Ec0224 - Communication Lab - I: Laboratory Manual

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Laboratory Manual





Revision No: I Date:

Prepared By,

Authorized By,


SRM University Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Laboratory Report Cover Sheet EC0224 EVEN SEM 2009 Fr ( )

Name: ______________________________________ Section: Circle One M ( ) TU () W() Th ( )

Venue: ________________________________________ Title of Lab: ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Preparation Verification Staff Signature ______________________ Score _________________________ Completion Verification Staff Signature _______________________ Date, Time __________________________ Score ______________________________ Comments: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Report Report Score ____________________________

SRM University Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering



SRM University Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Laboratory Report Cover Sheet EC0224 EVEN SEM 2009 Name: _________________________________________ Section: Tick One Venue: M() TU () W() Th ( ) Fr ( )


Title of Lab: ________________________________________ Preparation Verification Staff Signature ______________________ Score _________________________ Completion Verification Staff Signature _______________________ Date, Time __________________________ Score ______________________________ Comments: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Report Report Score ____________________________

SRM University Electronics and Communication Engineering







In this lab, you will learn how to perform the amplitude modulation and demodulation and to calculate the modulation index for various modulating voltages.

Transistor BC108, Resistors, Capacitors, AFO, CRO, Diode OA79, Millimeter, Regulated power supply, Breadboard and connecting wires

Do the complete revision of Amplitude modulation and Demodulation and find the modulation index for the modulating voltage of 6v and given Vc=6omv, fc=50 KHz, fm=1KHz.

MODULATION THEORY: Modulation is defined as the process by which some characteristics of a carrier signal is varied in accordance with a modulating signal. The base band signal is referred to as the modulating signal and the output of the modulation process is called as the modulation signal. Amplitude modulation is defined as the process in which is the amplitude of the carrier wave is varied about a means values linearly with the base band signal. The envelope of the modulating wave has the same shape as the base band signal provided the following two requirements are satisfied 1. The carrier frequency fc must be much greater then the highest frequency components fm of the message signal m (t) i.e. fc >> fm 2. The modulation index must be less than unity. if the modulation index is greater than unity, the carrier wave becomes over modulated.

DESIGN PROCEDURE: Given Vc = 50mV, fc = 500 KHz, fm = 100KHz. Set modulating voltage Vm = 10 V. Emax = 1.6 V, Emin = 0.7 V Emax Emin Modulation index (m) = ------------------ X 100 Emax + Emin = 39.13 TEST PROCEDURE: 1. The circuit connection is made as shown in the circuit. 2. The power supply is connected to the collector of the transistor 3. Modulated Output is taken from the collector of the Transistor

4. Calculate Vmax and Vmin from the Output PART-II:

DEMODULATION THEORY: The process of detection provides a means of recovering the modulating Signal from modulating signal. Demodulation is the reverse process of modulation. The detector circuit is employed to separate the carrier wave and eliminate the side bands. Since the envelope of an AM wave has the same shape as the message, independent of the carrier frequency and phase, demodulation can be accomplished by extracting envelope. An increased time constant RC results in a marginal output follows the modulation envelope. A further increase in time constant the discharge curve become horizontal if the rate of modulation envelope during negative half cycle of the modulation voltage is faster than the rate of voltage RC combination ,the output fails to follow the modulation resulting distorted output is called as diagonal clipping : this will occur even high modulation index. The depth of modulation at the detector output greater than unity and circuit impedance is less than circuit load (Rl > Zm) results in clipping of negative peaks of modulating signal. It is called negative clipping


TEST PROCEDURE: 1. The circuit connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram. 2. The amplitude modulated signal from AM generator is give as input to the circuit. 3. The demodulated output is observed on the CRO 4. The various values of modulating voltage signal frequency corresponding demodulated voltage and frequency are noted and the readings are tabulated.

Thus the amplitude modulation and demodulation were performed and the modulation index for various modulating voltage were calculated.

QUESTIONS: 1. Based upon your general knowledge of AM and FM broadcasting by listening to the radio name the frequency occupied by AM and FM broadcast stations? 2. What will happen, if modulation index is greater than 100%? 3. Audio signals are not transmitted by electromagnetic waves. Justify. the statement. 4. An amplitude modulated amplifier has a radio frequency output of 50w at 100% modulation. The internal loss in the modulator is low. What output power is required from the modulator? 5. In what stage modulation is done in high power A.M transmissions?


(Design (10), Circuit (10), Tabulation (10)) LAB PERFORMANCE VIVA : 30 Pts : 15 Pts


In this lab, you will learn how to perform the Frequency modulation using IC 566 and to calculate the modulation index for various modulating voltages.

AFO, IC NE566, Resistors, Capacitor, CRO, Bread board and connection , RPS

Do the complete revision of Frequency modulation and its modulation index and also about IC 566 working principles. THEORY: Frequency modulation is a process of changing the frequency of a carrier wave in accordance with the slowly varying base band signal. The main advantage of this modulation is that it can provide better discrimination against noise. FREQUENCY MODULATION USING IC 566 A VCO is a circuit that provides an oscillating signal whose frequency can be adjusted over a control by Dc voltage. VCO can generate both square and triangular Wave signal whose frequency is set by an external capacitor and resistor and then varied by an applied DC voltage. IC 566 contains a current source to charge and discharge an external capacitor C1 at a rate set by an external resistor. R1 and a modulating DC output voltage. The Schmitt trigger circuit present in the IC is used to switch the current source between charge and discharge capacitor and triangular voltage developed across the capacitor and the square wave from the Schmitt trigger are provide as the output of the buffer amplifier. The R2 and R3 combination is a voltage divider, the voltage VC must be in the range VCC < VC < VCC. The modulating voltage must be less than VCC the frequency Fc can be calculated using the formula Fo = 2 (Vcc-Vc) R1 C1 Vcc For a fixed value of Vc and a constant C1 the frequency can be varied at 10:1 similarly for a constant R! C1 product value the frequency modulation can be done at 10:1 ratio.


TEST PROCEDURE: 1. The circuit connection is made as shown in the circuit diagram. 2. The modulating signal FM is given from an AFO (1KHZ) 3. For various values of modulating voltage Vm the values of Fmax and Fmin are noted 4. The values of the modulation index are calculated. LAB RESULT: Thus the FM circuit using IC566 was performed and the modulation index was found . QUESTIONS: 1.What will be the changes in the wave under FM when the amplitude or frequency of the modulating signal is increased ? 2. The FM station have less noise while receiving the signal. Justify your answer. 3. What happens when a stronger signal and a weaker signal both overlap at the same frequency in FM? 4. Name two applications of two way mobile radio? 5. Which mathematical expression is used to decide the side band amplitudes in a FM signal ?


(Design (10), Circuit (10), Tabulation (10)) LAB PERFORMANCE VIVA : 30 Pts : 15 Pts


In this lab, you will learn how to perform the pulse amplitude modulation and demodulation and to calculate the modulation index for various modulating voltages.

. Transistor, AFO, IC NE566, Resistors, Capacitor, CRO, RPS. Do the complete revision of Pulse Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation theory.


Pulse amplitude modulation is a scheme, which alters the amplitude of regularly spaced rectangular pulses in accordance with the instantaneous values of a continuous message signal. Then amplitude of the modulated pulses represents the amplitude of the intelligence. A train of very short pulses of constant amplitude and fast repetition rate is chosen the amplitude of these pulse is made to vary in accordance with that of a slower modulating signal the result is that of multiplying the train by the modulating signal the envelope of the pulse height corresponds to the modulating wave .the Pam wave contain upper and lower side band frequencies .besides the modulating and pulse signals. The demodulated PAM waves, the signal is passed through a low pass filter having a cut off frequencies equal to the highest frequency in the modulating signal. At the output of the filter is available the modulating signal along with the DC component PAM has the same signal to noise ratio as AM and so it is not employed in practical circuits



1. Make the circuit as shown in circuit diagram 2. Set the pulse generator output to be 41Vpp at 100HZ 3. Set AFO output at 2 Vpp 100HZ 4. Observe the output wave form on a CRO

5. Tabulate the reading. DEMODULATION:

1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 2. Given the modulated output with AFO used to the input of the circuit. 3. Vary the potentiometer so that modulating signal is obtained. 4. Measure the amplitude of the signal and verify with that of the input.

Thus the pulse amplitude modulation was performed and its corresponding demodulation was also performed. QUESTIONS: 1. What is the process of sampling an analog signal at a high rate ? 2. Which multiplexing technique is used to transmit both digital and analog signals? 3. Why PAM is not preferable in digital transmission? 4. Which device is used to track PAM frequency variations in the clock recovery circuit ? 4. What kind of switches are commonly used in PAM multiplexers?


(Design (10), Circuit (10), Tabulation (10)) LAB PERFORMANCE VIVA : 30 Pts : 15 Pts


In this lab, you will learn how the characteristics of Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis differ from each other.

Transistor, AFO, IC NE566, Resistors, Capacitor, CRO, RPS.

Do the complete revision of Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis theory. THEORY: PRE-EMPHASIS: The circuits are the transmitting side of the frequency modulator. It is used to increase the gain of the higher frequency component as the input signal frequency increased, the impendence of the collector voltage increase. If the signal frequency is lesser then the impendence decrease which increase the collector current and hence decrease the voltage. DE-EMPHASIS: The circuit is placed at the receiving side. It acts as allow pass filter. The boosting gain for higher frequency signal in the transmitting side is done by the preemphasis circuit is filtered to the same value by the low pass filter. The cut off frequency is given by the formula Fc Where R = = 1/2 RC 2 fc L

DESIGN FORMULA: Fc = 1/2 R C (assume =R = 10 K, C = 0.01f) R = 2 fc L; L=1/ 2 fc TEST PROCEDURE: 1. The circuit connection are made as shown in the circuit diagram for the preemphasis and de-emphasis circuits 2. A power supply of 10V is given to the circuit 3. For a constant value of input voltage the values of the frequency is varied and the output is noted on the CRO 4. A graph is plotted between gain and frequency 5. The cut frequencies are practical values of the values of cut off frequency \are found, compared and verified. LAB RESULTS: The characteristics of pre emphasis and de emphasis circuits were studied and a graph was drawn between gain (in db) and frequency. QUESTIONS: 1. Which range of frequencies are more prone to noise interference? 2. How to reduce the noise during transmission in FM ? 3. Which technique is used at the receiver side to reconstruct the original signal? 4. What should be the time constant for the de emphasis circuit? 5. Why pre-emphasis is done after modulation? ASSESSMENT: PRELAB : 30 Pts

(Design (10), Circuit (10), Tabulation (10)) LAB PERFORMANCE VIVA : 30 Pts : 15 Pts


In this lab, you will learn how to perform the Amplitude Modulation simulation using MATLAB

MATLAB, Computer installed with Windows XP or higher Version.

Do the complete revision of Amplitude Modulation theory and know few functions in MATLAB.

MATLAB INTRODUCTION MATLAB is a programming language and numerical computing

environment. The name MATLAB is an acronym for Matrix Laboratory. As it name suggests it allows easy manipulation of matrix and vectors. Plotting functions and data is made easy with MATLAB. It has a good Graphic User Interface and conversion of matlab files to C/C++ is possible. It has several toolboxes that possess specific functions for specific applications. For example Image Processing, Neural Networks, CDMA toolboxes are name a few. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems. Simulink contains Blocksets that is analogous to Toolboxes. It was created by Mathworks Incorporation, USA. MATLAB has become a defacto programming language for Engineers. Writing MATLAB programs for modulation applications require knowledge on very few functions and operators. The operators mostly used are arithmetic operators and matrix operators. To know more type in the command prompt help ops. MATLAB will give a list in that to know on specific operator say addition type in the command prompt help plus. MATLAB will give how to use and other relevant information. Commonly used graphical functions are plot, figure, subplot, title, and mathematical functions are sin and cos only. The mathematical functions sin and cos are self explanatory. The graphical function figure will create a new window and then subsequent graphical commands can be applied. The plot function usually takes two vectors and plot data points according to given vector data. In this case it will time Vs signal. Subplot function is used when two or more plots are drawn on the same figure.

As title function suggests it helps to write title of the graph in the figure. For further details type help plot or help subplot in the command prompt and learn the syntax. ALGORITHM: 1. Create a vector t (time) that varies from zero to two or three cycles with an interval 1/1000 or 1/5000. 2. Create a message signal with single sine frequency or combination of few sine frequencies. All the frequency used in message signal should be less than the carrier frequency likewise amplitude of message signals should be less than carrier amplitude. [AmSin(2fmt)] 3. Create a carrier signal. [AcSin(2fct)] 4. Create the modulated signal using the AM equation [Am (1+maSin(2fmt))Sin(2fct) ] 5. Plot the AM signal. Verify the practical modulation index with theoretical one.

TEST PROCEDURE: 1. Open the MATLAB software by double clicking its icon. 2. MATLAB logo will appear and after few moments Command Prompt will appear. 3. Go to the File Menu and select a New M-file. (File NewM-file) or in the left hand corner a blank white paper icon will be there. Click it once. 4. A blank M-file will appear with a title untitled 5. Now start typing your program. After completing, save the M-file with appropriate name. To execute the program Press F5 or go to Debug Menu and select Run. 6. After execution output will appear in the Command window .If there is an error then with an alarm, type of error will appear in red color. 7. Rectify the error if any and go to Debug Menu and select Run.

Thus the amplitude modulation was simulated and the modulation index for various modulating voltage were calculated. QUESTIONS:

1. What is the difference between stem and plot functions? 2. What is the use of clean and close statements? 3. Find the answer the following program code a=[1 2 3] ; b=[4 5 6]; c=[a;b] ; d=[ a b]; 4. Explain the following file formats .m, .asv, .mat used in MATLAB 5. What is use of ; command? ASSESSMENT: PRELAB (program) LAB PERFORMANCE VIVA : 30 Pts : 15 Pts : 30 Pts


In this lab, you will learn how to perform the Frequency Modulation simulation using MATLAB

MATLAB ,Computer installed with Windows XP or higher Version.

Do the complete revision of Frequency Modulation theory and know few functions in MATLAB.

MATLAB INTRODUCTION MATLAB is a programming language and numerical computing

environment. The name MATLAB is an acronym for Matrix Laboratory. As it name suggests it allows easy manipulation of matrix and vectors. Plotting functions and data is made easy with MATLAB. It has a good Graphic User Interface and conversion of matlab files to C/C++ is possible. It has several toolboxes that possess specific functions for specific applications. For example Image Processing, Neural Networks, CDMA toolboxes are name a few. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems. Simulink contains Blocksets that is analogous to Toolboxes.It was created by Mathworks Incorporation, USA. programming language for Engineers. Writing MATLAB programs for modulation applications require knowledge on very few functions and operators. The operators mostly used are arithmetic operators and matrix operators. To know more type in the command prompt help ops. MATLAB will give a list in that to know on specific operator say addition type in the command prompt help plus. MATLAB will give how to use and other relevant information. Commonly used graphical functions are plot, figure, subplot, title, and mathematical functions are sin and cos only. The mathematical functions sin and cos are self explanatory. The graphical function figure will create a new window and then subsequent graphical commands can be applied. The plot function usually takes two MATLAB has become a defacto

vectors and plot data points according to given vector data. In this case it will time Vs signal. Subplot function is used when two or more plots are drawn on the same figure. As title function suggests it helps to write title of the graph in the figure. For further details type help plot or help subplot in the command prompt and learn the syntax. ALGORITHM: 1. Create a vector t (time) that varies from zero to two or three cycles with an interval 1/1000 or 1/5000. 2. Create a message signal with single sine frequency. All the frequency used in message signal should be less than the carrier frequency likewise amplitude of message signals should be less than carrier amplitude. [AmSin(2fmt)] 3. Create a carrier signal. [AcCos(2fct)] 4. Create the modulated signal using the FM equation [Ac Cos(2fct+Sin(2fmt) ]. stands for modulation index. Choose value more than 1.

5. Plot the FM signal.

TEST PROCEDURE: 1. Open the MATLAB software by double clicking its icon. 2. MATLAB logo will appear and after few moments Command Prompt will appear. 3. Go to the File Menu and select a New M-file. (File NewM-file) or in the left hand corner a blank white paper icon will be there. Click it once. 4. A blank M-file will appear with a title untitled 5. Now start typing your program. After completing, save the M-file with appropriate name. To execute the program Press F5 or go to Debug Menu and select Run. 6. After execution output will appear in the Command window .If there is an error then with an alarm, type of error will appear in red color. 7. Rectify the error if any and go to Debug Menu and select Run.

Thus the Frequency modulation was simulated and the modulation index for various modulating voltage were calculated.


1. Write MATLAB statement to display 9 (3 by 3) within a same window. 2. Find the answer Lowzero after executing following code. LowZero=10; Lowzero=15; lowzero=Lowzero+2*LowZero; 3. Write a code to plot 10Hz cos signal. 4. What is meant by script m-file and function m-file? 5. Find the answer for following statement 10 / 2 \ 5 - 3 + 2 * 4 ASSESSMENT: PRELAB (program) LAB PERFORMANCE VIVA : 30 Pts : 15 Pts : 30 Pts

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