Anthem - CH 4-6 Q&A

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Anthem by Ayn Rand


Chapter 4 - 6 Review Questions

Chapter 4
1. What is the name of the Golden One given Equality 7- 2521?
2. What had men never said to women before?
3. What action did Equality 7- 2521 do that shock him & the Golden One?

Chapter 5
4. What had Equality 7-2521 done at the beginning of the chapter?
5. What does Equality plan on doing with his discovery?
6. Why is Equality 7-2521 in more danger than before from his fellow men?
7. Why does Equality 7-2521 want to see himself?

Chapter 6
8. Why has Equality 7-2521 not written in 30 days?
9. How does Equality 7-2521 get caught?

10. What was Equality 7-2521s initial punishment for not telling?
11. How could he have prevented this lashing?
12. How had Equality 7-2521 spent his days in the Place of Corrective Detention?
13. How did he know when to escape?
14. Why was it so easy to escape?
15. What does Equality 7-2521 plan to do the next day?

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