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Noem Jurez Prez Felipe Sanchez Vargas Cristina Munteanu

Noemi and cristina for a wolk

What do you think about tennis?

Walking on the street

Look what a coincidence. Thats exactly what we were looking for.

But... Its late already. And look at the timetable.

It seems to be a good offer. Lets ask for more information.

All right. See you tomorrow. Kisses to you and good night.

Ok. Then well come tomorrow in the morning.

Bye, bye baby.

Bye, bye.

at night

The next day: calling on the mobile phone

Hey, krys good morning. Good morning.

So, shall we go to the tennis academy to ask for more information?

Yes, lets go.

tennis academy

Hello. May I help you?

Yes, please. We want to know more about tennis classes.

Here you have the list with the prices and the timetable. would be from 5pm to 7pm and 120 for 15 days.

Yeah, me too.

I find it great.

Here you have.

Ok, give me your DNI.


And put here your signature.

See you tommorow.

See you tommorow at the classes.

See you tommorow. Good bye. See you tommorow. Good bye.

at the tennis class

Krys, catch the ball!

I have got it.

You do it great.

The end

Made by: Noem Jurez Prez Felipe Sanchez Vargas Cristina Munteanu

Bye,bye babies

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