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Steps: Create SET: Transaction GS01

Want to maintain a set transaction is GS02. To view its GS03 How to set values in program. 2 Simple FMs G_SET_GET_ID_FROM_NAME & G_SET_FETCH needs to call in program Table set_lines_basic of FM G_SET_FETCH returns values store in the set. Sample Code. REPORT ztest_set. DATA: w_setid LIKE sethier-setid, int_vlaues TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rgsbv. CALL FUNCTION 'G_SET_GET_ID_FROM_NAME' EXPORTING shortname = 'ZTEST' "Set Name IMPORTING new_setid = w_setid EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc NE 0. WRITE 'Invalid Set'. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'G_SET_FETCH' EXPORTING setnr = w_setid TABLES set_lines_basic = int_vlaues


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