January 2013 Update: Wooster Team Visits Grace Place

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January 2013 Update


A team of Wooster Grace Brethren Church, with 8 people visited the kids and the staff of Grace Place - BB4 on January 2-8, 2013, whom they are sponsoring. They have had some programs and joyful activities with them.

James 1:27ESV Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Psalm 68:5ESV Father of the father less and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.


A team of Crossroads Community Church with 12 people visited the kids and the staff of Crossroads of Hope1-BB3 and Crossroads of Hope2-BB7, whom they are sponsoring on January 11-25, 2013. They have had many programs and joyful activities with them.

Please help take Gods Please help take Gods HOPE to the desperate and the least in Cambodia.

Also join us in

transform their lives so that they will become the world changers.

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January 2013 Updae


Dana and Emmon of Grace Community Church, Goshen, visited BB2 staff and kids. They have had some joyful activities with them.

To visit the kids of Asias

Hope Cambodia one time, you will be authentically experienced the unexpected LOVE from them.

January 2013 Updae

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Your sponsorship is providing real homes for the displaced, warm clothes for the naked, nutritious food for the hungry, and effective parenting for orphans. Please know that every time you give and pray, you are making a significant difference in the life of children here! Thank you!
Please praise and pray to God for:
1. The funds to build Prek Eng homes for the kids, 2. The on-going construction of the Worship Center/School in Prek Eng and Sewing Center in Battambang and the dedication in June 2013, 3. The safe trip of the coming teams to Cambodia,
4. More kids be rescued.

Asias Hope Cambodia

P. O. Box 2569, Phnom Penh3, Cambodia Email: savorn@asiashope.org www.asiashopecambodia.com & www.asiashope.org

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