can see how Elohim, who is the purpose of Yahweh or the understanding of Yahweh, is the ^gh priest operating with positive (good) and negative (evil) down through the dispensations and ages. These two low priests are the mystery of
righteousness and mystery of unrighteousness.

typifies ?he woman, and finally, the woman typifies the.PhYs^al Jlhf.

This information and all the knowledge associated with this subject is Xtendedft"T bring us into the consciousness of how the high priest operates in our heart and mind within our own physical body When the Messiah

thousand years of creation. In the fullness of time Dr.- Kin-Utyor ^tterT

u^st^inllhTrefuty^/^e'^^est operating in his own physical

SVwrftten^t I the way, the truth ana the life. No one goes unto
the Father but by me.

SO be it, and so it is-THE WAY OF THE HIGH PRIEST.

Hoshea Love

"The Glad Tidings" Page 7



Issue No.





Scripture Lesson: Ecc. Dr. Beverly Morales:

3rd chapter Good evening,

believed in those things.

You believed,

well, circumcision wasn't actually a thing that was taught in the Holiness church
that was looked at as a cleanliness.

everybody. How's everybody tonight?

Audience: Not bad.

in other religions,

circumcision was a

part of their religion. And you had the

various ceremonies, like the Catholics. I've had the pleasure, or theyou know, it was interesting, to go to a high mass
in the Catholic church. And being that I'm
not Catholic, it is something. Every move

Dr. Morales:

Not too bad? This morning I

had a back spasm and I was crawling around

for about four hours until I got doped up-Motrinand it allowed me to do what I had to do. And then when I got here, I


that the priest

makes means


said, Oh I feel like it was wearing off.

And it was until I found out I was going

thing. You know, from the taking the cloth

that has a star on it off the challis that holds the wine, to wiping it out and put

to be the first speaker; and it waB like my whole body went into rigormortiB.

ting it back on the littleevery single

movement has a meaning. And so then, we
have the various ceremonies and stuff. So,

I know everybody's been kind of sick with

the flu and stuff like that. But neverthe

less, it is a privilege and a pleasure to

stand before you to give a reasonable testimony of some of the things that have been put on my heart and mind or brought
to my attention to look at. As I was listening to the scripture, and my memory

my point is that when those things were being exposed to the reality of them, as it were, that they were a fallacy, then it
was cool. I didn't have any problem

letting those things go, because really and truly, they were a bother to begin
with. You know. But then, when it gets

^^ is really bad, and yet I was recalling f] when Dennis was talking about this scrip
ture, and Dad has been on the floor, the two of them, trying to point out this phy sical body that we're in, and trying to give us some tools in order to use that we may let go of the things that so easily beset usthat we can have peace of mind while yet walking around in this physical

down, as we start peeling off the differ ent things, and kind of getting down to
the nitty gritty, which is the fleshour concepts of the flesh, excuse me, then we set up a resistance. And we set up a re
sistance because we don'tI don'twant

earth plane, or in essence, the Kingdom, which is the righteousness, peace and joy in the whole spirit, which is a state of

to let those things go. Because I can't see past, or the results of letting them go. If I can put it that way. So because I can't see it, don't want to let it go.
And so then, in a sense, I haven't come

mind. I don't know about you, but it just seems like here lately I've been doing a lot of thinking on that line, on just
that. Like the scripturea time for

into a conscious reality of the teaching because the scripture that comes to mind is that Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not
seen. Take school for instance. You don't

everything. And the thing that I have noticed for myself is that the closer down to the end that we come, the stronger the

resistance is, I guess, in us, to fight against what's being said. And I stop to question why am I fighting? And I came up with a revelation! (Chuckles.) And the thing of it is is because you first have

got to school to learn. You actually go to school in order to teach you how to pull out knowledge, to teach you how to get to
your resources and stuff like that. I



you get two plus two is four

to believe in what the Dean is telling you. Now, that sounds like a simple, simple thing. And yet, it is the real

and all this other good stuff like that, but when you go to take a test and stuff, a lot of times those tests that you get

for a job have nothing to do with the job;

it's your aptitude, your mental state of

it's like, you only fight something that

you don't believe. If you don't have a problemlike, okay, when I first came into the class, the carnal ordinances were the thing that were talked about at that

mind is what they're looking at. Right? Okay. Soand I lost my train of thought just that quick. Shoot! We don't go to school to learn. oh shucks. But at any
rate, darn! You don't go to school to

^\ time...exposing





learn is what I was sayingnot that you

don't get two plus to is four and stuff

religious beliefs of circumcision, the ceremonies, the baptisms, the suppers, the
sacrifices and the ten commandment law. Though anyone who's ever been in church

like that. But it teaches you how to tap

your resources; it teaches you how to

J school is all about. You know, number one,








issue No.

"The Glad Tidings" Page 8

Pr. Morales: You know what I'm saying? Because they can'ttheir little hands,

you get committed to getting up everyday. This is what I tell Mateo: This iB your training time for if you do get a job, you already know you got to get up every morn ing and every day you get up for school is getting you conditioned for something else. You know, it ain'tyou're not going to school to go to school. This is getting you conditioned for something else. You understand what I'm saying? And basic allyand I don't know why my brain took But basically, what I'm wings and flew. getting at is the things that you go through are for that self same purpose, to
get you to another point. Okay? We put a lot of emphasis on these physical things. Oh, okay! We were talking about faith. We put a lot of emphasis on theBe physical things, and yet it's like this. The physi cal things that you have gone through is what gives you the faith to go through something else. Okay? It's like, you'll never, as long as you're in this physical
body, not have something to overcome... not have something to deal with. Okay? If I get through a hurdle, once I've gotten
over that hurdle, and I feel like I've

they can't hold more than one thing at f"~"\ time. And so, in essence, when we get i^J
gem, when I get a gem, I have to be will

ing to open up in order to get another gem. Or, all I have is this one gem with
this one little facet, with this one lit

tle point of looking at something, and staying right there, judging everything according to this one little thing that I
see at this particular point in time. You understand what I'm saying? So then, the
long and short of it all is if I don't

give up something, or I'm battling with

something, it's because I don't, in real

ity, believe what the man is telling us telling me! I mean, it's like my absent
parents (refering to her job at the D.A.'s

office), and I'm not trying to put them

down, because I feel sorry for them. Nowa days, you guys, if anybody needs this in

formation, within a year, we're going to be linked to almost every computer system
in the entire country. You know, we're

going to be able to link up to unemploy ment insurance benefits, social security

benefits, disability insurance benefits, workman comp claim benefits. I mean, if you scratch your butt, we're gonna know about it. You know, if you go for a loan, you ain't gonna get it; if you try to sell

gotten something out of it, then I make that it! You know, in other words, that's
itl I've learned it, I know now! I use

that as an example or a criteria for understanding everythingbecause I just

your house,

you can't do it.

You know?

went through something. You know? But that's just another gem 01 another tool to get me ready for the next thing that' s coming up. You know what I'm trying to

We're gonna link all those into one motheA^

computer, and within a year, the compu ter's going to do half the work for us. And it's like, they're just out to get the

say? It's not over. You know? And by the

same token, that little gem that I got

right there is onlylet me seeit's like a diamond... it's only one facet. It ain't the whole picture. So you can't take the one thing that you go through and judge everything else that you've got to go through. If I said that correctly. You
know? And I Baid all that to say that if we can see that, or if I can see that,

absent parent. But the thing I'm trying to get across is, now they're in TRW, and we're sending out these notices. And so, child support has become a bill now, just
like a mastercard or a visa or even a May

Company. It's on your TRW. If you owe a child support payment, it's considered an

obligation now. And the absent parent is calling because he has excellent credit,
and all of a sudden child support comes

then the only reason that I don't want to

up, and it's showing, like, to him, in his

mind, because child support is there, he
considers it a bad debit. I mean, Citibank

let go of something that I've acquired is

that I don't truly believe. See, this is

the thing. When you go through something, and you get a gem, then you hang onto that

Visa is a debit. But because it's child

support, they consider it a bad debit. And

I don't care what I say to them, they don't hear me. They don't want to hear me, because what they're trying to get me to

gem. Okay? But see, if it ain't the whole

story, and it's only a facet, then you've got more to get! You understand what I'm

saying? But because we have more to get, you can't get more if you hold onto what

see is, I want it off 1 You understand what

you gotl You know, it's like if you look

at a child. And you give them something.

I'm saying? I don't give a damn what you're saying, I want this off I And so,
it's like, I have to just come out as

If you have something else,

it's the

nicely as I possibly can and say, this

ain't comin' off, brother 1 This is here to

nature of children [she drops the point

er]. You gave them something and they want something else, they'll drop what they got
to get itl
Audience: (Chuckles.)

stay! You know? And basically, in a nice

way, that's what I tell them: I'm sorry, Mr. Bo-and-so, all this conversation ain t

gonna change anything.

have go to Ira Reiner, blah, blah, blah.

You're going ta^J

But what I'm saying is, is because they re

"The Glad Tidings" Page 9

Volume XIII

issue No.

(forming this thing in their mindand it

does put them under the gun. Because if they don't make the payment, then zap! A
minus shoots up there within 60 days. And
that's another thing, it makes them tow the line. You know what I'm saying? And I look at that as far as the teaching, as it narrows down, I'm telling you, as it nar

what I get out of what they're saying is,

it's coolI'm scared to say thisl If I'm

wrong, Dad will:

(Chuckles.) Audience:

(makes a buzzer noise).


Dr. Morales: It's like, what we consider

rows down, it more or lessit makes you tow the line, nut the thing of it is, be cause of what we have on our mind, we look at it as a bad debit! You know? And iU's not a bad debit. It's amazing how whan we hear about the concepts of the flesh, how we tend towe get righteous, is what we do. You know, we get righteous. It's like, either we're zippety do da, and I'm gonna

to be negative is not negative. And it's

cool to be that negative that we are so

aohamed of. And it's because of this that ws ara ashamed of that v.e keep the shield

up and we don't want to buy what he Bays,

and we're not free. And that's why we have enmity with each other. Now, I'm gonna use this example, and Melissa's probably gonna

kill me, kill me, kill me. I'm gonna do

it. Because I don't think it's really a

get rid of this, that and the other...or

we're the exact opposite, and we do every

bad one, you know. But it reallyand I

thing we can not to conform. And truly, it's through the preaching of the gospel
that we're saved, not of our own will.

pointed it out to her, and Bhe co-signed

it, and ohe can co-sign it again. But we were at the house, working on music. And

she has a problem with her plumbing. And

so then, I went to use the bathroom number one, thank goodness 1 And I flushed the toilet, but I didn't put the handle back up. So then, we were in the kitchen, and we were cooking or eating or doing something, we were in the kitchen, and we heard the water running. And so then, I said, Oh, it's the toilet! You know,
cause I knew I hadI was in there. So I

What I'm saying in, if we say this gospel

is the truth...and I really believe it, I do. I believe it's the truth. And if I believe it to be true, when the word is

spoken to us, I have to carry it a little

further and say,
true! And I know

What he is saying is
it sounds silly, it

^"^sounds crazy, but it's just that Bimple.

I want to just give an example.
out for theii: own self!

If he

says, Everyone in the sound of my voice is

I can say,

go running in the bathroom, and water was about ankle deep! I said, Oh no!
Melissa, I'm so sorryl You know, I was

see, you don't understand, uh-uh, no that

ain't like that; no you're just saying that because this, this, this, this, and this. You see, you actually tore your own

really upset, you know. And like, she was like, Oh, no! And then she was telling me about her plumbing problem. But this is
what Bhe did. She says (chuckles), I mean, and real white tool You know, she goes,

self up because of pride! But if you go on and say. Well, you know, he's right...then you've actually set yourself free! You actually let go of something, if you just accept that! You understand what I'm saying? And that really, that actually is part of the battle won! Because that scripture that was readand Dad has gone
into it and Dennis tooit's trying to tell us that this flesh is good for the

Well, you can go home now. And I was like, huh? Yes, you don't have to do this, you can just go home now. And I was like, oh
no, uh-uh! You know, I said, you know, like, where's the mop, where's the rags,
come on with it. Because at the James

Place house, I swear, two and three times a month, it was like, everybody had an

purpose that it was made for, but yet this

flesh, it has flaws. It's weak. You know, he used to tell us all the time, if you don't batho yourself, after two or three

open orifice with a rag on it, and Danny

or Clancell was outside with the water

hose going through this section, that section, moving the clog, because our
trees, our drain was bad. So I was used to

days, you're gonna stink!

You know?


get up, you take a napI'm not even gonna

say go to bed at night and wake upyou take a nap and wake up, and you need to brush your teeth! You know what I'm saying?

that! And I was justbut it was like, You can go home now. And I was like, What the hell is wrong with you, girl? I said, you act like you're so ashamed, I can't be bothered with this? I said, the hell with

Audience: (Chuckles.)

I'm not going



I just

^\ Dr. Morales; (Chuckles.)

you've got germs 1

You know?


sort of went off, I said, see, that's what our problem is. Go ahead.

get in a new relationship with somebody,

and after you lip it up a day or two, both of you are gonna catch colds, because
Lady P. says the worst

Melissa Robinson: I didn't say that til after you had spent 25 minutes mopping with me. That's when I started feeling

bite is a human bite!



Volume XIII
Issue No. 9

'The Glad Tidings"

Page 10
Honey, uh-uh. She started



from the beginning and didn't stop is what


let's get his crackers1" Now, don't mis understand me, you guys, I love the mar-"

dearly. And within my power, there isn'i^

anything that I am conscious of that I

Audience: (Laughter.) Dr. Morales: She started right from the beginning. She was trying to kick me out, JimI She was trying to kick me outl And

wouldn't do for the man. But I mean, heyl One time, Dad was ragging the women up and
downone side and down the other. ..Debbie

I said, girl, we're family1 Ain't no big deal herel I said that's what's wrong with the class, I said, shit go wrong and
we're bo busy trying to cover up and throw

and Bonnie were sitting here like this. I got up, went to the kitchen, took put one of Mateo's diapers, tied it around the broom and came out and went [waved it around). (Laughs.) And they were like, Oh my gosh! You know. But, you remember
that, Dad? You were there when I did that

each other off. And I mean, that's why we can't get, because something happened, you know, we're too proud, we're just too proud. I can handle this myself, you know. And she goes, Okay, okayl Stayl You

[talking to a class member]? Oh, okay. (Laughs.) But, the thing of it lis, is
that the family would be there: Clancell

and DebbieDebbie was his personal' secre

tary. And there wasn't anything in the school, basically, that was going on, that
he didn't know about. Because Cluke was



Dad's right-hand man. So then, every dif

Dr. Morales: Because you know how I can bel Ka-kaaal You knowl But in essence,
ferent situation in the school, he knew

this is the truth, you guys. It's like, you know, only certain people can merit us clowning, you know. It's like, if you live
with somebody, you might show your butt to them, but you get up here in class, and you'll be too cool, you know. And all that kind of stuff.. .instead of just being natural. Here we've been given all the
tools in the world to be natural, and we've become the most unnatural people1
We have become so unnatural, and we wonder

about. And every time something would come up, he'd try to talk to a person and help them out of it, and da-da-da. And you know
how we are, we listen or we don't listen.

Anyway, as the things would go on, as time would go on, they became elevated. And it
was like them and Dad...and the class

members. And their problems, and their not a hundred percent for the teaching, and

la-la-la-la-la-la-la. It's like, a lot o^J

why there's enmity between us. Because, it's like, I'm trying to sell you a false bill of sales. And you ain't buying it.

times when you know stuff, it's dangerous. Because then you exalt yourself above peo ple, and you're better than them pecause

you know what they're doing and where they're coming from. And you see their

But because you don't know the intricacies of me, you don't know what it is, you know what I'm saying? And vice versa. And we're constantly bumping into each other,
for one reason or another. And because of

iniquity., .and we're like that top, peo

ple. You want to see somebody's iniquity.

You want to see their shortcomings, be

cause see, then it makes you look good.

Oh, okay, I struck your nerve 1 ph, you

that it keeps us like this (bound down). It keeps us to the point where we don't
believeand the reason why we can't be lieve Dad and what he's Baying is because
he's natural and we're unnatural. And

don't like that?

Oh, okayl

I guefss it's

our nature because we're so insecure. But the thing of it is is that, they got

that's why we don't want to believe itJ

We don't want that stench on us. You know,

it's like my family. That's what was the breaking point for them. Because see, they
were in that office with the chiefand I

righteous. And because they saw that stuff and they were exempt, as it were, from getting their hands slapped because of everything they were doingnot that they weren't guilty. Because the same; gospel that was preached in this room was

used to make it a point not to be in his company. Because you know, Danny, whenever
Dad would come over to the house, every

preached to them. He never once said, I'm speaking to everybody in this room but
Clancell and Debbie. He never said that.
He said







fixing things up]...

Audience: (Chuckles.)
Dr. Morales: Sit down, Dad, what do you

Audience: (Chuckles.)

Dr. Morales: (Chuckles.) I'm saying? You know,

You knpw what he said, I'm

speaking to everybody in the sound of my

voice. Which means that they just didn't


And I would say, I'm getting out of

here, you know. And I was looked down on,

because I'm not"Oh yeah, we got to go to

the store, Dad's coming 1

Oh man, let's

buy his potatoes, let's get his cheese,

hear they they they

it, because they were so, you know, (j were so much better because of what did for the old man. You know, but were just ae naturalI mean they

"The Glad Tidings' Page 11



Issue No.

(Ve notthey were just as carnal, you

Know, and they were just as ignorant, not understanding the entire practical appli
cation of this teaching, as we were. You

able to still Bhare his room and his toys. And so then, and I look at that to say that Dad sees different behavior patterns

know what I'm saying? They were just in the Bame old bowl of soup, but they could n't see it. And so then, the thing of it

in us, and when he goes about to show you those things so that you can make those alterationsbecause he said this: "Think
not that I am come to destroy the law or

is, it's that they didn't want to be a

the prophet8; I am not come to destroy,

but to fulfill." So then he says, Oh, I see this behavior pattern. Now it's two factions there, or three factions, if you

part, they didn't want to acknowledge or

admit that they were a part of the soup like the rest of usl You understand what

I'm saying?

I mean, everybody basically

knows what their situation was. But they were different because they had a halo over on their side of town, or something? 1 You know what I'm saying? There wasn't

want the pattern. But there's factions there. So, he's got toit's like a judge
ment call. He's got to work one thing at a time. You know, like I said, it's Mateo's room, but he's got to share. You know what I'm saying? So, you don't want

nothing happening over there that wasn't

happening somewhere else. You understand

what I'm trying to say? (Chuckles)

to put condemnation on the child for want ing his own space, and yet, he's got to be
able to extend himself at the same time.

But we're just not even conscious of how

much indoctrination that we have of a

Now, that's a big job to have to be donel

And a lot of times, we, the onlooker, may

rose-colored glass look of this flesh.

That a lot of times iB a natural hinder-

sayoh, this is a good one. We, the on

looker, will see Dad apparently blinded to what's happening. And apparently letting
someone get away with murder. But see, you don't realize the faction that he's work


it's a natural block,

a lot of

times, from not seeing. And yet, because of the things that we have been able to
receive down here, it should be enough for us to be able to use in order to put that

ing with. It ain't like he don't see thisl

Or maybe at the time he don'tl But see, the thing with him is, because he knows, when he gets in his car, closes that door, turns on the ignition, it'll start...he
knows whatever else he needs to teach that

^Jseast in us right where we can see it. f^kay, now when I say that, again, I'm not
talking righteous. I don't even know the right words to say. But when I say the
beast, as like to be righteous. It's like,
we have to let the beast, being the pride

person is going to come around. You got

what I'm saying? But see, we don't want
to wait for things to come around. You

in us, to put that under control. That's what I'm trying to say. You have to put the pride under control, and the shame
under control, and the humiliation under
control. That's the beast. To me, that's the beast 1 You know, the natural part of us is not the beast, but we make that the beast 1 You know what I'm trying to say?

know, we don't. "No, he's just letting him or her get away with murder1" That's not

necessarily sol
that's all.

But you can only work

You understand That's it and
and if the person

with one thing at a timel what I'm talking about?

And look,

And it's just the exact opposite. And that'8 what he's trying to pull up, pull from the grave in us, is that natural man
that we once were from when we first were

ain't right in what they're doing, ain't got to worry about that I
Audience: That's right.

manifested in the physical body. You know what I'm saying? I mean, any of us who have kids, you look at them. Matt, being an only child, the kid, he was growing up
with a bunch of adults, he was selfish. He was selfish. I mean, if his little cousins come over, when he got tired of playing with them, he shoved them out of the room
and slammed the door in their face. I'd

Dr. Morales: You definitely don't have to

worry about Yahweh teaching me a lesson1 You know, or you a lesson. Hell, ain't
nobody can beat you up worse than you can do your own damn self. Come on, give me a
break. We know that, people1 And if that don't work, you know the chief has said something that would make you crawl up
under the rug. How do you know he's not gonna do that with someone else? But you know, vengeance is minel Not Yahweh'si

hear this cry, have to get down the hall to them: "Well, they make me sick, I
don't want them no morel" And I mean,

You know what I'm saying. And it's a trip,

because thingbeyond a shadow of a doubt, people, the first step in getting anything straight, is that you've got to believe what the man says when he says it. You have to believe itl If you don't believe it, then you're not going to get anywhere. You're going to be tore up and you're go

that was a natural thing for him. But it was something that I had to look at and

rN say, Oh, okay, well we're gonna have to

teach him how to be able to interrelate.

Well, that wasn't always easy. You under stand what I'm saying? Because, number
one, that is his rooml And those are his


And yet, he has to learn how to be

ing to be fighting. That was my revela-

Volume XIII
Issue No. 9

"The Glad TidingsPage 12

tion. You've got to believe what he says.

And when you do that, everything ain't going to open up right away, the heavens and the beams coming down, and the angels

cause it builds us up. But just as you may

you're going to be blind-sided by somf j

thing I dol You know, and it's because or

see me blind-sided by something you d07~

singing. The way ain't gonna be paved and



know exactly what

step to

those things we become righteous,


Audience: (Chuckles.)

guysl Instead of looking at that and still going through it, we say, "Oh, I see that. I'll never do that againI" That's

what we do. If you hurt my feelings, okay,

okay, I got you in check, Hosea. You ain't

Dr. Morales: And as soon as you do that, really and truly, that's when the fight
comes. Because it's like this: when Yah-

getting in this three-foot circle, because I know what you're about, babyl You're
gonna hurt me, you're gonna do this to me.

shua came on the scene...now how does that


That's when the trouble began!


Instead of just realizing,

that's just

That's when the trouble begins!

up for reckoning,

something you need to overcome. Because if

when you have to fight. That's when every

thing that you've got in your mind comes
as it were. You

what I'm trying to say?

reckoning later, it's now!
on the spot!

Ain't no day of
When the stuff

you care for the person, I don't give a shit what you do, you're gonna still care for the person. That is not gonna change. I don't care, you guys. That's how I feel

about it. I don't care how many people

that you're with,
love you. I don't

comes up, that's judgement day, right then

or something, I still
care. And that's the

and there...when you deal with something,

And it's hard. It isl

difficult. We make it difficult, let me put it that way. Stop that, Bevl WE MAKE
IT DIFFICULT! we're afraid. You know, we do. Because We're afraid of what the

same thing with Dad. We, collectively, are his woman. We are! And we can accept that
with him. But I'll be damned if we can't
deal with that with each other1

Audience: Right.
Dr. Morales: We just can't do itl Because

other person is going to say. We're afraid of what the other person is going to do, and what they're going to think, and stuff
like that. And I swear, it's like Dad

we feel the need to jockey for position.

We want to make sure we're being seen. We

tells us all the time, if somebody loves you, the beat way to find out is to put them to the test. If they love you, they're going to be there regardless. If
they ain't gonna be there, they don't love you. It's just that simple 1 It's just that simple. I mean, Dad is always there. I have no doubt in my mind that that man loves me. My heart is pricked because I
feel like I can't show that same love back

want to make sure we're on Tl And all. j that kind of stuff like that. And I'm*^
sorry, as much I loveand that might be my own righteousnessI don't have time.

Because I'm like this: I love you. I don't care. I dol You know what I'm say ing? I don't understand everything that
everybody does, but to me, it's like this, you guys. If it's there, it's there, and if it ain't, it ain't. And you don't even have to speculate on it. And that's how I feel. Those are the things, to me, Dad is teaching usto be unconditionally in love with each other, regardless of what we dol
To still be there. Yeah, the shit hurts 1

to the body as he's given me. But I know for a surety that he loves me. And I know for a surety that as long as I keep talk

ing with him, keep coming down here, keep

working with it, I will be able to show him that same love that he has given mel

I mean,

hell, ain't none of us perfect.

But it's like this: We ain't

None of usl

Audience: All right.

Dr. Morales: I know that! And I have no

perfect, but we want him to be perfect. And really and truly, we're not perfect, but we want each other to be perfect. We
really, really do. And let me tell you what I mean. I'm gonna tell you what I mean, and I could be wrong, but Dad'11
call me on it. You listen. It's like,

doubt in my mind of it. You know? Regard less of how I may manifest to any of you. Or you to me. I feel that water seeks its
own level. I believe that. And as we are

straight with the dean, we'll get straight with each other. You know what I'm saying?

And the physical things that's happening, hell, they're always going to blind-side
you one time or another.
Audience: That's right.

we'll promise things to each other. Say MelisBa says, "Well, next time I go out, Bev, I'm gonna invite you out." Or some

thing like that. I say, Okayl Yeah, great 1 Now, next thing I hear, Melissa
done went out, she done partied,

had a

good time!

Now that's fine. Okay. So, I'm

because I said, the next

Dr. Morales: And if we want to call each

time you go out, I want to be invitedr^

Okay? Now, I'll call her on the carpet on it. "Now, girl, you ain't no good. Now

other on the carpet for that stuff, we're

just being penny-anty, ticky-ticky, be-

Volume XIII

"The Glad Tidings"

Issue No.

Page 13
Oee"and I'm not being mean, but, more or

ess, just saying how you feel. I say, Melissa, you ain't no good, girl. I heard

didn't think you paid attention that. I'm watching you, darling. You know? Anyway, that didn't go over too good. What my

you went out, you didn't even invite me I

Now, okay, I expressed that because my

whole point is, we do expect more out of

each other,

feelings was hurt. Now, the next time I

see hernow let me see, let me get this

right 1 You know, words just don't do justice to what you're trying to get

because we know we ain t

right now. (Chuckles.)

The next time I

across. We have our own laws, we have our

see hernow we talked on the phone. So

the next time I see her, she got an atti tude from me. Now, she didn't come through with what she said, but then she want to

own set of guidelines. We know we don't even meet them. We don't meet our guide lines. And yet, if somebody else don t meet the guidelines you set up, that they
don't even really know about
Audience: (Laughter.)

put that on me, like I'm not supposed to

be offended 1
Audience: Yeah.

You understand what I m

Dr. Morales: Then youit's the truth 1 I

mean, have I a right to say, "Felicia, now

this is how I want you to be, darling. I

Dr. Morales: You put stuff on each other. I mean, hey! So you didn't keep your

word, okay? Then own up to itl You know, why get an attitude, like, "Oh, okay, so
now she's pissed off at me, yeah, I guess

want you to smile all the time; I want you to come up and hug and kiss me every night and pat me on my head, tell me how pretty
I look," and you know, blah-blah-blah. You know what I'm trying to say? I'm being facetious, but that's the damn truth I
That is the truth, you guys. We have ex

she's gonna start judging me and condemn ing me because I didn't do right." No,
eat thatl You understand what I'm saying?

We try to make people be in a mold, be

cause we're in this gospel, we're not sup

pectations of everybody in this room. Yes

we dol And even the Dean. But then we're

posed to be mad, we're not supposed to be upset, we're not supposed to be offended. /""\ If you didn't keep your word, you just
didn't keep your word! And it's just like with him [Doc]. We want to put him in a

trying to say, let me be mel

you be you I
Audience: (Chuckles.)

No, YOU let

specific mode. If he gets up on the floor-oh, this is a good one! ThiB is a good
one I This is a good one I

Dr. Morales: You be youI And if I don't like it, oh welll That's my problem. It's



comfortable for you. And if I'm part of the body, and I love you, I will get over it. Believe you me, I will get over itl
I will. I mean, hell, it's like, to me, we

Dr. Morales: Dad gets up on the floor, and he's telling us, he said, "You guys," he said, "You guys are all out for yourself." He said, you're jealous, you're selfish,

are all growing. We have all grown a lot.

Don't misunderstand me. But we don't want

you're this, you're that and the other.

And then, he gets up and rolls around on the ground, and you go, "What the hell is your problem? You're supposed to act like
this!" Butyou understand what I'm say

to put that to the test to see if we have grown. We don't. We still, like Dad was saying the other night, we still have impressions of each other from whatever
situations that we've gone through. And it's like a knee-jerk response when some

thing happens. Right away, shields up, got

these swords out, lazer beams, here we go.

ing? We make him exempt from being in the

fleshl We make him exempt from getting involved. Now mind you, it's a choice. It's a choice! And you ought to consider

You know, it's an instant reaction. You know? And it's not good to dwell on a lot of things, because even though you let

yourself lucky if he does get involved in

your flesh. Because he don't have to, peo ple. He doesn'tl I'm telling you
that. I mean,

your mind go on a tangent, some of that

stuff sticks. It really does. You really have to say, you have to really fight your mind to keep it under control in order to be able to keep yourself focused, as it were. You really really do. And so then,
these are the battles that we have, that we have to conquer in order that we may be set free in our hearts and minds, of that beast, being that concept of the natural.
That's what it is. That is what I've seen

Anyway, I'm not gonna say 'cause I know, the man can

turn you off. He could be looking right through you and see the fly on the wall
behind your headl So if he chooses to be involved with you and your flesh, count


yourself blessed. Now that's how I feell

I count myself blessed if he says, "How're I'm finel How you doing, honey?" Ohl are you doing? I swear 1 That' s how I
feel about it. If he brings out something, I sayI even asked him one time: "I

from this particular point in time, is the beast. Is the concepts. It's like, we want help, but we don't want to ask for it. But, you can't get it unless you ask for

Volume XIII
Issue No. 9

'The Glad Tidings" Page' 14

ain't no vulcan mind melds



going on in here. It ain't happening.

Audience: (Chuckles.) Dr. Morales: Every now and then we might luck up and be able to tune in on some

destroying our minds too, Bevl" (Laughs.) I said, Yeah, you know, you're right?
But, it's like, we think we're an author^

ity. We really do. It's like you think yi)

can see everything coming and going, be*"^

thing. But for the most part you don'tl It's like, I'm always reading that flesh
wrong. You know what I'm saying? Because I don't have the right eyes to read with. cause you judge it based on what you're looking at. You know, I know I'm like this, bo I know you're like that. And all

And because of it, you guys, we have to ask for help. And, if we say we love each other, if I say I love you, then I have to prove it. If I say I want you to know me, I have to show me to you. You understand what I'm Baying? And that way, then, the
mystery will be over. I won't have to won der, do you really love me? I won't have to. I won't have to wonder in my mind, am I part of the body? I won't have to won der, am I accepted? Does Dad love me? Well, I don't have to worry about that one. But I don't have to worry about what

this other kind of stuff. And you think you know everything, and you don't. You don't! You know, I don't know how to go into it. That touched a nerve. I just
can't go into that! (Laughs.) But all I'm saying is, you don't even know what

you like and what you don't like until you

try itl You don'tl You don'tl I mean,

I'm sorry, the woman manifests the physi

cal earth. Yes, she doesl And I mean, over on this part of the land, it grows this kind of crop good, and on this part of the earth it grows this kind of crop good. And you know, if you want something in the summer, then you plant it in the

you thinkare you going to shun me? Are you going to ostracize me? I won't have
to, once I Beverly, I no shame. don't mesh step my foot out there and be will know. And then, it ain't There's nothing wrong if you wiuh me. And see, that's the

winter, and if you want something in the spring, you plant it in the fall, or what
ever you got to do. But lookand the man knows how to approach that ground and nur ture that ground to yield forth the fruit for whatever is supposed to be done. And in essence, what I'm saying is this. Hey,

thing. It's because we want specific peo ple to mesh with us the way we want to. We want conditional people. You understand what I'm saying. Now don't get me wrong. Let me just say this real quick, 'cause it came to my mind. Somebody will say, "Well, if you like beans before you come into class, you'll like beans when you get here." Well, whatever your forte is your forte. I'm not trying to say to everybody I LOVE everybody. I'm not saying that.

the ground is being nurtured, but it's a shame we have a mind. It ain't nothing, we, as women, cannot accept. There is not nothing that we really can't dol I'M


I'm telling you. And it don't take?"'

You know, we

no big-assed work. It don't. But it's our mind that tells us, "Oh, I'm a lady; or
I'm a this, or I'm a that."

put conditions.

But, heyl If it's tall,

dark and handsome and he's whatever you

like, shit, you'll wrap your legs around

Yet, what I'm saying is because we have

conditioned ourselves so much in a mode,

your own neck to get to itl

Audience: (Chuckles.)
Dr. Morales: But ifI'm serious, you

you don't even know if that's what you really like or not! You understand what I'm saying? It's a trip. You don't know. And I'm sorry, I'm sorry. If your ass is hungry enough and you don't like rhubarb, you're gonna eat rhubarb, okay? I'm

guysl But if it's two feet, wearing gog gles for glasses, and club feet, you know,
it's like, "I can't get to that. I can't

get to that."
foot man. Dad,

But you can get to this 1

am I lying?

You know, so what I'm saying is, you can

You know, that's another thing too. It's like, "Oh no, I can't do this. Oh no, I
can't do thatl" It's because you're too

get to the two-foot, goggle-wearing, club


damn goodl You know, we are! We do our ass up on a pedestal, and we do things a specific way. Yes, we dol like, none of us are an authority on

keep want It's any



I said,

if you're hungry,

you'll eat rhubarb!

And enjoy it tool

thing. And I look at some of the young

adultsand I don't want to throw off on

Shit, be(rubs her teeth). But that's the fallacy. And I'm saying it being funny,
but it's like, when you say you can't,

them, or anything like that. And yet, be

cause those kids have been introduced to intercourse, they think they know every

you're lying. You can. You just don't want

to I That's my whole point. You say you

thing. They really dol

I was telling

can't stop smoking. Yes you can, because,

Melissa one time, and I had to laugh when I said it, I said, "Sex is destroying these kids minds." She said, "Sex is

hey, you'll stop doing this over here U

you don't like it. So, if you stop doing'

this 'cause you don't like it, you can

"The Glad Tidings"

Volume XIII

page 15

Issue No.

stop doing this. And if you let the good

/"Ntimes roll over here with what you like,

Dr. Morales: But because I am so control

you can let the good times roll over here

with what you don't like. There ain't no

thing we can't dol

Just face it, you

led, you know, when shit jumps off, it's like, "Okay, shield's up, Scottie." "All right, that'B okay, don't worry about it. We'll get it done, no problem. Hey, it's
cool. You know? La-la-la-la-la." I'll be

don't want to I And accept that like that,

and just say, hey. "What can I do so I can accept it?" Ain't no big deal. I have to
work with the self-preservation. It's

ready to (smacks her fists), NOl (Laughs.)

You know? But that's me. That's my sub-

tility, and that's how I work. And the

rest of us, we have our own way of dealing with stuff. And I'm not saying that when

like, if I get called on the carpet at work? Honey, I'm looking around saying, "Well, don't you see so-and-so? And don't

you get mad at somebody, you've got to

jump down their throat like Superman or some shit like that. I'm not saying that. But it's a discernment thing, I know. And

you see so-and-so?"

I don't want to be

the only one in trouble I You know?

that's what we do in here to each other. It's like, you know when the Messiah rose from the dead, the San Hedrin Council were boundlike Satan bound down for a day, because they didn't know what they were

yet, it's just something that simple. We

won't even just offer it up. It's like
with Cain and Abel. Cain offered up the first fruits, which is like your know

going to tell the people. Because they

mocked him, they crucified him because he
said he was the son of man. Right? And
when he rose from the dead, they had to

think of a lie to tell to get that shit together. They were bound down. You see what I'm saying? And it's like(laughs). And that's what we'll dol When we screwed

ledge: "Oh, I am a good Yahshuan; I am supposed to be this way. This is how I am supposed to act." But Abel offered up, he offered up the flesh. That's what he of fered up. He offered up the lamb. And
that's what Dad used to tell us all the time: "I don't want your first fruits. I want that Iambi I want that beast 1"

up, it's a big dog. And boy, don't let nobody move to the left, you'll be, oooh!
You'll be on that stuff, to keep it away

That's what you have to offer up. And it's

like, what you gonna do with it? I mean, what can you really do? If you come up to me and say, Hi, Bev, how you doing? "Hosea, I don't feel like being bothered today." What can you do with that? "Oh,
damn bitchl" Blah-blah-blahI (Laughs.)
Audience: (Laughter.)

from yourself I


It's a tripl
and I'm

/s I mean, we all do itl

'Cause I do it too,

you guys!

But see, because I have such


working with it. Unless you really know me, you don't really know what the hell is going on. Oh, but that's the truth, you
Audience: Give an example.

Dr. Morales: Give an example? Well, let me see. Well, okay. Okay, last night we came in.. .Melissa's been sick, as you guys know. So shewhat was it? " Joy to the World"? And so she goes
Melissa Robinson; Faithful."

Dr. Morales: And you know what? And that'8 okay too, because every time, you know, every time you ain't gonna sit there and say, "Oh baby, that's okay." You know what I'm saying? Because he be offering up first fruits too, you know? It's a discernment thing, is what I'm getting at, you guys. It's a discernment thing. But yet, all I'm trying to say is, we are a tripl You are a trip, Beverly 1 And we're
just afraid of how to act, because we don't know what's coming up next. And because we don't know what's coming up next, when in doubt, punt, or don't do nothing at all. Let's wait and see what's happening. I don't know, the manifesta tions that we go through are just to show
us, to teach us how to live. To teach us how to just be natural, and accept each other the way that we are. You know, it's





Dr. Morales:

"0 Come All Ye Faithful."


she goes, "Bev, I think we should do this acapella." (Refering to performing at a Christmas Show.) "I really don't want to do this song." And right away I want to say, "Look, Melissa, I'm just sick and tiredjup, jup, jupl" You know. I just went, cool it. I just walked down and said, "Honey, don't worry about it. You know, it's okay, la-la-la-la-la." You know, when I wanted to sayand then fin ally, after awhile, I said, "Now, Melissa,



wrong 1




wrong. I'm wrong. You know, I've had a lot

of things wrong. I just thought that the

more knowledge I got, is what was


cut the crapl


We're gonna do the songl"

Audience: (Laughter.)

going to make me perfect in this gospel. And you can have all the knowledge in the world: if you don't have no practical application or love, you ain't got no thing. You know, your knowledge is not going to get you into the kingdom. What

Volume XIII
Issue No. 9

'The Glad Tidings" Page 16

you think you see, and can get up here

and you guys know. Pretty much, I can just

go through the charts and preach a lec
ture, you know, I can clown if I can't do nothing else. You know that. But it's all

Just accept what he says. And if yc'~"\

can't, then don't harbor in your mind...gW'
to him when you don't understand some

thing. Go to him when shit's bothering

you. Even if you're sick, go to him and tell him that! Just keep your line of
communication open with him, because it is through that that you will be free. Be
cause we dowe want peace of mind. We

about application. It's all about what you understand. It's all about what you're
willing to give of yourself in order to

receive something. That's what it's really about. Because, Dad has given everything that he can to uono matter if you've
been in here 20 years or if you've been in
here 3 years. You know, even in the short time or the long time, we know that Dad has demonstrated, beyond a shadow of a

want to be free of this flesh1

And yet,

if you want to be free of the flesh, only

you can take the steps in order to do that. And if he is the man, and if he is the one with the spirit in him, or the chief representative of Yahweh, if we want to put it that way...but then, where else

doubt, he has demonstrated beyond a shadow

of a doubt, not leaving any stone unturn ed, that we mey be able to get an under

are you going to go but to the chief rep

resentative? Even if he's that, even if

standing of this teaching for ourselves,

to give us peace of mind, to be able to walk through chis kingdom. And because he has done that, it's like the man with the

he's just that. You know what I'm saying? If a vital force is upon him, then go tap
the vital force that's upon himl I mean, I don't care how you want to put it...if
you don't want to say he's the one, but a
representative. Like they said, a lot of

parable of the talents that he gave the

people. Those things that he has done for
us are the talents that we have received.

And now it's tim-3 to show the results of

the talents that he's given.

that whatever manifestation

And being

he's allowed you to have...you know, mine is

probably doing what I do best:


running my

people didn't think Dr. Kinley was the one, but a prophet. Or whatever, if you think he's a prophet, then you gotta go to the prophet I You can't get around it ei ther way you gol You see what I'm saying?
So, to me, it's important.

and stuff like that. For those of

you who know me, you know there's another side of me than just that. And others is music, and otherj ia aruwork, and others

If you just look at it naturally so, 1W can't believe it, I actually get kind of
hooked on the news, you know? And it's

is administration, and others is just picking up the chairs and putting them
down. You know, we all have our talents

that we have been given. And we have to

draw interest on those talents. And that's

just so much shit happening now. It's unbelievable. Ain't nothing rightI Ain't nothing, nothing right. You know? I mean, the teachers, they're actually going to cut the teacher's pay?
Audience: That's right. Dr. Morales: You know, they've already told us they were taking 30 days away from
the kids, of school. Now, the United States, if I'm not mistaken, we are bo far

why I have been really striving hard because I tell you, I still haven't gotten
over the fact that he got diagnosed with cancer. I still haven't gotten over that. You know, I guess, for some reason, I just thought that we were going to go togeth we were justit's like I have him dead. I don't mean that. You know. But I just
never want him to be sick. As long as I've
known Dad, Dad has never been sick. You

down on the totem pole as far as educa tion, it is piss poor ridiculous. And then they're gonna turn around and take money
from the teachers to teach us, when our academic state is so low it's threatening? Did I say that right?
Audience: Yes.

know, Dad, he'll get a cold or something, he'll get a chill, but ain't nothing hap pened to him. And I think about it now,
and I can remember when he used to tell






day when

you'll wish you could just touch the hem of my pants. And I hang onto that because
I don't want touh-uh, no. It's like, I

Dr. Morales: And on top of that, gonna turn around and take 30 days of school

just want to put this gospel into opera

tion so that he can Bay, "Well done, thou

good and faithful servant."

That I do get

to be a son in this teaching. That's im

away from the kids I? And they're gonna make junior college mandatory. That was another proposal: junior college being mandatory. But yet, right now, they're

portant to me. That really is. And it just

behooves all of us, as far as I'm concern

ed, to be here every chance that you can,

and to listen as much as you can to what

he's saying, and accept it for what it is, even though you may not carry it further.

closing downbecause you need that piece/ % of paper just to say, Mother, may I fillV^y out an application? And yet, the junior colleges are so deluged that they're closing down because they don't have enough room. Now what is thatI? I mean,

"The Glad Tidings" Page 17

it's like we're just being stupified right in front of our own eyes; your education is being taken away from you. Mateo is in r\the ninth grade. It's a shame, he don't have nothing to look forward tol You know? What's this country coming to? You know, not to mention all the other politi cal events and everything else that are

Volume XIII Issue No. 9









Audience: You've got the giggles.

Dr. Love: No, I'm blank. (Chuckles.)


going on, and the recession. It's a trip.

It's like, this is a haven. It really it's a haven. Is that the terminology?
Audience: Yes.

Audience; (Chuckles.)
Dr. Love: disturbed Ah, well, I feel good. I'm not about it. Because truly this

gospel has changed me to the point where

I don't even know me anymore. I really
Fa don't. I have to sit there and say,

Dr. Morales: You know? It really, really is. Hey, it's like going through the course of the day and just fighting the wolves off just to get here and just go,
"OhI" You know?


whatever you want to do

the Father wants,

is finel

(Chuckles.) But what's been on my mind and I hope it ties in to whatit will I
Whatever it'll

I've been thinking about what Doc has been

Audience: That's right.
Dr. Morales: I mean, for reall You know,

be happy to be herel

To get something, a

telling us in reference to the physical nature of the gospel. What I mean by that is that we've got a pattern, a three-fold pattern that we've been taught.

little food to go back out there the next

day. Because I find myself, sometimes, getting really kind of hostilel (Laughs.) Getting kind of hostile. Mateo was at the job the other day for the orthodontist.
And this witch pulled a move on me, honey, and I almost forgot my son was there 1 "Bitchl Blah-blah-blah-blah." Just going

We' ve been taught blood, water,


spirit, 40. We've been taught the names. And my thought is, there
has to be some

/~\ off at workl

get a gripl


Get a grip, Bev,

But, the thing of






we so

know many

it is is that we

have been blessed,

it. And I say that

times I hear

guys, to be able to have Dad with us, to have this teaching, so that we can get the tools necessary to unlock this pit that
we're in, and free us, so that we can have

say, "Doc, when you

talk about the

the righteousness, peace, and joy, walking right in this physical body, being right
here in this flesh, being one with him. And that's it. Halleluyah. Hope you got something out of it.
Audience: Master of (Clapping.) Ceremonies:
Hoshea Love.

types and shadows and you go back


doesn' t


nothing to me. But when you start talking about everyday stuff, now
that means some

Our next speaker

will be Dr.
Dr. Hoshea




thing." Then I question, then why does Doc spend so


much time talking about, or using the



types and shadows. And using those

Dr. Love: Oh, this is funny, really funny. I was sitting there. I enjoyed Bev tremen
dously. I hope you did too. And the

things as examples.
Then we' re gonna sit there and say, Doc, when you talk about those things, they don't mean nothing to me. It's when you talk about
stuff that's down

thought hit me, boy, now what if I had to get on the floor tonight? (Chuckles.) Audience: (Chuckles.)

^-^ Dr. Love:

And I started laughing. I said,

' what in the heck would I say? How would I follow that? I said, Father, blank my mind out, because boy, I don't know what




relationships, like

how we're getting along with one another.

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