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Ungkapan untuk memulai melakukan dan mengakhiri sebuah percakapan di telepon

Marno Karyo Marno Karyo Marno Karyo Marno Karyo : Hi Karyo, whats up? : Hi Marno, Im fine, how about you? : Im fine too, what are you doing right now. : Just watching TV, do you mind if I come to your house now. : For what? : Play videogame, Im bored here. : OK, come here then. : OK, see you later.

Marno Karyo Marno Karyo Marno Karyo

: Hello, good afternoon, can I talk to Karyo? : Yes, I am. : What about the plan of the holiday on next weekend? : Oh, look great, I will come. : Okay, thank you, see you later. : OK. See you later.

Marno Karyo Marno Karyo Marno Karyo Marno Karyo

: Hello, good evening! : Hello, good evening! : How about the English assignment? Are you finished yet? : I've done before, what about you? : I'm having trouble at the end, how the solution? : Come to my house, we will working together : Oh, well, thank you. : OK. See you later.

Ungkapan unuk memberikan perhatian kepada pembicara

Marno Karyo Marno Karyo Marno Karyo

: Your appearance look really impressive : Thank you. : Many people love the show when you were performing. : Oh, really? : Yeah, good luck with the next. : OK. Thank you.

Marno Karyo Marno Karyo Marno Karyo

: I was so glad to hear that you have a baby. : Oh, thank you, so we glad to. : What do you named he? : I will named him Arjuna : Great name. : Thank you.

Marno Karyo Marno Karyo Marno

: How are you? Are you healthy? : I'm fine, I'm healthy now. How about you. : I'm fine. I hope you manage a healthy diet, so do not hurt anymore. : OK. Well, thank you for your attention. : OK.

Ungkapan meminta, memberi dan menolak informasi

Marno Karyo Marno Karyo Marno

: May I ask your help for a while? : What kind of work is it? : Fix my bathroom. : Oh, well I'll come to your house this afternoon. : Thank you.

Marno Karyo Marno

: We currently have a job in the administration, would you want to? : Oh, thank you, I really appreciate it. : OK.

Marno Karyo Marno Karyo

: We're promoting a new product, if you are interested to try it? : Sorry, I'm busy, maybe another time. : Okay, then, see you. : Yeah, bye.

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