Final Brouchure - Anisa

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By: Anisa Dzaferovic, Erik Arustamyan, Gabrielle Ramirez, Wilson Jang and Zarhea Chalmers

Where to travelHow about Ancient Egypt?

This is an image of the Ancient Egyptian map.

Ancient Egypt is a very historical and geographical place to visit. You can discover many different things. You can get to see the Nile River, the river that many Egyptians relied on. You can even get to know about the divided Ancient Egypt. The Black Land and the Red Land. The black land was the fertile land on the bank of the Nile. This is where the Egyptians would plant their crops, this land was so fertile because when the Nile flooded it left a layer of rich black silt. The Red Land was the barren desert, which protected Egypt on both sides. It also separated Egypt from invading armies. This desert contained precious metals and semi-precious stones. You can get to

You should come visit Egypt and discover all the amazing things there especially the government. The first president to take office was President Mohamed Naguib. When you go to Egypt you will learn all the presidents in order too! Also when you go to Egypt ask about the Tunisian Revolution that happened in the early 2011 its really interesting. The significance of Egypt is more than amazing when you learn about the government youll know what Im talking about a great opportunity for the whole family go ahead and visit the adventures that awaits for you in Egypt! -Zarhea Chalmers

see this all for yourself when you come visit the amazing Ancient Egypt.

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-Anisa Dzaferovic

Ancient Egyptians had the greatest architectural achievements ever made by humans that are the Pyramids. Ancient Egyptians were one of the advanced civilizations ever lived. With their great technology they built over 100 Pyramids the huge stones were carried up by long ropes and ramps. No one knows how they did it but they were able to build them. Not only the Pyramids but they build hundreds of other buildings, the rich homes were full of designs and beautiful paintings. They had great skills and technology. Ancient Egypt has one of the most beautiful buildings ever made! This is one of the reasons millions of people visit Egypt every year. You should too!

This is an image of mummification.

Come witness the different types of classes in ancient Egypt. What the famers and slaves work and study how they do. Also get to be a temporary pupil of the pharaoh. This once in a life time travel trip allows you to spend a whole day with the Pharaoh, which is a very big deal considering a Pharaoh is considered to be a god. To end your wonderful journey, spend a day in an Egypt village and purchase knickknacks and many other valuable items form the villages workers. Buy a vase from out pottery workers, or some jewelry and close from the jewelers and tailors.

You should come to ancient Egypt and find out amazing things the Egyptians did. See how they built pyramids for their pharaohs. See how they mummify the people and for pharaohs see what were placed for their afterlife. You can see what type of food they eat and also see all their 2000 gods they worshiped most of them had heads of an animal. The Egyptian prayed to the god for things they needed and gave offerings to satisfy them. See their harsh punishments for wrong doings. See their beautiful paintings
and their craftwork.
-Wilson Jang

-Gabrielle Ramirez
-Erik Arustamyan

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