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Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Brian Johnson Autodesk, Inc.


This extended lecture class will focus on structural design for structural steel and reinforced concrete structures using Robot Structural Analysis. This presentation will provide an overview of design workflows and structural design criteria using Robot and Revit Structure and indepth instruction on specific design tasks. You will learn how to optimize structural steel designs, design steel connections, and perform automatic and interactive concrete reinforcement design. Explore custom design options with the Robot Spreadsheet Extension. This class will not focus on analysis methodologies, rather it is intended to show the design and optimization functionality in Robot.

About the Speaker:

Brian is a Structural Technical Specialist for Autodesk. He is an expert in structural modeling and design using Revit Structure. Brian is a licensed structural engineer with over ten years of building design and consulting experience. During that time he worked as a Project Engineer/Manager and Principal on a variety of structures. He earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

This course will provide a brief overview of the structural design capabilities of Robot Structural Analysis Professional. Firstly, we will dive into the processes for designing structural steel framing, steel connections, and reinforced concrete framing. Then we will tour composite steel design and interoperability with Revit Structure. Finally, well see how to use the Robot Spreadsheet Extension for post-processing of Robot model data.

Job Preferences
I recommend customizing your Job Preferences based on the project location and design requirements. These settings can be saved and reused for future projects. They generally include selecting units, material and section databases, and design codes. During the installation process Robot localizes your settings appropriately, so minor tweaking is probably all that is needed.

Robot Structural Analysis has the following databases and design for North America: AISC 360-05 (13 Edition) rd AISC LRFD 2000 (3 Edition) nd AISC LRFD 1994 (2 Edition) th AISC ASD 1989 (9 Edition) CSA S16-01 + Supp. No. 1 (2005) CSA S16.1-94 ACI 318 (recent versions) CSA A23 (recent versions) 2

Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Structural Steel Design

After performing the analysis calculations for a structure, you can verify and optimize the design of structural steel members. The process is rather simple. Specify the design criteria for members such as buckling parameters. Then verify member design capacity or optimize the members. Finally, re-run the analysis calculations and repeat the process until the design is to your satisfaction. Like members can be placed into Groups. For example, place floor beams with similar spans and tributary widths into groups called, say FB-01, FB-02, etc. Another example may be to place truss diagonals into a Diagonals group and truss verticals into a Verticals group. Member verification and optimization are determined using ultimate and/or serviceability limit states. Member verification can performed for individual members and member groups. For group verification the design capacity or failure for all the members in the group is determined by the worst case. Thus, if one member of the group fails while the remainder is fine, the group fails the verification check. Optimization is only performed for member groups. You can indicate optimization criteria such as minimum/maximum depth to narrow the design choices. Like verification, success or failure of the group is determined by the worst case. There are a variety of ways to evaluate the design results. Firstly, Robot presents a table of results which quickly identifies members that have capacity (green OK) or fail (red X). The design capacity ratio (aka Unity Check or Interaction Check) is indicated among other relevant results.

Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Two graphical representations of results are also available. An analysis chart shows the capacity ratio of each element allowing you to quickly see which elements are significantly over capacity or underdesigned relative to adjacent elements. The Map showing the wireframe structure with members colored per their design ratio is also quite handy to quickly spot the location of failing members.

Finally, you can drill down into the detailed design results for each member and produce a simplified or rather detailed Calculation Note.

Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Steel Connection Design

In additional to structural steel design, you can also design several types of steel connections using members in the structure model. Alternatively, you can design steel connections with no relationship to model members. Currently, Robot Structural Analysis Professional can only design Steel Connections using the Eurocode (ENV 1993-1-1:1992 and EN 1993-1-8:2005), the French steel code CM66, and the Polish steel code PN-90/B-03200. AISC and CISC design codes are not available for Steel Connection Design at this time. For model members, first run analysis calculations, then select the appropriate members typically a column and beam(s), and finally, click the new connection button. Specify the new connection parameters in the connection definition dialog. Once the connection is defined, run the connection design calculations and review the Calculation Note to verify adequate capacity or failure of the connection.

Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

To design a connection not related to any particular model members simply select the connection type from the side bar. Define the connection parameters and run the manual design verification with user-defined loads. Robot Structural Analysis maintains a list of all connection designs with in a project for easy access and revision.

Reinforced Concrete Design

Robot Structural Analysis Professional has a robust set of reinforced concrete design tools. There are two points of entry for RC design through component design modules and via a whole-structure approach. In terms of analysis and design capabilities, Robot Structural Analysis performs mild steel design in member/bar elements and panel elements such as slabs and walls. It is not possible to directly design pre-stressed and post-tension concrete elements; however, there are methods for equivalent loading.

Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

RC Member Design
After running analysis calculations for an entire structure, you can quickly design concrete reinforcement for all or select RC elements based on theoretical required areas of steel. The design criteria are fairly general allowing definition of typical cover and bar size to use for longitudinal and transverse bars. Different criteria can be established and used for different elements. After running the calculations, you can review but not edit the results. A similar design review can be performed for panel elements as well.

This design approach, while limited in design criteria, provides a birds eye review of all the RC elements to help you quickly determine elements that are failing versus those that are grossly over-capacity. As such you are able to optimize the structure at a global scale. Additionally, you can select RC elements for a more detailed and interactive design process using the RC Design modules.

RC Design Modules
The RC design modules are used for design of individual elements within a 3D structure model or as separate files independent of any 3D structure model. Furthermore, the column, beam, and spread footing modules are also used directly by the Reinforcement Design Extension in Revit Structure. The design process is as expected. Define geometry, loads, and design criteria. Run analysis and design calculations. Evaluate results & modify design as needed. Finally, generate calculation notes and design documentation. The interface and design criteria will indeed differ between modules; however, the process is generally the same.

Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

The RC Column and RC Beam modules have Reinforcement Editing (Edition) views that provide a more direct graphical way to modify the provided reinforcement. Graphical design results are shown and automatic design verification is available to instantly see the impact of a modification on elements capacity. In addition to direct modification of the design this view can also be exported in DWG or DWF format for use in AutoCAD.

Extensions for Robot Structural Analysis

Reinforcement Design
The Reinforcement Design Robot Extension will facilitate design of reinforced concrete Beams, Columns, and Spread Footings from within Revit Structure. There are two workflows for this Extension. The first is to design new rebar for the element. The second is to verify the design of rebar previously 8

Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

modeled with a Revit Reinforcement Extension. The process is to select an element for design, execute the Extension, perform the new design or verification in Robot Structural Analysis, and finally, update the Revit model. Once executed the Extension should spawn a new session of Robot Structural Analysis if not already opened.

Note that while this is a bi-directional link between Robot Structural Analysis and Revit Structure, the link becomes asymmetrical after the first round-trip exchange. Subsequent exchanges for the same element can only be updated from Robot Structural Analysis provided no layout or cross-section revisions were made in Revit Structure.

Integration with Robot Structural Analysis

The Integration link between Revit Structure and Robot Structural Analysis facilitates updating the Revit model with the latest Robot design information. The link exchanges structural steel and concrete framing member data and can also transfer reinforcement for beams, columns, and spread footings. The link allows you to bi-driectionally transfer the entire model or just selected portions of the model.

Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Unlike the Reinforcement Design Extension, the Integration Extension transfer Bar and Panel elements bi-directionally without exception. However, the rebar transfer caveats still apply.

Composite Steel
The Composite Design Robot Extension in Revit Structure performs composite steel design for floor framing. To utilize the Extension you must first model the Floor and Floor framing (of course), set up Load Cases (DL & LL), and model loads onto the Floor. Select the framing you want to design and execute the Extension. You can run the Extension in Automatic or Interactive mode. I prefer Interactive. The design criteria you can specify include camber & deflection (pre- & post-composite) parameters, stud properties, slab properties, and construction loading. After specifying the design criteria, hit Design All. Once the design calculations run, you can see the levels of capacity and failing members.


Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Click on a member to review load & deflection diagrams and detailed design results. Here you can also override the optimized design using more studs, non-composite behavior, or different section. Hit Accept Changes after completing your modifications.


Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

After you are satisfied with the floor design, click Accept Design and the Extension will update your Revit model to reflect the completed design including member Type, Number of Studs, and Camber.


Structural Design Using Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis

Robot Spreadsheet Extension

The Robot Spreadsheet Extension is an Excel Add-in that leverages Robot databases and even Robot analysis models for enhanced spreadsheet design aides. The Extension comes with several pre-built spreadsheets from parametric model generation to steel connection design. It also has tools to help you build your own or modify your existing spreadsheets with Robots enhancements. The primary benefits of using the Spreadsheet Extension are to facilitate creation of custom design aides and augment Robot Structural Analysis with custom post-processing. Examples include custom steel or wood connections using framing and load information from a Robot model.

Robot Structural Analysis provides wide array of structural design functionality for structural steel and reinforced concrete framing. We have reviewed the processes for designing structural steel, steel connections, and reinforced concrete elements in Robot Structural Analysis, designing composite steel framing and interoperating with Robot within Revit Structure, and augmenting Robot with customization using the Robot Spreadsheet Extension.


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