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Status In Spain
In Spain the role of women has changed in great ways throughout the years. Women went from being housewives and caretakers of the family to being active participants in their communities. Around the 1960 and after the Franco government womens roles slowly began to change. Women in Spain are now receiving higher educations and there economic participation has grown immensely. In fact many women are putting of marriage and families to succeed in their lives and careers. Though many things have improved for women in Spain since the end of the Franco government there is still a lot to be changed. Salary inequality is one problem that women in Spain still have to deal with. Violence against women is another key issue that women are fighting against. And even though there are still thing that need to get better there have been meaningful gains for women in Spain. In Spain it is clear that mens salary is higher than that of women. There is a notable difference in salary between men and women. In 2004 the average annual salary for women was 71.33% to that of men". Meaning that the average wage for men was 20,597.71 and the average wage for women was 14,691.84. Below is a graph show this difference and what it is made up of. (Garca de Lomana & Corral, 2007)

(Garca de Lomana & Corral, 2007) In Spain there is movement to try to end the violence against women. In 2004 Parliament passed the General Law of Measures for the Integral Protection against Gender Violence. The purpose of this law is to take action against violence against women done by there partners and to put an end to this inadmissible social mischief in an advanced and democratic society (Anonymous, 2007). Also in 2004 the new prime minister of Spain supported legislation to end domestic violence. (Anonymous, 2007)

(Anonymous, 2007) One positive achievement for women in Spain is that today women are receiving great opportunities in education. In fact 53% of women in Spain graduate from high school. The amount of women who enroll in tertiary education has surpassed that of men since the 1990s. According to the 2001 Census in Spain, womens educational success has been greater than that of mens. (Domnguez- Folgueras & Castro-Martn, 2008)

Martn, 2008) Another great gain is that women are being able to be part of the political stage. In 2004 for the first time in Spains history there is a women in the position of Vice President. Also under the new prime minister half of the cabinet seats where given to women. That means that there are 8 women in Spains cabinet. (Anonymous, 2007)

(Domnguez-Folgueras & Castro-

(Tremlett, 2010)

Citations Anonymous. (2007). Comenius project. Retrieved from Domnguez-Folgueras, M., & Castro-Martn, T. (2008). Womens changing socioeconomic position and union formation in spain and portugal. DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH, 19(41), 1513-1550. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2008.19.41 Garca de Lomana, A., & Corral, A. (2007, February 19). European woking conditions observatory. Retrieved from Tremlett, G. (2010, Sep 22). Guardian. Retrieved from parliament-spain

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