Multimedia Project Management Task 1

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Multimedia Project Management

Task 1

What is a project?
Project are a sequence of task that planned from beginning to end. It bounded by time, resources and required results. At the end of the project must have outcome. Project have their budget that use to limit number of people, supplies and capital. Deadline is important to ensure project is going on efficiently

What are the main attributes of project?

A project has a unique purpose to make a unique product or provide a services. It have a well defined objective to be achieved in the end of project.
A project is temporary that defined beginning and definite endform. It form a team-work on collaboration multimedia project to expect a report and executive presentation of the results in a month.

A project requires resources, often from various areas-people, hardware, software and other assets-collaboration not just from IT department but from sales, marketing, and other areas of the company to develop ideas. A project also should have primary sponsor or customer because a program is a group of projects managed in a coordinated way. A project involves uncertainly because they are unique, difficult to clearly define project' objective or how much it will cost. The uncertainly is why project management is so challenging especially involving new technologies

How is a project different from what most people do in their day-to-day jobs?
Project are different from day-to-day activities because they have focused goals and definite beginning and ending dates, job is work done to sustain the business while projects end when their objectives have been reached or when project has been terminated. Besides that, if we demanding day job, that means most of our time is spent doing things that are necessary. Some of that leftover time will be on things that feel important and the rest will be spent on things that are fun. The best way to carve out projects which cannot be necessary, is to make sure they are both important to us and fun. Fun means that whatever project we choose has to be kind of thing that we really enjoy working on.

Factor that affect a project?

The factors that affect a project's success are very consistent. They include knowledge, preparation, organization, leadership, teamwork, timeliness and effective conclusion. Each one of these factors is equally critical to the successful outcome of any worthy undertaking, and all should be taken very seriously.

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