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YOGAS Yoga means union and implies the coming together of two or more aspects of life.

This could be favourable (subha Yoga) or Unfavourable(Asubha Yoga) depending on the signs,planets and houses involved. Yoga Karaka is a planet capable of bringing good fortune to the native because of the ownership of two favourable houses of the chart including one trine. For cancer lagna Mars own the 5th and 10th houses and naturally links the houses of name and fame,reputation and success with the houses of authority power and knowledge. Thus Mars become Yogakaraka and the signs and planets aspectsed by Mars will enjoy the benefits indicated by Mars. The mere presence of yogakaraka does not gurantee the yoga but it is only indicative. Yoga occurs if the Yogakaraka is conjoined, aspected by or exchangeed signs with other benefical planet which means that should some relationships between the two planets. Karaka means signifcator. The planets have natural,fixed and temporal significations called as naisargika,sthira and chara karakatwas. Similary the planets aspecting/conjoining the special ascendants become the karakas for the same. The Hora lagna signifies power and authority. A planet conjoins or is the Lord of the lagna and Hora lagna become a dhana yogada while a planets that aspects, cnjoins or is the lord of lagna and Ghatika lagna becomes a raja yogada.

If all the three lagna, HL and the GL are influenced by a planet it will surely be a Rajayogada. Vipareeta Yoga is activated if the lords of two malefic houses associate. For example if the 6th and 12th lord conjoin, the enemy suffers losses and thus the native gains. If this association also occurs in a dusthana (3,6,8,12) then VRY results. Every planets needs the co-operations of others for giving good results. These cooperators or obstructors are called as Pachak,Bodhak,Karak and Vedhak For Sun: Pachak would be saturn and 6 bhava is the house Bodhak would be Mars and 7 bhava is the house Karak would be Jupiter and 9 bhava is the house Vedhak would be Venus and 11 bhava is the house For Moon: Pachak planet is Venus and 7 bhava is the house Bodhak planet is Mars and 9 bhava is the house Karaka planet is Saturn and 11 bhava is the house Vedhak planet is Sun and 3 bhava is the house For Mars: Sun is Pachak and 2 bhava is the house Moon is Bodhak and 6 bhava is the house

Saturn is Karak and 11 bhava is the house Mercury is Vedhak and 12 bhava is the house For Mercury: Moon is Pachak and 2 bhava is the house Jupiter is Bodhak and 4 bhava is the house Venus is Karaka and 5 bhava is the house Mars is Vedhak and 3 bhava is the house For Jupiter: Saturn is Pachak and 6 bhava is the house Mars is Bodhak and 5 bhava is the house Moon is Karak and 7 bhava is the house Sun is Vedhak and 12 bhava is the house For Venus: Moon is Pachak and 2 bhava is the house Mercury is Bodhak and 6 bhava is the house Sun is Karaka and 12 bhava is the house Saturn is Vedhak and 4 bhava is the house For Saturn: Venus is Pachak and 3 bhava is the house Moon is Bodhak and 11 bhava is the house Jupiter is Karak and 6 bhava is the house

Mars is Vedhak and 7 bhava is the house

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