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1/19/2012 Mrs. N. M. N.


The structure of the National Curriculum

Pupils ages 5-7 7-11 11-14 14-16 Year groups 1-2 3-6 7-9 10-11

Key Key Key Key

Stage Stage Stage Stage

1 2 3 4


English Mathematics Science Technology(design and technology/information technology) History Geography Art Music Physical education

stage 1 and 2:


stage 3:

as at key stages 1 and 2 Plus a modern foreign language


stage 4:

English Mathematics Science: from august 1995 Physical education: from 1996 Technology(design and technology/information technology) Modern foreign language

Programmes of study
Set out what people should be taught

Attainment targets
Sets out the expected standards of pupils performance

At the end of key stages 1,2 and 3,for all subjects except art music and physical education;

Standards of the pupils performance are set out in eight level descriptions of increasing difficulties for art, music and physical education, end of key stage descriptions set out the standard of performance expected of the majority of pupils at the end of each key stage. Descriptions of exceptional performance are also provided in art and music at the end of key stage 3. In physical education at the end of key stage 4

At the key stage 4, public examination are the main means of assessing attainment in the national curriculum

New GCSE syllabuses which reflects the revised national curriculum has been introduced for course beginning in September 1996.

Access Information technology

The curriculum cymreig

Referencing Examples

English should develop pupils abilities to communicate effectively in speech and for writing and to listen with an understanding
To develop effective speaking and listening To develop as effective readers




To develop effective writers

In order to participate confidently in public, cultural and working life pupils need to be able to speak, write and read standard English fluently and accurately
Pupil should be given opportunities to develop their understanding and use of standard English and the ability to recognize that.

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