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Ro m e be ca m e ar ttl w ha tm ho w es ad ep ba th

Rome was rulled by a king but a group of "Latins" rebelled and took over. Patrician famillies took over as senate.

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53BC 44BC 39BC 64AD 284AD

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One major battel was the Persian war. Romes beat the Persians and took over major lands, They had many wars and won many wars that helped them grow

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many things forced Rome to become an empire. One was wars, many civil wars broke out in Rome, the generals rebelled againts each other to rule Rome but Julius Ceasar became a dictator.

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Ro m om e re at ed ds go Ch ris t fR om

till 30 AD Jews were treated fairly but after Augustus death they were treated horrible, their cities wer took over their temples were tken down. They wanted to put their statues in Jews temples.


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Actions towards Christians were horrible their punishment was death. They would be left to be eated by dog or nailed on the cross.

Roman civlilazation timeline

they divided Rome into 2 sides the east and the west because it was to large to be rulled by 1 ruler.

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Th e Ba ra ba ria n in va s io n

The Barabarians invaded Rome because Rome was rich in soil, trade, gold, resourses. Where Barabians lived the climat was bad thy couldnt plant and Rome grew so weak that they got beaten by Barabarians.

Be gin ni ng of t he By za nt in e

The west sde fell in 476 AD so the emperor took the east side moved its capital and call it Canstantinople. This was another rich and sucessful empire. It lasted till 1453 AD.


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