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Yahweh Reveals - The Demons in the Bible

1 Beelzebub - The chief of the demons (Matthew 12:24). 2nd Legion - This denomination and many because they were demons (Luke 8:30). 3 of Mammon - the god of riches (Matthew 6:24). 4 Give, give - The Greed of (Proverbs 30:15). 5th Apollyon - God of disasters (Revelation 9:10,11). The operation of the demon called Apollyon arreabatamento act only after the Church, for this reason he is stuck in the moment, as in the book of Revelation speaks. It's a figure that will kill the two witnesses of Revelation. Called the Old Testament "Locusts" (Joel 1:4) 1 Grasshopper Mower - This love of money when you do not decimate he gets enough bills to pay you, ever see that old saying: "Who should pay to God D. .." 2 Grasshopper Migrator - Likes to go from one city to another, especially in the carnival of destruction leaving their tracks. 3 Grasshopper Devourer - Like children, especially mothers who abort their children, horgias, drunkenness and large banquets. Until the edges of your gowns was found the blood of the souls of the innocent and needy, (Jeremiah 2:34) 4 Grasshopper Destuidor - Likes to destroy families and major disasters. Also called the New Testament are called (Ephesians 6:12): 1 Principalities 2 Powers 3 rulers of this dark world 4 Spiritual Forces of Evil Other demons that act at the time of Great Tribulation after the Rapture of the Church in Revelation are also called frogs, locusts, scorpions and snakes and Dragon. Here we divided the demons into categories and their actions, but I remember that the kingdom of darkness do not divide, their purpose is "Destroy all humans", no matter what methods to use, demonic possession, money, drugs, carnival, disasters, the goal is the Devil take lives, so they do not have oprtunidade salvao.Por for this cause we have to keep under the shadow of Altsssimo God (Psalm 91)

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