Irene Sendler

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Irene Sendler


Kyleana Whitmore

Irene Sendler has seen dehumanization and even experienced it. she was arrested for helping smuggle kids out of Jewish camps. After she was arrested she was tortured and fractured her foot and both legs. Irene has selflessly helped thousands of Jewish children and adults. She was apart of the Childrens Division of Zegota(an underground group to help Jews). Before that though, she had forged over 3,000 false documents to help Jewish families. If Irene was asked: What is our responsibility to fellow human beings? I think she would say: We have a responsibility to our fellow humans to treat them fair. Not to treat them like filth because they believe different things or look a different way. We are responsible for how we act towards them. We should remember Irene for her courage. We should follow in her foot steps by being so courageous. We should look at others lives and not take pity on them or criticize them but we should ask our selves is there any way I can help this person?. For he who changes one person, changes the entire world Irene sendler ography/irenasendler.html

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