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Curriculum Table Generative Topic: Citizenship

Concept* Students will understand Standard (Source: PA Common Core State Standards)

Subject: Literacy (Reading)

Assessment Evidence of student learning Facts Students will know Skills Students will be able to Discuss

Name: Frances Brandt

Problems to pose Activities:

Big Idea: Examining characters allows us to observe, understand, and therefore interact appropriately with different kinds of people.

Central Question: Why is it important to examine characters and their traits? What can we learn from studying characters?

1.3.2.C Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. 1.3.2.A Recount stories and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. 1.2.2.H Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text. 1.3.2.G Use information from illustrations and words, in print or digital text, to demonstrate understanding of characters, setting, or plot.

Ongoing classgenerated list of character traits Individual Reading Response Packets-- to be filled out after/in response to Independent Reading Summative Assessment: Written response to a story about a hypothetical bullying incident in our classroom (asks students to identify a character trait and provide evidence)

Difference between traits and feelings Characters have reasons for doing and saying things Characters change over time in response to interactions w/others or life events Biographies help us understand character traits of real people We can learn a lot about people in the world by studying characters

characters from stories in terms of their traits, their motivation, and how they change/develop over time Provide evidence from the text that supports a claim about a characters trait Draw inferences about a characters trait Compare and contrast characters from stories Identify the central message/moral of the story

What are some

character traits that you already know? What is the difference between a trait and a feeling? What is your evidence from the story that the character is _____(a trait)? What can we infer about a characters motivation? Why/How do characters change over time? How did X character overcome his/her problem? What was the solution? What can we learn from studying characters?

Read-Alouds with wholeclass discussion Modeling of graphic organizers that students will use independently Independent Reading from Book Boxes, followed by work in Reading Response Packet related to the days mini-lesson

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