Presentation 5 Ptlls qrx0598

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Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector

Session 5
Usi ng In cl us ive Te ach ing a n d Le a rn ing App ro ach es in Li fe lo ng Le a rn ing

Thursday, 28 February 13

Think of some of the needs, barriers or issues your learners might have. Write each one on a post it Identify where these fit into Maslows hierarchy of needs. Use the starter cards to help your discussion.

Thursday, 28 February 13

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (1987)

Self Actualisation
what I wanted to!

I am achieving Self Esteem

Am I learning something useful? Recognition Do I belong here, do others respect me? Safety/Security Am I in danger whilst learning? Am I worried about anything? Physiological Is the learning environment comfortable? Am I hungry, thirsty, tired, cold?

Thursday, 28 February 13

Learning Outcomes:
Revise Maslows hierarchy of needs & motivation Identify inclusive teaching and learning methods and activities Define differentiation and identify a range of strategies Define what makes an effective lesson plan

Thursday, 28 February 13


Thursday, 28 February 13

Intrinsic Motivation

From within - learning for their own fulfilment

Thursday, 28 February 13

Extrinsic Motivation

From without - external factors motivating a learner or making learning necessary

Thursday, 28 February 13

What might be the impact on you as a tutor or trainer of differently motivated learners? Do your learners know how to learn? How can you move extrinsically motivated learners further along the path of being intrinsically motivated?

Thursday, 28 February 13


Thursday, 28 February 13


An approach that recognises both the individuality of learners and also informs ways of planning for learning and teaching that take these individualities into consideration Tummons, 2010

Thursday, 28 February 13


In pairs write your own definition linked to your particular subject. What does differentiation mean you need to do?

Thursday, 28 February 13

Differentiation is an approach to teaching that attempts to ensure that ALL learners learn well, despite their many differences. It acknowledges that we teach individuals, so it is an aspect of Personalised Learning. It used to be called mixed ability teaching, but learners have more differences than just ability.

Thursday, 28 February 13

Take into account:

Confidence levels Specific learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia) Preferred learning style Speed of learning Background Amount of pre-existing subject knowledge Context

Thursday, 28 February 13


An enriched and interesting learning environment for one learner is not necessarily enriched and interesting for another.

Thursday, 28 February 13

Inclusive Teaching and Learning Strategies

Thursday, 28 February 13

Take the cards you have been given and divide them into two piles: Activities that differentiate well Activities that dont differentiate well. Take an activity from the second pile and identify how you could adapt it so it differentiates more effectively.

Thursday, 28 February 13

Session Planning - aims and objectives

Thursday, 28 February 13

Aims and Objectives

Whats the difference?

Thursday, 28 February 13


a general statement of intent. It describes the direction in which the learner will go in terms of what they might learn or what the teacher/ training will deliver

Leeds University

Thursday, 28 February 13


a more specific statement about what the learner should or will be able to do after the teaching/ training experience

Leeds University

Thursday, 28 February 13

SMART Objectives
Specific : what the student should be able to do/how they will do it, and to what level Measurable: you should be able to work out how their attainment will be assessed Achievable: by the students taking part in the lesson Realistic: appropriateness of the task (similar to achievable) Time-appropriate: achievable within the length of the lesson/session

Thursday, 28 February 13

Aim: To enable participants to write learning aims and objectives Objective: To establish the difference between aims and objectives To introduce the learning domains To provide a list of useful verbs to use when writing learning aims and objectives To demonstrate to participants how to develop measurable learning objectives To guide participants to choose appropriate teaching techniques that will achieve their learning objectives

Thursday, 28 February 13

What about learning outcomes?

Thursday, 28 February 13

Learning Outcomes:

Outcomes are written from the objectives They are the product of completing the objective. You should identify what the different abilities of students should be able to complete;

Thursday, 28 February 13

Learning Outcomes
(Low ability learners) By the end of the session all learners will be able to... (Majority of learners) By the end of the session most learners will be able to... (High achieving learners) By the end of the session some learners will be able to...

Thursday, 28 February 13


Sort the cards you were using earlier into those that are SMART and those that are not. How could you make the second pile SMARTer?

Thursday, 28 February 13


Thursday, 28 February 13

Read Gravells chapter 8 Read the reading on the website - Are lesson plans important by Jonathan Tummons Complete final draft of assignment 1 & journal entry Complete draft of assignment 2 & journal entry Complete draft of session plan for assignment 3

Thursday, 28 February 13

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