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Whats happening Establishing shot of the school showing the setting and part of the story Bully 3 is huddled on the Floor crying and hysterical, the innocent character is trying to calm them down flash backs of the main character being bullied and taunted, dont ever see the main charecters face main charecters eyes, he blinks and black contact lenses are in, blinks again and his eyes are now normal bully 3 is standing by the edge of the stairs screaming/ shouting "I knew it was you, etc." you then see them fall down the stairs to there death you see a blood trail on the floor leading to the toilet door where you see a blood hand print on the door as it then starts to open (voice over of the mains mother and a doctor having a conversation)

camera techniques in the shot/ Scene Special Effects/Props wide long shot showing the whole building from just outside, can see "danger" tape tied across the railings "Danger" tape

medium shot of the characters

dark room with minimal light

Black and white effect or medium shot of the characters, sepia tone, quick flashes possible close up of main huddled of white light between over and crying each flashback

extreme close up of the eyes

Black contact lenses

medium shot of bully 3, here them fall down the stairs medium shot of them at the bottom of the stairs with blood from their fake blood, possible crash mouth dripping down their chin mats

medium shot of blood on the floor, pan upwards to handprint on the door

Fake Blood

shot of the knife with a kid screaming in the 7 background shot of kid in hysterics 8 screaming and crying

close up of the knife in someones hand and blood running down the Fake blood and Knife blade Possibly a fold away knife close up of the kid and then cut to extreme close up then cut to black none

Title scene with scream 9 in the background

medium shot

blood dripping from the letters

Cast in the scene/ shot

No Cast Needed

Bully 3 and Innocent

All 3 bullies and some extras

Main character

Bully 3

No Cast Needed Main character possibly bully 1

bully 1

No Cast Needed

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