Strategic Plan Challenge

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Hard Work Pays Off Central Committee 2 Year Plan Challenge

Every two years, per the Maryland Democratic Party by-laws, local central committees are to present the State Party with their 2 year plan. This gives each local committee the opportunity to develop a plan, put it to paper and execute it. The purpose of adding this task to the by-laws by Chairman Terry Leirman was to engage the local committees in planning their direction and developing reachable goals in order to build the local party. Over the last few cycles, even though the State by-laws require each committee to submit a plan and each Executive Director has requested plans, only about a half of committees submit them. Each committee should have a plan. What are you doing, what is it you want to do, what is your purpose, what are your goals and how do you get there? Since we understand the importance of these plans and also want each committee to really put time and effort into them we have decided to add an incentive and a little fun into this cycles two year plans.

Each committee that presents a comprehensive 2 year plan with the required components will receive $100 towards their committees state account. Based upon criteria youll receive, there will be awards for the top three plans:

1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize

$1,000 $500 $250

Completed plans are due by April 19th and the results will be announced and checks presented at the full state central committee meeting in May. (Date TBD) Who will judge? The staff will review all plans and forward finalists to MDP Officers, DNC Members (who are not DSCC members) and former MDP Executive Directors for the final decision. We understand every committee/county is different, what works in one might not work in another. There is no cookie cutter plan. Size and voting populations make a difference. We will take all that into consideration when reviewing each plan. The plan details, components and requirements will be forwarded to each chair in the next few days. Good Luck! ~ Yvette

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