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1akiu it te the extreme

f !Bo Mcnday, 1uly 18, 2011

Wh||e ||sa Turner be||eves
harness|ng your sexua| energy oan
advanoe your oareer, var|ous
sport|ng profess|ons aotua||y have
a |ong h|story of enoourag|ng
oomp|ete sexua| abst|nenoe before
|mportant events.
Box|ng |s part|ou|ar|y
notor|ous for s|app|ng
some of |ts ath|etes
w|th a sex ban |n the
run-up to b|g fghts
beoause |t's thought
|t w||| r||e them up
and oonserve the|r
Ourrent Eng||sh
heavywe|ght ohamp|on
Tyson Fury (p|otured} |s
|n tra|n|ng for the Br|t|sh
and Oommonwea|th
heavywe|ght t|t|es on
Saturday and |n the
m|dd|e of a fve-week
sex ban.
'lt's hard to st|ok to |t,
of oourse,' he says. 'So
me and the w|fe are
||v|ng apart for the
next fve weeks.'
A|| and Dav|d
Haye are
among a
number of
stars, wh||e
Pr|mo Oarnera |s
even sa|d to have wrapped a
rubber band around h|s manhood
when he went to bed.
However, the so|enoe beh|nd the
|dea |s unoonfrmed and |t may we||
be noth|ng but an o|d ooaohes' ta|e.
Neverthe|ess, |t oou|d work by
g|v|ng a sportsperson a
psyoho|og|oa| boost and foous - a
b|t ||ke a no-gett|ng-|uoky pa|r of
|uoky pants.
'l th|nk |t's more of a menta| state
than a phys|oa| one,' says Fury.
'lf you take on a sex ban you do
fee| menta||y stronger and l know
when l gave |n onoe |t p|ayed on my
m|nd. lt's ||ke anyth|ng, |f you th|nk
you're not supposed to do
someth|ng and you do, the poss|b|e
reperouss|ons w|||, no doubt, we|gh
on your m|nd.'
ewer beest: Could learning
to harness your sexual energy
make you more powerful
at work? AMY bAwSoN
finds out

hances are you`re reading this

on your way to work. Feeling
a bit groggy? Not sure how
you`re going to handle that
9am presentation?
Most of us would just reach
for a double cappuccino. However,
personal transformation specialist Lisa
Turner believes we should instead learn
to harness our sexual energy to become
more productive, creative and powerful
in the workplace.
If you think this just means wearing
a low-cut top when you go to ask for
a promotion, you couldn`t be
further off course. According
to Turner, common problems
such as a lack of
concentration or fatigue
can be down to the fact that
most of us are 'leaking`
sexual energy. In addition,
she believes both sexes often
suffer from an imbalance of
the male and female sexual
energies (loosely
representing logical and
creative thought) that she
says coexist in every individual. Too
much male sexual energy might make
your thinking rigid and infexible, while
too much female could make it chaotic.
I`m slightly perturbed by the idea that
I might be leaking sexual energy without
my knowledge and ask Turner (pictured
above) to elaborate. Ladies are in luck
here, because while she believes men
lose sexual energy when they climax
(though they can learn to retain it),
women will gain energy if they have the
'right kind` of orgasm (although they do
lose much more during the monthly cycle
and childbirth). And while Turner`s
method certainly isn`t about loose sexual
morals, she doesn`t advise
abstinence either.
Instead, her theories are
infuenced by the tantric
tradition, focusing on
transmuting sexual energy
up and around the body.
Once mastered, experiences
such as a 'full body` orgasm
should release a higher form
of energy that can make you
appear more charismatic,
feel more driven and
ultimately become more
successful. However,
harnessing sexual energy is apparently
a full-time job, not just for those 'special
'We need to learn to be aware and in
control of the sexual energy moving in
the body constantly, and not just in terms
of arousal,` explains Turner.
Harnessing this power can supposedly
also help you fnd a fulflling and lasting
relationship, because you`ll start
attracting others who are working at a
higher level, rather than those who are
the earth
at work
Mcnday, 1uly 18, 2011 Body Matters
just after one thing. The concept of
transmuting sexual energy to improve
your life is certainly nothing new. It`s a
central tenet of ancient East Asian Taoist
philosophies. Indeed, I speak to Taoist
teacher Uta Demontis, and her ideas
don`t seem so far from Turner`s. 'Taoist
sexual practices cultivate sexual energy,
which can then be used for any
endeavour you choose,` she says.
Turner blends elements of ancient
traditions such as Taoism and tantra with
modern psychological methods such as
neurolinguistic programming. She also
runs short courses where she teaches
clients to harness their sexual energy.
'There are a few who have never learnt
to transmute but kind of 'get it anyway
but it`s a heck of a lot easier to get help,`
she says. Essentially, Turner advises a
course of development that includes
opening up energy channels through a
process such as reiki, learning to
surrender the ego, getting rid of dark
emotional memories and plenty of
sexual 'practice`.
I try to keep an open mind but
this all sounds a bit NewAge
for me. I also can`t help
thinking that this approach
risks turning one aspect of life
that should be about fun into yet
another thing to worry about.
I speak to various people who
work in the feld and
although not all go so
far as advocating
adopting Turner`s
methods and
learning to
transmute, some suggest that the
endorphin-releasing aspect of sex can
make it a perfect opportunity to practise a
spot of positive visualisation.
Energy practitioner Nicolas Aujula
(pictured) says: 'Next time you`re having
that amazing orgasm, why not imagine
yourself working towards that coveted
Frankly I think this sounds like a bit of
a passion-killer. I also speak to sex expert
Tracey Cox, who reassures me by sharing
my reservations. 'The pressures of life
drain our sexual energy,` she says. 'Quite
honestly, you`re better off keeping it for
sex rather than using it elsewhere.`
Additionally, while Turner states her
arguments with conviction, the whole
premise behind them seems vague and
unsubstantiated. She claims a 95 per cent
success rate in turning people`s lives
around after teaching them to harness
their sexual energies. However, citing
understandable privacy issues, she`s
unwilling to put me in touch with
any clients.
I`m interested to discover that
Turner, who`s been working with
sexual energy for fve years, is
also a PhD-level academic who
used to lecture in automotive
engineering. She also believes
that there needs to be less 'woo
woo` in the feld of personal
development. Nevertheless,
she is happy to admit she
has no scientifc proof.
'It`s just an experiment,`
she says. 'But it`s one
that works.`
If you don't fee| ||ke you've got enough sexua| energy to harness, here are some a|ternat|ves:
The new natura| aphrod|s|acs
Forget ohampagne and oysters, the
more adventurous oan spark th|ngs
up w|th Braz|||an fower|ng p|ant
mu|ra puama, or the maoa root
mustard p|ant found |n the Andes.
Oanad|an researohers have a|so
reoent|y sa|d that men shou|d try
samp||ng g|nseng and saffron to
boost the|r performanoe between
the sheets.
5.39 (50 |ao|e|s,
Bodywand Mag|c
Wand V|brator
Th|s ma|ns-powered persona|
massager |s the most energet|o on
the Br|t|sh market (at fu|| power, |t
rea||y does sound ||ke someth|ng's
about to take off}. A fex|b|e neok
makes |t easy to re||eve tens|on |n
your baok and shou|ders, wh||e |t
wou|d a|so work we|| for ooup|es.
There's a handy soro|| whee| for
a|ter|ng the
v|brat|on |eve| and |t's
su|tab|e for use a|| over the body,
a|though |t's perhaps a b|t muoh
for more |nt|mate massages.
19.99, www.|o.e|one,.co.0|
Wassen Coenzyme Q10
Th|s supp|ement was
des|gned to prov|de the
nutr|ents needed for
opt|mum energy
produot|on on a oe||u|ar
|eve|, and oou|d he|p
peop|e |ead|ng a busy
||festy|e ensure they've
got enough energy |eft for
sex. Men oan a|so try
Z|no-AOE, wh|oh oan
keep ma|e reproduot|ve
systems hea|thy.
22.19 (180 |ao|e|s,
Additional energy g

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