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BOM Creation

BOM creation is required for the following material type: A) Finished Goods (FG) Type ZFET & ZSAM B) Semi Finished Goods (SFG) Type ZSFG i) Product SFG ii) Core Material iii) Coating Material iv) Crushed / Dried Material v) Printed Foil For BOM creation following parameters must be considered: A) B) C) D) Header for base qty input Item for items with qty & unit Production Storage Location of Items Standard Assay & Assay% (applicable for core material)

Procedure of BOM Creation 1. For BOM creation T-Code is CS01. Put CS01 in the initial screen.

2. Then put material no, plant & BOM usage (always 1) and after that press ENTER.

3. Put Item category (Always L), Item no, qty & unit and then press ENTER.

4. For mentioning the production storage location, select all the row items

5. Then click double into the 1st item.

Double Click

6. Click Status/Lng Text

7. Put production storage location for the 1st item. Then click next item arrow. And put production storage location for next item. Thus production storage location for all items should be inputted up to coming of message last item. Then click back.

Next Item

8. Click Header button to input base qty.


9. Just put base qty.

10 Then save it.

For standard assay & assay% (Applicable for core material) Select item row which material is under MQC (Material Quantity Calculation) and click Extras, then Batch Classification.

Then put std. assay in the working assay field and Assay% (Always 100) then come back from the screen and save it.

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