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The Present


P. 410
Realidades 2
The Subjunctive
●Up to now you have been
using verbs in the
indicative mood, which is
used to talk about facts or
actual events.
The Subjunctive
●Aprendo francés para mi
The Subjunctive
●Spanish has another way
of using verbs called the
subjunctive mood.
The Subjunctive
●We use it to say what one
person does or doesn’t
want, tell, suggest, or
recommend someone else
to do.
The Subjunctive
●A sentence that includes
the subjunctive form has
two parts connected by the
word que.
●For example:
The Subjunctive
●Recomendamos que Uds.
hablen con un agente de
●We recommend that you
speak with a travel agent.
The Subjunctive
●¿Quiere Ud. que
escribamos nuestros
nombres en las maletas.
●Do you want us to write
our names on our
The Subjunctive
●Note that the subjunctive
sentences have two parts,
each with a different
subject, connected by the
word que:
2 Clauses

Ella sugiere que yo aprenda francés

Independent  Separated  Dependent clause (can’t 

clause by the  stand on its own)
(stands on its  word  Begins with the word 
own) “que” “que.”
Subject > Verb
Indicative  Verb
The Subjunctive
● The first subject uses the
present indicative verb
(recommendation, suggestion,
prohibition, and so on) + que
and the second subject uses the
present subjunctive verb (what
should happen).
The Subjunctive
● Verbs that are often follewed by
que + subjunctive:
● Decir ● Prohibir
● Insistir en ● Querer (e > ie)
● Necesitar ● Recomendar (e > ie)
● Permitir ● Sugerir (e > ie)
● Preferir (e > ie)
The Subjunctive
●We form the present
subjunctive of most verbs
the same way we form
negative tú commands.
The Subjunctive
●We drop the -o of the
present-tense indicative yo
form and add the
subjunctive endings.
The Subjunctive
●For -ar verbs:
●e, es, e, emos, éis, en
●For -er/-ir verbs:
●a, as, a, amos, áis, an

hable hablemos

hables habléis

hable hablen

coma comamos

comas comáis

coma coman

viva vivamos

vivas viváis

viva vivan
The Subjunctive
●The present subjunctive has
the same spelling changes
and irregular yo form
changes used with the
negative tú commands and
Ud./Uds. commands.
Irregular Subjunctive Verbs

●As in negative commands,

irregular verbs that add a
“g” to the stem in the
present-tense yo form also
have a “g” in the present
Irregular Subjunctive Verbs

●caerse ●tener
●decir ●traer
Irregular Subjunctive Verbs

hacer hag­o haga

tener teng­o tenga

LLEGAR (g > gu)

llegue lleguemos

llegues lleguéis

llegue lleguen

haga hagamos

hagas hagáis

haga hagan

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