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BAND 1 Teachers Copy : Band 1 (Oral) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS 1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by introducing oneself. 1 Knows fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing B1 DL1: Introducing oneself B1 DL1 E1: Able to introduce oneself using suggested sentence patterns.


Worksheet: Instruction: 1) Teacher asks three questions:

a) What is your name? b) How old are you? c) What is your hobby?

2) Student should be able to respond with the questions given.


BAND 1 Teachers Copy : Band 1 (Oral) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS Students should be able to pronounce the initial and final consonants, long and short vowels, plural forms and contractions clearly. 1 Knows fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing B1 DL2 : Listening and discriminating between initial and final consonants, long and short vowels, plural forms and contractions.


B1 DL2 E1: Able to identify initial and final consonants, long and short vowels, plural forms and contractions.

Worksheet: Instruction: Say these words aloud:

Pen Tin Hat Key Cup

Live Slip This

Leave Sleep These

Boxes Ties Knives Arent Boys Girls

Cant Isnt

Wont Wasnt


BAND 1 Teachers Copy : Band 1( Reading ) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS Students should be able to 1 Knows fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing B1 DB1: Presenting information by reading aloud written texts clearly and fluently B1 DB1 E1 : Able to read aloud with proper pronunciation and intonation.


WORKSHEET : Instruction: Read the text with proper pronunciation and intonation

The five groups of food help us in different ways. Fat and carbohydrates give us energy. Proteins build and repair our body tissues such as muscles .Vitamins and minerals improve our health. They also protect us from many diseases.


BAND 1 Teachers Copy : Band 1( Writing) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 1 Knows fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing B1 DT1: Writing short notes B1 DT1 E1 : Able to write greetings/wishes and a note of apology

WORKSHEET: Instruction: Look at the pictures carefully and write a simple greeting and apology.



Band 2 Teachers Copy : Band 2 ( Oral ) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE Talk about interests and understand when others talk about themselves. 2 Understand meanings at word, phrase and sentence levels. B2 DL1: Talking about self, family, friends and interest. B2 DL1 E1: Able to ask simple questions to get information and respond appropriately to questions on any one of the following : Self Family Friends Interests

WORKSHEET: Work in pairs. Use wh questions to get information and give appropriate responses. Take turns to ask questions and give responses about your interests. For e.g.: 1. What is your favourite game? 2. When do you usually play the game? 3. Who is your favourite singer?


Band 2 Teachers Copy : Band 2 ( Reading) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE Obtain information for different purposes by reading materials such as articles in print. 2 Understand meanings at word, phrase and sentence levels. B2 DB1: Reading and locating information from a linear/non-linear text B2 DB1 E1: Able to obtain information from a linear/non-linear text by filling in the blanks.

WORKSHEET: Read the article below and fill in the blanks. (To read the article, please refer to Form 1 English Textbook, p.30, i. Reading for Information, Eat Right). 1. Meat contains a lot of 2. Bread, rice and potatoes give us 3. Vitamins and minerals can


Band 2 Teachers Copy : Band 2 ( Reading) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE Process information by using dictionaries. 2 Understand meanings at word, phrase and sentence levels. B2 DB1: Reading and locating information from a linear/non-linear text B2 DB1 E2: Able to find the meaning of unfamiliar words from a variety of sources, for e.g. dictionary, thesaurus, etc.

WORKSHEET: Use your dictionary to find meaning of the words listed below. 1. coach - 2. results - 3. donation - 4. rush - 5. invitation - 6. success - Then, use the six words above to complete the sentences below. Questions 1 6: Please refer to F1 English Textbook,p. 18, B.


Band 2 Teachers Copy : Band 2 ( Writing) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 2 Understand meanings at word, phrase and sentence levels. B2 DT1: Writing short messages B2 DT1 E1: Able to write simple instructions and invitations. WORKSHEET: 1. Choose one special occasion (for e.g. birthday) when you can invite your friends to your house. Work in pairs. 2. Think of phrases and sentences you can write to invite your friends to your birthday party. 3. Write the words, the name of the person you are inviting and sign your name. For e.g., Dear , My birthday is coming soon. Therefore, Id like to invite you to my birthday party. Below are the details of my birthday party: Date: Time: Venue: I hope youll be able to make it to my party. See you there! (Your name/ signature)



BAND 3 Teachers Copy : Band 3 ( Oral ) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 3 Used knowledge acquired through listening, speaking, reading and writing. B3 DL1: Inviting someone to a function through a conversation B3 DL1 E1: Able to invite and accept or decline invitations.

Worksheet: Instruction: Situation 1 1) You are going to celebrate your birthday next week. 2) Invite your friend to your birthday party. Situation 2 1) Your friend are inviting you for a picnic at Sekayu Waterfall. 2) Accept or decline the invitation.


BAND 3 Teachers Copy : Band 3 ( Oral ) LEARNING OUTCOME 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by b. reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media. 3 Used knowledge acquired through listening, speaking, reading and writing. B3 DL2. Listening to announcements and instructions and processing information. B3 DL2 E1 Able to convey main ideas and supporting details.



Worksheet: INSTRUCTION: 1) Listen to the announcement. 2) Give one main idea and one supporting detail from the announcement.

Attention to all English Language Society Members, You are required to come to the school canteen at 3.00 p.m. this afternoon. Your attendances are compulsory. You may bring your activity file along. Thank you.


BAND 3 Teachers Copy : Band 3 ( Reading ) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 3 Knows fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing B3 DB1: Reading the telephone conversation and identifying information. B3 DB1 E1 : Able to identifying main ideas and supporting details by answering comprehension questions.

WORKSHEET : INSTRUCTION: 1) Read the card carefully. 2) Answer the questions followed.



Questions : 1) Who is going to celebrate the birthday? 2) Where is the venue of the party? 3) Who will be joining the party? 4) Five of Muralis friends will come to the party. True or False?

BAND 3 Teachers Copy : Band 3 ( Reading ) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 3 Knows fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing Reading and identifying information in a linear/non-linear text. B3 DB1 E2 Able to find the meaning of unfamiliar words by using contextual clues.

WORKSHEET : INSTRUCTION: 1) Read the article given. 2) Give the meaning of the underlined words.

You Need Fibre! We need fibre. It helps to clean parts of our body such as our stomach and intestines. There are lots of fibre in vegetables, cereals and fruits. Some parts have more fibres. One example is the potato skin. You may not like to eat potato skins. Then, you should eat other food that contains fibre. Some examples are oats, bananas, cabbage, carrots, pineapple, barley, kangkung, and wholemeal bread.



BAND 3 Teachers Copy : Band 3 ( Writing) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 3 Use knowledge acquired through listening, speaking, reading and writing B3 DT1: Writing a short description B3 DT1 E1 : Able to write a short description using adjectives/adverbs in a paragraph.

WORKSHEET: INSTRUCTION: 1) Study the picture carefully. 2) Write a paragraph describing your house by using suitable adjectives (such as big, beautiful etc.)



BAND 3 Teachers Copy : Band 3 ( Writing) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 3 Use knowledge acquired through listening, speaking, reading and writing B3 DT2: Spelling and dictation B3 DT1 E1 : Able to spell and take dictation of seen texts.


1) Read the text silently for three minutes. 2) Close the text.
3) Listen and write the teachers dictation about the text.

This is the route for the cross-country race. From the school, run towards the mosque. After passing the mosque, turn left into the winding path. Go onto the top of the hill. From there, run towards the rubber factory. You have to run through the rubber estate to reach the factory. There is a wooden bridge. Cross the bridge and follow the path back to the school.



BAND 4 (a) Teachers Copy (Oral/ Writing) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 4 Apply knowledge acquired in a variety situation using some appropriate language conventions. B4 DL1: Making plans and arrangements. B4 DL1 E1 : Able to listen to and make plans To go somewhere To do something WORKSHEET: 1. Have a meeting to plan a day trip for your class during the school break. Work in groups. 2. Write out plans for the trip and a duty roster for others to follow. a) Suggest and choose at most 4 interesting places to visit in your state. Give your reasons. b) Discuss what you have to do to prepare for i. ii. food transport

Ask questions to clarify if you are not sure of some details. Calculate the cost.


c) Prepare a plan for the trip. Add a duty roster to show what each member has to do before and during the trip. 3. During the meeting, take turns to be the secretary to write notes on: a) all the decisions made b) the actions that need to be taken later c) how much you will spend on food and transport (Please refer to F1 English Textbook, p.145, Writing Project for more details.)

BAND 4 (a) Teachers Copy (Oral) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 4 Apply knowledge acquired in a variety situation using some appropriate language conventions. B4 DL 2 : Giving and following directions. B4 DL2 E1 : Able to Give directions Draw the route on a given map as directions are being given WORKSHEET: Draw a map to show your friends the route from your school to your home while explaining how to go to your house. Point out buildings and other places along the way. Work in groups.



BAND 4 (a) Teachers Copy ( Band .. / Oral/ Reading/ Writing) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 4 Apply knowledge acquired in a variety situation using some appropriate language conventions. B4 DL 3 : Enquiring about products or services and requesting them. B4 DL 3 E1 : Able to use WH questions to obtain information about products or services and respond appropriately.

WORKSHEET: (Please refer to F1 English Textbook, p.154, D for the activities. Students work in pairs and have to take turns to act as the buyer and seller.)



BAND 4 Teachers Copy : Band 4 ( Reading ) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS 4 Apply knowledge acquired in a variety situations using some appropriate language conventions. B4 DB1: Reading and processing information in a linear /non-linear text. B4 DB1 E1 : Able to identify cause and effect relationships in a factual/narrative text by : Extracting specific information Answering comprehension questions in complete sentences using appropriate conjunctions.




Read the postcards that Eng Sang sent to his friends. (To read the postcards, please refer to F1 English Textbook, p.105, i. Reading for Information). Complete the sentences with the words and phrases given in the boxes. (To complete the sentences, please refer to F1 English textbook, p.106, A Understanding what you read, 2) Match the causes and effects below. (To match the causes and effects, please refer to F1 English textbook, p.106, A Understanding what you read, 3)

BAND 4 Teachers Copy : Band 4 ( Writing) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 4 Apply knowledge acquired in a variety situation using some appropriate language conventions. B4 DT1: Writing an informal letter. B4 DT1 E1 : Able to write an informal letter using the correct format and with appropriate grammar.

WORKSHEET: You have two cousins who are brothers. One of them likes indoor sports. The other prefers outdoor activities. Write a letter to them. Advise them to join the club below. Tell them about the activities they can choose. (On how to write a letter, please refer to F1 English textbook, p.103.) CHERAS CERGAS FITNESS CLUB


Lots of healthy exercises and activities! For busy members: Aerobics, Swimming, Squash, Netball For adventurous members: Cross-country cycling, Mountain-climbing Jungle-trekking,

BAND 5 Teachers Copy: Band 5 (Oral) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 5 Demonstrate the ability to use language in a variety of situation using largely appropriate language conventions B5DL1 Describing an event/incident and narrating it B5DL1E1 Able to listen and relay information about an event/incident aptly.

WORKSHEET1: The teacher reads aloud the event/ incident below to six group representatives. Lately, Helmi has not been feeling well. So, his mother, Puan Alina, takes him to the doctor. The doctor notices that Helmis stomach is big. Poor Helmi has a fever, poor appetite and stomach ache. The doctor examines Helmi and says that he has worms. The doctor advises Helmi not to run barefoot in the garden and to ensure that his


fingernails are always short. He also tells Puan Alina to wash the vegetables and fruits before eating them. After that, he gives Helmi some medicine. Helmi and his mother thank the doctor and leave the clinic. The first student in each group then relays the information about the event/ incident heard to the next student in his/ her group as quietly as possible. The information is passed on to the next student to the best of his/ her ability. The passing continues until the information reaches the last student in the group. The last student in each group says to the teacher the information they received. The teacher can evaluate the aptness of the information being passed on in each group.

BAND 5 Teachers Copy: Band 5 (Reading) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE 5 Demonstrate the ability to use language in a variety of situation using largely appropriate language conventions B5DB1 Reading and summarising text. B5DB1E1 Able to extract relevant points and reorganize them into a paragraph using suitable connectors

WORKSHEET: 1. Read the passage and complete the following task.



My ambition is to be a lawyer. My father is a lawyer and I would like to follow in his footsteps. However, unlike my father who is a private lawyer, I would like to be a Public Prosecutor. I want to put criminals behind bars and bring justice to the innocent. I realise it will not be easy putting criminals behind bars. Those big time criminals will of course be able to afford to hire good criminal lawyers. I however, plan to be better than those criminal lawyers. Becoming a lawyer is not easy. After doing my SPM, I will have to do A-Levels. Later on I will have to study law for the next four years. For my last year I plan to go to England. After coming back from England, I will have to take the CLP examination to be able to practise in Malaysia. I still have a long way to go before I become a lawyer. In order to make sure that my dreams of becoming a lawyer comes true, I have to study diligently. I wait excitedly for the day I will be called to the Bar. Write a summary on my ambition and the ways to achieve it. Your summary must:

be in continuous writing (not in note form) be written in one paragraph not be more than 60 words, including the 6 words given below.

Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning. Begin your summary as follows: My ambition is to be a

BAND 5 Teachers Copy : Band 5 (Writing)


5 Demonstrate the ability to use language in a variety of situation using largely appropriate language conventions B5 DT1 Writing a narrative B5 DT1 E1 Able to write an account of an incident/event using correct grammar and mechanics of writing with guidance



WORKSHEET: 1. Students look at the sentences below. There are beginnings of a few different stories. She stopped the car and got out to have a look.

Julia was walking home through the village square.

She was alone in the dark house.

She saw a strange blue light flashing in the road ahead.

A full moon was shining through the trees.

Suddenly, she heard a scream coming from the churchyard.

Leela was driving along an empty forest road.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of breaking glass downstairs.

It was a dark and rainy night, and she was soaked to the skin.

She sat up, frozen with fear.

It was a stormy night and the wind was howling through the tress outside.

She was lying in bed trying to get to sleep. 2. Students put together the sentences to make a beginning and provide an ending to one story.



BAND 6 Teachers Copy : Band 6 ( Oral ) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS 6 Appreciate literary works and present the ideas critically in an exemplary manner. B6 DL1: Listening and responding to literary works by giving ones opinion of the text and relating it to life. B6 DL1 E1: Able to retell the text in ones words using correct grammar and vocabulary.




WORKSHEET Synopsis Flipping Fantastic by Jane Langford is a story about twin brothers and their mother. Tristan is an outstanding, brilliant and a capable boy but James is shy, nervous and lacks confidence. Both of them are about to finish their primary education at Peter Hill Primary soon and plan to begin their new school term in two different schools. Their mother decides to enrol James in Highfields and Tristan who is physically challenged and wheelchair bound, in a special school (Chesterlea Grange). Both brothers are confused over the thought of being separated as they have never been apart from each other. Since they rely on each other, the twins are concerned about how they are going to cope in their new school environment. The mother wants the twins to be independent. She is confident that Tristan would be able to cope well at Chesterlea Grange. However, she worries about James and wonders how he is going to manage all alone at Highfields. Tristan changes his mind about Chesterlea Grange, in order to be with James. Besides that, the school is far away from home and he would only be able to see James once a week. On the other hand, James manages to persuade him by reminding him of all the facilities and activities in his new school that Tristan dreamt of. Knowing James cannot cope himself alone, Tristan calls on their friend Kiara Jones to help James in Highfields. The twins at last realise that they have made the right decision and their new school environment is flipping fantastic.

INSTRUCTION: 1) Listen to the synopsis of the short story Flipping Fantastics

2) Based on the short story, STATE why do you like the story?

BAND 6 Teachers Copy : Band 6 ( Oral ) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS 6 Appreciate literary works and present the ideas critically in an exemplary manner. B6 DL1: Listening and responding to literary works by giving ones opinion of the text and relating it to life.




B6 DL1 E2: Able to state what one thinks about the text and how it affects her/him using correct grammar and vocabulary

WORKSHEET INSTRUCTION: 1) From the short story Flipping Fantastics that you have learnt, choose a character that you like most. 2) Describe how he/she affects you? 3) Provide reasons for your answer.

BAND 6 Teachers Copy : Band 6 ( Oral ) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS 6 Appreciate literary works and present the ideas critically in an exemplary manner. B6 DL1: Listening and responding to literary works by giving ones opinion of the text and relating it to life.



B6 DL1 E3: Able to explain the message/theme/values the writer is trying to convey using the correct grammar and vocabulary.


1) Based on the short story Flipping Fantastics written by Jane Langford, state a lesson that you have learnt.
2) Provide suitable textual evidence to support your answer.

BAND 6 Teachers Copy : Band 6 (Reading) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS 6 Appreciate literary works and present the ideas critically in an exemplary manner. B6 DB1: Reading and processing information at a higher order.



B6 DB1 E1: Able to predict outcomes and draw conclusions using grammatically correct structures. WORKSHEET

INSTRUCTION : 1) Read the poem The River silently.

2) Draw conclusions. 3) State the valuable lessons that you get from the poem.

BAND 6 Teachers Copy : Band 6 ( Writing) LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD 6 Appreciate literary works and present the ideas critically in an exemplary manner.



B6 DT1: Writing a composition expressing ones opinion. B6 DT1 E1: Able to write a composition expressing ones opinion with reasons using correct grammar and mechanics of writing with minimal guidance.

WORKSHEET INSTRUCTION : 1) Refer to the novel Journey To The Center Of The Earth. 2) Describe an interesting event from the novel. 3) Provide reasons to support your answer.


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