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World History 1

Unit 2: Chapter 7, 8, 15 India, China & Africa Project

DUE: Friday, March 1, 2013 (No late day.) Overview: You and your teammates will create a website that teaches the content from Chapter 7, 8, & 15. You will be required to include specified information as well as pictures and/or graphics, and a bibliography. If for some reason your team has technical problems with creating the website, then switch to a Multimedia PowerPoint. Multimedia means the PowerPoint contains hyperlinks that take the viewer to web pages or to other documents, images youve created. It also can include short video clips (2-3 minutes) We will take a test on this Unit, which will cover the information you are required to research and display on your website. Teams consist of approximately 3-4 people. Depending on how efficiently you use class time, some of this project may need to be completed outside of school. Be sure to exchange information. You will have 3-4 class periods to conduct research on the Internet and begin the project. Some of this project should be delegated to teammates to be done as homework. Dates with computers: February 26, 27, 28, March 1st gallery walk on March 22 Unit 2 components: 1. Website (or Powerpoint) 2. Website Evaluations We will NOT present these in class. We will have a gallery walk using laptops. You will evaluate each others sites and take notes on the content. 3. Unit 2 Study GuideReview day 3/4/13 4. Unit 2 Test3/5/13 Recommended Process: After youve picked teams and have your topics, divide up the work Exchange phone numbers and email addresses Create a list of tasks to be accomplished Assign people to them Begin research everyone should be researching and writing information Pick people to work on the website, and people to help gather photos, graphics, video clips to supplement the written material on the website. Examples

Indian, Chinese, & African World AD 400-1500 Project Content

Requirements: 1. All focus questions & terms must be included. These will help guide your research. Use your textbook in addition to the internet. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE TEXT FROM THE INTERNET. Your must write in your own words. DO NOT just write the definition. You must ask yourselves the questions in the table below, and know the information as appropriate for each term or name. I should see vocabulary words used with accuracy throughout your website. 2. At least 2 credible sourcesyour textbook should be one. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA or ABOUT.COM. YOU WILL LOSE MAJOR POINTS. 3. BibliographyMLA Format

Focus Questions for India (Chapter 7, Sections 1 & 2)

1. How did the Mauryan Empire govern/organize/run India and its Empire? Think Military, bureaucracy, & trade 2. How did Buddhism and Hinduism influence the development of India? 3. What are the achievements in India culture relating to literature, Arts, Astronomy, math, medicine? 4. Describe the land and sea trade networks and how this affected India. 5. What were the reasons for the decline/ fall of this empire? Key terms you must include: Chandragupta, Asoka, Mauryan Empire, Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva, Silk Roads

Focus Questions for China (Chapter 7, Section3)

1. How did the Han Dynasty govern/organize/run China and its Empire? Think Military, bureaucracy, & trade 2. How did Confucianism influence Chinas government and culture? 3. Describe how society was organized in china and the various roles citizens had. 4. What are the achievements in Chinese culture? 5. What were the reasons for the decline of this dynasty? Key terms you must include: Liu Bang, centralized government, Han Dynasty, civil service, monopoly, silk roads, assimilation mandate of heaven.

Focus Questions for Africa (Chapter 15, Section 2)

1. Describe the geography of Africa. (Chapter 8, Section 1, pgs 213-215) 2. Describe how the Ghana and Mali Empires were founded and how they were governed/organized. 3. How did trade affect and influence Ghana? 4. What were the reasons for the decline or fall of these empires? 5. How did Islam affect & Influence both African civilizations? Key terms you must include: Sahara, Sahel, Ghana, camels, nomads, Mali, Mansa Musa

Additional things to think about:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Government & rulers Religion Art & Literature Inventions ie printing Geography use maps where they would be useful

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