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Definition of Distance Education Renuka Kumar University of Maryland University College


Abstract Many scholars in the field of distance education have defined the term Distance Education. The scholars whose definition closely matches mine are Moore and Kearsley (2012). The common elements of our definition are planned learning, separation of the teacher and student, the use of media and technology and the presence of a special institutional organization. Discussion Is there a difference between the words education and learning? In my opinion there is. To me learning is something we do throughout our lives and is an ongoing process. Education on the other hand is something we acquire. We go to schools and universities to gain education, education is taught to us. The difference in these two words affects my definition of distance education. In my opinion distance education involves a student taking a structured course from an institution that is in a different physical location by means of some form of media. In the earlier generations of distance education the media was print, radio or TV while in todays world the media is delivered through the Internet and the World Wide Web. There are 3 main components in my definition - the physical separation of the student and teacher, the presence of structure and the use of media. The scholars whose work resembles my definition are Moore and Kearsley (2012). They use the following definition for distance education: Distance education is teaching and planned learning in which teaching normally occurs in a different place from learning, requiring communication through technologies as well as special institutional organization. The first part of their definition focuses on planned learning. They emphasize that the education is designed by experts. This point closely reflects my own opinion that education takes place in a more structured manner. It is a planned process and is designed in a specific


format by the teacher so as to deliver the content in a certain format. Otto Peters (2010) also writes about the need for pre-planning of materials in his theory of distance education as the most industrialized form of learning. In the second part of their definition Moore and Kearsley (2012) focus on the separation of student and teacher. However, they also say that it is reasonable for students to meet and also for students to meet with the teacher. I agree with this only if the meeting is not a structured teaching event but more for clarification and consultation. The third part of their definition focuses on communication through technologies. It is interesting to note that they differentiate between the terms media and technology. Technology is the physical vehicle that carries messages, and the messages are represented in a medium. In the current generation of distance education the technology of the Internet and the World Wide Web play a critical role in the dissemination of media. The last part of Moore and Kearsleys definition refers to special institutional organization. I also believe that the presence of an institution specializing in distance education is important.

Conclusion Planned learning, separation of the teacher and student, the use of media and technology and the presence of a special institutional organization are essential components in the definition of distance education. Moore and Kearsleys (2012) definition of distance education incorporates all these elements. Their definition most closely resembles my understanding of the term distance education.


References Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2012). Distance education: A systems view of online learning. USA: Wadsworth-Cengage Learning. Peters, O. (2004). Growing importance of distance education in the world. In O. Peters, Distance education in transition: New trends and challenges(4th edition). Oldenburg, Germany: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universitt Oldenburg. Retrieved from

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