Name: Netid: (Not Your Id #) E-Mail: Class Year: Phone #: Male/Female

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Name: E-mail: Phone #: Major/Minor:

NetID: (NOT your ID #) Class Year: Male/Female:

Applying to be a resident member or nonresident member (circle/highlight one) Why GreenSpace?

What have you done in the past related to sustainability?

How would you like to improve upon your sustainability habits and knowledge?

What do you believe you can contribute to GreenSpace?

What other clubs, groups and organizations are you part of?

Rate your type interest in sustainability: place a mark somewhere on the line

Fun question! Place a mark somewhere on the line for where your feelings lay:


Be creative, Green(the)Space!


For RESIDENT MEMEMBER applicants only: Do you have any allergies, if so, what are they?

How do you feel about coed bathrooms?

Would you be okay in a double?

Thank you for applying to GreenSpace! To hand in this application to the Director of Recruitment, Cyrus Lambotte, please e-mail it to or slip it under the door of Burton 130.

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