Bahou CV

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Teachers College at Columbia University Human Development 525 W 120th Street

Email: Phone: 917-524-6680 URL:

Shafik N. Bahou
Brain Based Learning Specialist Education
Masters in Cognition in Education from Columbia University: Teachers College, New York, New York. May 2013 (Considering PhD) Specialist in Meisner Acting from William Esper Studio, New York, New York. May 2012 Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Neuroscience, with minors in Theatre and Technological Entrepreneurship from Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts June 2009

Personal Statement
I am very passionate about the arts and education reform. It is important to resonate a mission of allowing
students to be who they are, do what they love, and have a support system to live off of their passions. It would be amazing to have a world where people truly know why they work and are genuine in all that they do. A world where people learn not only to make a living but learn how to live and find true continuity between life and learning; while not being burdened by financial debt. My constant exposure between the arts and how we cognitively process information has been giving me a unique perspective on learning and motivation. This perspective can be pushed further in research, which can potentially be applied to develop a newly optimized educational system adapted to current societal demands due to technological dependencies. I aim to use the arts and media as my gateway for expression about humanity, education, and human development. Personal mastery goals are in systems analysis and acting/the arts. Respectively marked by: the ability to recognize, crossreference, simulate, manipulate, and reorganize systems; the ability to emotionally represent a situation for mass actionable communication a driving force for systems change. Expert skills combined can become the defibrillator of society, getting it back on a harmonious rhythm. That is, understanding how a healthy agent can function within a well structured social system.

Research interests
My interests lie in understanding the factors that lead to sustained implicit motivation within an academic setting. The ultimate goal of my research is to develop a system that allows for life-learning continuity that both utilizes and is adapted to rapid technological advancements and dependability. Specific factors are finding ways to develop adaptability, accountability, problem solving, critical thinking, and skills transfer. In addition, recreating contextual learning environments, with the assistance of various virtual and augmented reality experiences, may expedite the potential onset of expertise within users chosen domain based on intrinsic passions, rather than extrinsic pressures. Much of my work will involve the cross analysis of artistic work for heightened emotional affinity to any subject matter within a scholastic field and society at large. Thereby leading to better instructional design towards the new common core standards, meta-cognitive neuroplasticity, and teaching 21st Century Skills on a student centric level. Present research activities (and their applications) also include:

Integrating Grounded Embodied Mental Modeling Systems into endogenous instruction o Designing pedagogy that brings real life context back to the classroom Comparison of virtual and physical, narrated and un-narrated learning environments using a 2x2 test with a focus on numeracy o Designing a mobile game based on research Strategic scaffolding in an applied collaborative learning environment heightens intrinsic motivation and skills transfer, leading to self-sustained mastery.

Integration of acting conservatory training and principles can lead to heightened scholastic memory and accountability in students; Cognitive Embodiment. o Long-term memory retention through role play Using theatre and dance to find correlations between the arts and developing neuroplasticity and adaptation. o Facilitating emotional and social intelligence Using MUVE and Augment Reality to simulate real world consequences and rewards from decision-making to heighten expertise attainment. Major Histocompatibility Complex can be used to match potential professional collaborators and project groups. Developing a collaborative team matchmaking protocol. Innate skills discovery scaffolding and development strategies to adhere to the new common core

Professional affiliations and services

Scientific and professional society memberships Member, International Mind, Brain, and Education Society, 2012 - 2013. Affiliate, American Psychological Association, 2012 2013. Affiliate, Association for Psychological Science, 2009 - 2013. Member, New York Academy of Sciences, 2010 - 2013.

Professional research experience

Physical Education Instructor for Embodied Cognition curriculum C8 Sciences Mentor: Bruce Wexler M.D. Work with Special Education children in developing cognitive skills through physical education exercises Responsible for implementing specific exercise curriculum with the children at three schools in Manhattan. Tracking progress of cognitive development for each individual child based on development goals set by C8 Sciences

Education Strategy & Millennium Development Goals Campaign Intern United Nations Development Programme/ Millennium Campaign Mentor: Ravi Karkara Developing an outreach strategy for a global poll on ending poverty Team oriented work and designed a plan for engaging global youth and professional outreach partnerships Focused on Middle Eastern partnerships and education based organizations for ending issues regarding poverty and economic struggles Partner training presentations and offline polling facilitation Big Data analysis support

Research Assistant Harvard Medical School/ Brigham & Women's Hospital. Boston, MA Mentor(s): R Khalil, MD, PhD Vascular Surgery Research on Hypertension. Investigated and analyzed data from graph charts and transcribed them to excel spreadsheets for systemized pattern evaluation of hyper- and hypotension. Performed microscopic dissection on live tissue samples to extract various blood vessels from subject mammals. Authored in an abstract entitled: "Enhanced Sensitivity to [Ca2+]i in Mesenteric Micro vessels of Pregnant Rats with Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure" Finishing Meta-Research on the effects of phytoestrogens on post-menopausal women for first author publication in scholarly journals Paralegal Intern Sullivan & Gregg LLP. Nashua, NH Mentor(s): K Brown, Esq. Medical Malpractice law, research and problem solving practice. Initiated experience in client confidentiality and organization at medical malpractice law firm Performed research to support attorney's position in highly confidential individual cases.

Transferable skills
Languages: Arabic, Novice Spanish, English Operating Systems: Mac OS, iOS, and Windows Computer Skills: Web Design, Application Design, and Office Suite Other: Public Speaking, Sales, Negotiation, Data Cataloging, Pattern Recognition, Business Development, Team Management, and Acting. Volunteer Work Youth for Debate (taught public speaking to high school sophomores) Habitat for Humanty St. Francis Shelter

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