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English for Travel

Something for Everyone A. CONVERSATION

Mr Stone is presiding over a meeting of an agency, with Mr Kwan and Ms Ross.
Mr. Stone:

Mr. Kwan:

Mr. Stone: Mr. Kwan:

Mr. Stone:

Mr. Kwan:

Mr. Stone:

Mr. Kwan:

Mr. Stone:

Mr. Kwan:

Mr. Stone:

Mr. Kwan:

Mr. Stone: Mr. Ross:

Mr. Stone:

Now, we will hear reports from committees that have been experimenting with new concepts. As you know, we always try to satisfy our clients by matching our tour programs with their interests. Now our aim is to go beyond that and to create interests by arousing latent desires and stimulate clients to action. We are also finding that there is a growing market for novelty trips. (Addressing a member) Yes, Mr Kwan, a question? No, a comment. I remember your story about an agency that advertised it could furnish any kind of trip. They even accommodated a man who wanted to follow Hannibals path across the Alps by providing him with an elephant and mahout. But now the idea seems to be to create the desire to follow Hannibal, correct? Yes, thats the picture - to move clients to action. Do you have anything new to offer your specialty - sports? Well, er, yes. But first, Id like to mention that all sports continue to hold their own - travel-wise, that is. Golf is still number one for travellers; however, tennis is catching up. Weve also had good response to soccer tours, especially those that included not only tickets to the big games, but also instruction on the subtleties of the sport. Recently, there has been an increase of interest in mountain climbing. One group just left to climb a volcano in Mexico and another to try their skill on the icy slopes in India. Backpacking and walking tours are catching, too. Walking tours have gone in cycles for years, but backpacking is in vogue now. It goes along with the idea of saving money and getting back to nature. Our Western Wilderness trips have has a great sale. One recent feature is a trek to the Valley of Hunza in Pakistan. The appeal of these trips may be to find the secret longevity or to locate Sangri-La. Health-conscious people are responding to special to famous spas and health resorts, like those in Czechoslovakia and Hungary, which promise not only rejuvenation but also cures for various ailments. Environmentalists have likewise shown interest in our off-beat tours to Micronesia, Uganda and Antarctica, and our ecological groups go everywhere. I was surprised to see how your advertisements featuring koala bears in Australia created an interest in the dune buggy trips to open parks animal zoos. Water sports are still holding their own, arent they? Even increasing. And so is off-shore yachting. Weve extended that line to include rafting trips on the Rogue River in Oregon. Going down the Shannon in Ireland on a barge, or down the Ganges in India on a cruiser isnt exactly a sport, but its a popular diversion. Fishing from ice holes in Nome, Alaska, has attracted a few hardy groups. Whatever makes the customer happy. Ms Ross, can you equal such excitement in your field of hobbies? I think our ghost-hunters have pretty thrilling adventures. Youd be surprised how many people are simply bewitched by old castles that are said to be haunted. And many groups have gone to Rumania to follow Draculas gory path. The popularity of this type of tour illustrates how people can be intrigued into travelling.

Something for Everyone

Mr. Ross:

Mr. Stone: Mr. Ross:

Mr. Stone:

Mr. Ross:

Mr. Stone: Mr. Ross: Mr. Kwan: Mr. Stone: Mr. Ross: Mr. Kwan:

English for Travel However, our usual specialties show that groups are still interested in archaeology and history, music and art, photography and painting, and gem collecting. Ornithologists are perhaps the most widely travelled groups. Like the birds they follow, they keep in flight, eh? And a few more specialised interest groups. Weve had enthusiastic reports from the flower arrangement and gardening groups that went to Japan and also from the gourmet parties to Europe and Asia. As you know, several of our trips for professional people, like the tour that the agriculturists took to Canada and Australia, have become very popular. Also there has been good response to our offer of a free day with all expenses paid to businessman who spend a week abroad in the same city. The response to other specials has been good, too - like those for religious tours, especially the ones who have gone to retreats for meditation, and those for stamp collectors and for science fiction devotees. Lets not forget the person who just likes to get away from it all! For him, there is a special trip to Gibraltar. He can just sit and look at the sea, roam over the rock, or look at the caves and Barbary apes. It seems to me that theres something for everyone. Am I right Mr Stone? Absolutely! This is all this business is about. Something for Everyone. Thank you, Mr Kwan and Ms Ross. Weve had a productive meeting today. Thank you, Mr Stone. Well do our best. And, thats to offer something for everyone. Good morning!

Young people are not neglected in the Something for Everyone specials. Programs include bicycle trips, bus excursions, backpack outings, camping and sightseeing in foreign countries. Other trips combine travel with study. University students can pick up a few credits along with the culture. Studies feature visits to museums, art galleries, cathedrals, historical sites and evenings at theatres and concerts. One type of study tour is the ship-shore plan, in which lectures are given on board to prepare students for what they will study on land. There is also a famous floating university sponsored by the World Campus Afloat, that attracts students from all over the world. A less expensive and increasingly popular arrangement allows students to choose university for a months term in courses of language, art, history and civilisation of that country. The packages includes lodging, meals, social activity and sightseeing. Agents are careful to investigate travel-study tour promotions to be sure that the companies are reliable and do what they promise. They do not want dissatisfied young customers. They check to see that sponsors of foreign study groups give every student enrolled in that program an individual insurance policy backing the promises made. Some companies also offer medical insurance and had a refund along with return fare if the student cant continue classes and misses the chartered flight. Most carriers are considerate of students finances. Airlines offer bargains, especially on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Student Railpasses, good in thirteen European countries, offer low-cost fares on trains for two months with unlimited second-class travel. Likewise, many liners, including Queen Elizabeth II, grant reduced rates for people under twenty-five. All such specialised tour programs allow agents to expand their areas of interest and extend their contacts, thus assuring their agencies increased revenue.

1. Why is it important for travel agencies to develop new travel ideas? 2. What new markets have recently opened up? 3. Are there any spectator sports where you live that draw out-of-country crowds?
Something for Everyone 2

English for Travel 4. What hobby-travel group would you like to join and where would you like to go? 5. Has any professional group held conventions in your vicinity or in your country recently? Why do you think they chose that place? 6. Would you rather join the Floating University tour or a land-study tour?

Something for Everyone

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